• I hope you know you are loved. I hope things get simpler for you, peaceful. Spend your days with easy breaths and soft words. You deserve light through your windowsill. I hope it comes your way soon. One day my therapist asked, β€œ how do you prepare for the day?”. And I replied, β€œ I count my lies, find my mask , and pretend it isn’t easier to fly away”. Sometimes it’s harder to face punishment than taking care of the problem as if it wasn’t your fault. I hope that this fight stops soon I hope I can just sleep for once. Maybe I’ll just hope to die ....... it’s what everyone wants...... my opinion didn’t matter to my friends or family about who hopes more than praying to god. We looked at the things that inspired us but soon it was all gone in the moment. Sounds like pills and overdose cake through that day I left. I drank. I sat alone. I was antisocial. I listened to those who had tormented me. I can’t forget what I did but now my mistake has made everything still. I just hope they understand don’t let the people around you kill you like myself sometimes. Now I am not saying go kill yourselves... life is too short to not be noticed for what being god made you. Be happy that you live when others have lost there lives.

  • It's great. It's like something from the bottom of my heart that I can't say in words. Sometimes It's good to hear what ur heart says from others. I can see that It's not just ME.

  • Nice post Emma it took me 5 minutes to read it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Heads off to you, great job πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • Just 10 minets

  • after the death of Kobe, i realize now more and more what makes a man a good man. not being a sports legend. but being a terrific FATHER, BROTHER, FRIEND, and PERSON. i realize now it isnt about what you do for YOURSELF with your time on earth. we are here to make AN IMPACT ON THOSE AROUND US. to put a smile on someone who needs one. to offer your time to help someone who doesnt have the time. things like that. i finally understand. it doesnt take much. but thats how you are remembered. not by what you did, but what you did for others. thankyou

  • @Emma-Bradley yup well said we all loved by someone but gud to help who had no person to share his/her page of book of life #Humanity

  • @Emma-Bradley we all have problems in our lives, we all have to face something beyond our imagination ...
    But this is all part of life. If there were no problems in our lives then it can't be called a "LIFE"....
    just remember one thing you are the most powerful person of your life and only you are responsible for what happens in our lives and only we can change it.......

  • @Emma-Bradley well said emma... keep it up!

  • Another beautiful piece of writing, couple of slight mistakes but the point is undeniable and true. Thank you for your paragraphs, never fail to make me smile when I need it. Just the thought of such a kind caring person being out there is needed in today's world. You're a star 😁

  • @Emma-Bradley nice one emm
