• Have sex

  • @Vanie
    That msg was intended for one specific person in response to what they wrote and it wasnt you. I'm heartbroken not weak and stupid. Nobody asked for your input so mind your own business and go fuck yourself while you're at it duechebag. You puke up co m.j politely worthless shit that is meaningless to any reader and say things like yours is the final say so, Next!!! This site is advertised as a place to talk to others experiencing breakups so your retarded comments are the best you have, after you wake up alone, why dont you fuck off and find a new place to spread your diseased piece of shit self? But dont you ever try to tell me what I need to do and get over it so you dont have to hear it you little fuck. I'll cry and bitch and ask advice or for sympathy from any fucking body I choose and if you dont like it and arent intelligent enough to move to the next person's comments refraining from responding to my sad post without comment then drop the fuck dead.
    Tell us all about your meaningful relationship (with your hand) so we can all feel bad for annoying you with our true love stories. Just dying to know how some sawed off, teeny bopper had this worldly advice. What you had sex with your neighbors dog? Is that how you know what the rest if us should do? Tell us all about how you know real love and how to get over living without the person you love most. It has to be a human though catfish. That's all that counts. After that move on to a site where you can pretend to be a 17 yr old girl and nobody fucking cares if you are or not. You do bbn t belong here and we certainly dont need your shit you simple fuck.

  • I am going through the EXACT same thing. I thought he cared, but he's been ignoring me.
    You know what? You are strong, smart, beautiful and confident. If a guy can't see that, he should be moving along because he doesn't deserve you. It's normal to hurt at first, but then you'll feel strong. You aren't equal, you are better. Try to find happiness in distractions at first :) I'm under London Bowers on Skype if you want to talk about it some more, since we're in the same situation :(

  • I am going through the exact same shit. Funny, hun?
    You know what? You are strong, confident, beautiful, smart and absolutely incredible. If he can't see that, he better be moving along.
    You need to remember that if he could see that, he's come right now. Yeah, healing is going to take hell of a long time. But your true love is every bit worth it. Have distractions! You've got his.
    If you want to talk about it, I'm under London Bowers on Skype.

  • Dm me @LondonBower

  • @harvin Dm?

  • Chat me @LondonBower

  • You're right. Heartbreak is more painful than you can imagine. It's broken trust. :(

  • @harvin Where?

  • @Addicted4Drama You can't get new children. Children are a sign of love. You can't just burn them away. They're people not emails.

  • Always be yourself, too :)

  • @LondonBower just come to my chat

  • @LondonBower come to my chat

  • Move forward geng.
    Perhaps something remains unsaid for you, even now. Perhaps that’s why your feelings remain so strong.

    Perhaps part of you holds out hope you could get back together again. Perhaps you need to admit that and let go of it.

    Maybe you fear you won’t meet anyone else like your ex. You won’t, but you will meet someone. Just they will be different.

    So, instead of trying to quash emotion, ask “Is it possible for me to feel like this and still be okay?” Because your heart is stronger than you know; it is designed to handle being broken.

    Go in, sit down, see what happens. Give your heart the chance to say everything it wants regarding the relationship and whatever is entwined with it. What emerges may surprise you.

    Give yourself a new and different opportunity to leave it behind.

  • I know it’s a cliche, but time really does make everything better; there will be other guys, you will move on with your life. You just need to be strong and to get through this difficult time and you will be alright, I can assure you of that.

  • @otsbunny just forget about him and move on pretend you never met him and don't know him if by luck he will come looking for you one day ☺

  • Yes It's tough I went through something similar but it was only my second relationship type thing. We cant take offense and also have to realise we might not be campatable with them and they aren't the one if they dont love us; but lets face it things change and even though this seems like forever you will find more people to love. They might find someone else too and maybe one day you two will rekindle your love. It is so hard but you will heal in time!