how to start conversation with a girl.......??

  • We Ladies online have heard all the same old opening lines at times like 50 times a day mind you nothing wrong with that but there seems to be nothing else beyond the Hey, Hi, Ho, ASL, Who are you, and then the ones who simply jump straight to being rude when there is no quick response like there is no one else in the world online.
    And let's face it ppl I really only posted a somewhat guideline not the Bible ...............:)

  • And just this instance to prove a point" hornie male 29" wants to know how horny I am

  • @Ladydoall30 seems like pretty sound advice to me luv (you told me i could call you that 😁) i would also add just be yourself, that seems to work. And a few funny jokes never hurt xxx

  • Ask them questions to get to know them. You wanna paint a picture of who she is in your head. People also like talking about themselves just make sure they're not sexual questions or they wont take you seriously and think you're just some bored rando

  • It depends on what kind of girl you're tryna talk to. I'm a shy girl( kind of) not super shy but yeah. So if a guy came up to me and started talking I prefer it if it's not too intense like asking too many questions about me. Maybe give some info about yourself and compliment the girl and ask a couple of open questions (where the answer isn't going to be yes or no). Just have faith in yourself and remember no matter what people say first impressions don't last forever you can always give it another go if it goes a bit wrong.Good luck

  • @Darla-Alphalfa Nice reply. That would help me a lot in real life thanks

  • @William-69 no worries man. Glad I could help a little bit. Truth is girls (yes even the pretty ones) are just as shy and self-doubting as men are. We're not that different. We're all human. Sincerity is the best. You can't fake it and it's attractive. Best of luck anyways.

  • @Mickeyyyyy said in how to start conversation with a girl.......??:

    how should a boy(decent) should start the conversation with a girl over chatting sites so they could become friends.........

    "whats up slag" is usually my opener, works around 34% the time.

  • @DeckoFalls dude that would work
    Guys should follow ur advices

  • Ask them anything but try something light first like what's your favorite color etc. Then headon to ice breaker topics, Nevertheless just be yourself