• Why have all my friends deserted me? What have I done so wrong?
    I must have hurt my bestest friend and I cry every day when I hear her name or I think about her. I beg her every day to please return.
    I think that her absence in my life hurts me more than anything else and I was extremely heartbroken before

  • Maybe because the virus made everything to complicated, and it’s not your fault. Not all your friends are REAL friends..I hope you feel betterπŸ˜”

  • I feel that every single time when someone doesn't reply to my texts, or when they say they have to go, and all they do is hang up and talk to someone close they might find. It has happened to me a lot. I daresay that not all people are perfect and liable enough to be real friends, who support you in the time of crises. It may be that a particular friend of yours doesn't feel like talking, or is going through something hard, but the case is pretty rare, judging the emotional constants of the novel generation. :) It is not your fault you have a complicated friendship, and it may just be people who are eager to draw benefit, who draw veils of friendship for concealment.
    The brightest lamp attracts the moths! ;) Try and remember that.

  • @wet-teri

    Why have all my friends deserted me? What have I done so wrong?

    You would know best. But what I can say is, in the common case, it is we ourselves who push people away when we are not at peace with ourselves and our environment. A change of mood might show you a happier picture.

    I must have hurt my bestest friend and I cry every day when I hear her name or I think about her. I beg her every day to please return.

    "You must have"? The first step to solve a problem is to root out the exact cause and see what can be done. If it can be fixed, proper communication usually works for human relationships. If it is irrevocable, there is no use crying over spilt milk πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

    I think that her absence in my life hurts me more than anything else and I was extremely heartbroken before

    I wish you a happy state of mind. It would be a lot more fun if you lived a happy life you know -_-

  • @Kana
    I want to thank all of you for your replies and I should state this, she is or was a good and real friend.
    She was also a great sex buddy.
    She was always upset because the people that are in her life didn't respect her and mistreated her. Rather than love and support her they used her and took her for granted.
    I hated seeing my friend hurt like that so I gave her what I thought she wanted. Someone who truly loves her the right way cared about her and respected her honored her wishes.
    We started getting a little too close as she was engaged to another, and I overstepped my boundaries and got jealous when she was with somebody besides me or fiance. Not my place to do so anyhow that kind of freaked her out so I had to fess up about just trying to give her what she wanted and she hasn't said that maybe two words to me since I dearly miss her I do love her and I am sad she is no longer part of my life. I really was only trying to do what I thought was right I tried to give her what she wanted she just doesn't want it from me.
    He wants the people that are already in her life to do the right thing. I don't blame her but I can't help her there. I can only give her my love.

  • @wet-teri As harsh as it may sound, it seems like she doesn't want you. So get over it πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Live a life and try to be happy. It's worth it.

  • @wet-teri Based on your situation, I believe you have 2 choices: either choose her as friend or move on. You see, it is hypocritical to get jealous when she is already cheating on her fiancee with you (and you agree to it), but your feelings change when you acknowledge that you're getting less share of the cake because of a new guy. But this is not a topic about "find who's the guilty one", so let's skip this. You seem passionate about everything you do, therefore I highly doubt you can lie to yourself and feel whole as long as she's not only yours. If you think you can keep your feelings restrained and treat her as a friend, you should, I believe both parties had benefits from the friendship. Otherwise, it is not worth, you're the one going to suffer more as she has, well, plenty of other dudes.

    @Kana Real friends shall not pass that easily. em egassem ebyaM.

  • @St-Spoofer

    If you think you can keep your feelings restrained and treat her as a friend, you should.

    Is that even ever possible?

    @Kana Real friends shall not pass that easily. em egassem ebyaM.

    It sounds like she already did pass up. Then she was not a real friend, was she? Gnimocni.

  • Thanks guys but you know none of this takes away the tears that I still cry I know everything that you said I've already run it through my heart and my mind a billion times it doesn't make it any less painful.

    I don't know why she just flat stopped one day she love me the next day she quit talking to me. And I'm not going to lie it hurts it hurts like hell.
    You're right I am passionate about everything.
    I'm still not going to change that I guess I'm always going to get hurt I'm just not used to it. I'm used to people wanting what I have to give.
    I really wanted her answer. I begged for it I demanded it I asked for it no reply. Personally I think that's pretty chickenshit and I honestly think she did it to stop loving me not that she didn't want me I think it scared her and she turns me away.
    Really I think that's the case but I wanted her answer she hasn't given it to me still and I don't expect it so I can let it fill in the blanks myself and that's how I fill it in it's the only thing that makes sense

  • @wet-teri

    Dude, just chill. It is hard, but I know you are strong enough to get over it. It is a heartbreak, and no medication can salve such a wound. Take care! :)

  • @wet-teri Great sob story. Wallowing in your misery and self pity seems like a very good action plan. All the very best :sarcastic_smile:

  • If you feel confused about what happened with your friends sudden abandon, they probably have a reason. But they don't want to hurt your feelings, i am thinking. Even then, keeping in touch through social apps should lessen the pain. I can't understand why they left you alone.

    Best of luck 😊

  • @NebulaeQ110-Forty
    Thank you I sure need it.

    I just stopped by for my daily dose of pain and to beg for her to come back.
    Why do I keep doing the same thing expecting different results? Am I that stupid? Or is my faith that strong? Perhaps it's just my optimism and hope that she will change her mind and listen to her heart and return to me.