• @Carlos-L reading a book to your siblings....umm not sure. I love reading in isolation.

  • @Olivia-J said in Books are life...........my only life lmao:

    @Carlos-L reading a book to your siblings....umm not sure. I love reading in isolation.

    It's a lot more fun when people read with you! My brother and sister love Dr. Seuss and tons of children books. It kind of makes feel like I'm in grade school all over again.

  • @Vanie I used to have a huge collection of classic sci-fi paperbacks. The bookshelf I built took up a whole wall. Now, I don't think I even own a real book. I have ebooks, thousands, though, on some drive or other, that I load onto whichever ebook reader or tablet is handy.

  • @Lazz said in Books are life...........my only life lmao:

    @Vanie I used to have a huge collection of classic sci-fi paperbacks. The bookshelf I built took up a whole wall. Now, I don't think I even own a real book. I have of ebooks, thousands, though, on some drive or other, that I load onto whichever ebook reader or tablet is handy.

    My book collection is just a makeup of books that I accumulated during my grade school years. As you said, ebooks are kind of what people use nowadays to replace physical books. That's what I've been using recently.

  • @Lazz said in Books are life...........my only life lmao:

    @Vanie I used to have a huge collection of classic sci-fi paperbacks. The bookshelf I built took up a whole wall. Now, I don't think I even own a real book. I have of ebooks, thousands, though, on some drive or other, that I load onto whichever ebook reader or tablet is handy.

    Ohh yeah i used to have a quite a few books for a teen. Like I'm talking like 90 books. But now i don't have many but i have tons of e books

  • @Vanie I miss all the old books, but ebooks save so much space, and paper, too

  • @Lazz said in Books are life...........my only life lmao:

    @Vanie I miss all the old books, but ebooks save so much space, and paper, too

    Yes they do and ebooks can't be read so much they are falling apart

  • @Vanie Preach it sistah~

  • Books are an important part of my life. I think that it would have been impossible for me to live without reading.

  • It's a good escape

  • @Vanie I'm with you all the way on this Vanie, there are books i have more love and affection for rhan members of my family. My only criticism of books (and this is especially hardbacks) is when you're lying in bed reading a big epic, for me usually fantasy or sci fi, and you're near the end, you have a wafer in one hand and a shoe box in the other, it's a little awkward. Tbh there's been many times when books have saved me, either from the wisdom they offer, or more usually because they are a bolthole i can hide in from bullshit reality

  • @Vanie Also, ebooks are fairly easy to share, with friends. Small files, many can be attached to an email, or even posted here in a comment!