Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @muslim this doesn't disprove what i said about homosexuality being natural.

  • @how-to-make-a

    I am just watching this, hopefully things will make sense after this. Do watch.!

  • @emily this doesn't disprove the fact that the xq28 chromosome causes people to be gay. And this video is very useless because this "Doctor" doesn't believe in scientific theories and doesn't understand what a scientific theory means. P.S. he always says that things scientists say are "just theories" even though in science it isn't "gravity" it is "the theory of gravity" but people say "gravity" just to save time just like people don't usually say "the big bang theory" or "the theory of evolution" but they say "evolution" and "the big bang"

  • @muslim this doesn't disprove that the x29q chromosome causes peopme to be gay or that being gay is natural

  • @how-to-make-a watch that video BEFORE OPENING UR DIRTY MOUTH.and then reply

  • @emily ok. I'll watch it and tell you what i think. Thanks

  • @emily nope. Didn't convince me of anything and didn't prove that the x28q gene doesn't cause homosexuality or that gays deserve to die as in commanded in surah 14 verse 15-16. This is what i think about this "Doctor"

    I suggest that you read everything that is on this site.

    And watch this too

    And this

    And this

    And this

    And this

    And this

    And this
    Big History:
    And if you don't speak english that well then i will send you videos in Arabic :)

  • @how-to-make-a here is your answer to death penalty for non muslims and beating wife in islam with a TOOTH BRUSH (In a SYMBOLIC WAY)

  • @emily i don't care. This Dr. Naik doesn't believe that science is true and doesn't believe that being gay is natural even though it is. The X28q chromosome causes people to be gay and being gay is very natural. I don't care anymore because i made more than 20 points that if 1 of them is true your entire religion isn't true scince islam is supposed to be perfect. Go prove to me that i misunderstood the verse 15-16 of surah 4 that says that gays deserve to die instead of agreeing with @Muslim that being gay is unnatural therefore killing gays is ok

  • @how-to-make-a @Julia I guess this will answer your question of wife beating in islam. If you are a mother/or father and your daughter tried to jump from a 10 story builidng, you stop her but she does not listne, you warn her, but she still wants to jump? As a father, to stop her from doing that, will you hit her being kind ? Yes you will !

    So watch this and this will answer your question, It is just s symbolic way of warning thw wife, it is NOT PHYSICALLY TORTURING OR BEATING.

    Just like a mom can do with her child, if he/she misbehaves.

  • @emily
    And ok you changed my opinion about the verse that says to beat women and now you have convinced me that it doesn't say that. Now telll me how i misunderstood all the other verse

    and by the way what you said about the verse that says to beat women doesn't really change anything. Why is the verse saying that a man can do this to his woman and not that a woman can do this to her man or that both man and woman can do this? The answer is sexism

    and you didn't watch the videos i sent you so why should i watch your videos that you send me. I don't care anymore. You have made more than 200 points which all go against science and against logic and you never actually PROVE that what you're saying is true

    Examples of things you say that go against logic:
    The truth is a matter of opinion
    All the ad-hominim fallacies you made
    All of the strawman fallacies you made

    Things that go against science:
    Evolution isn't true
    The big bang isn't true
    Being gay is unnatural

    Other things that you said that aren't true and that you never proved:
    That I'm misunderstanding the verses in the quran even though i speak Arabic and i was a Muslim for 13 years and i even posted a voice recording of me speaking arabic and pictures of me with an arabic quran

  • @emily and i even told you that if you don't speak english that i will send you videos in other languages

  • @emily just watch the videos i sent you

  • @sarah said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    I don't agree with you. All the religions of the world teach the same 1 thing.

    "Follow the right, do the right things and avoid the bad things"

    So this makes all religions equal in my eyes. It's just the way we go about it. For me, Islam is a religion of peace.

    Well said. I second that.

  • @wee-christopher you haven't read anything which i have said because if you did you wouldn't "second that"

  • @wee-christopher so go read the things i have said and delete your comment

  • @wee-christopher and by the way here is an example of 2 religions that produce different types of people, jainism and islam
    Go on google and search muslim extremism and then search jain extremism

    P.S. if Islam was a religion of peace then muslim extremists would be extremely peaceful but they aren't, because islam and a lot of verses in the quran are violent and i have mentioned these verses in other comments. But jainism is actually a religion of peace and that's why jain extremism is extremely peaceful

  • This post is deleted!

  • @how-to-make-a check this video!

    EVERYthing that science is proving now has been proved in Quran 1400 years ago.

    Do you believe in science today? Yes you do! if you do, then YOU do believe in Quran. jUst watch this video with proven scientific evidence.


  • @how-to-make-a this video is 100% true i verifed the science numbers by searching on wikipedia about earth
