Here the people are so rude....

  • i tried to talk many people but they are in some ego...i think they got some reputation here thats why they though that they became a super :D

  • @hamza-sarfraz dont know i have depression i just wanna talk to someone but most of them just want to fuk lol

  • @chen-peiliang yeah i am also come here for met some new people...but they are in egos......especially girls :/

  • It's human nature.. Ignore such people and never feel bad because of them

  • @amron24 yeah you are right...but thats not fair i think...i am a fashin photographer and i have many fame u can check my other social networks..but i never showed ego and never did ignored anyone....

  • @hamza-sarfraz I'm sure you're quite famous for your work, it's a good thing you're not egoistic but that doesn't change the fact that other people are. Let them be as they are.. Go with the flow

  • @amron24 yeah you are right ..but i am came here for met some new people..but i am disappointed by them behaviors...

  • @hamza-sarfraz Don't be disappointed bro.. Stay strong.

  • @amron24 hmm yeah,..this is only the thing left that i can do now... lol

  • @hamza-sarfraz Are there girls here??? I thought this was full of horny men only

  • @pencil lol..yeah here is the many girls here....

  • People on here are bored and trying to trigger you. Find those you want to talk with and forget everyone else...I'm looking for people who can have real conversations only one I've met so far can even hold a conversation beyond insults which is completely hilarious and yah fuckTheWorld

  • @fucktheworld haha lol....and i was thinking that i m the only one who have this issues,,,

  • @hamza-sarfraz They're young. They don't know words beside cursing.

  • I think all people can be divided into three categories. The first one knows that words can hurt because they are sensitive and empathic, such people always try to behave very carefully in order not to hurt someone's feelings. The second one knows that words can hurt, and they use it against the first category to gain some sadistic pleasure of the process. And the third one, the most numerous, do not aim to offend anyone by their words, they just don't fully understand that words can bring a lot of suffering, very often they say something like "take it easy".

  • @BloodDrunk So... You really were a different person, or just more sophisticated troll?

  • @Redbiler said in Here the people are so rude....:

    I think all people can be divided into three categories. The first one knows that words can hurt because they are sensitive and empathic, such people always try to behave very carefully in order not to hurt someone's feelings. The second one knows that words can hurt, and they use it against the first category to gain some sadistic pleasure of the process. And the third one, the most numerous, do not aim to offend anyone by their words, they just don't fully understand that words can bring a lot of suffering, very often they say something like "take it easy".

    I think putting people into categories instead of seeing the individual is quite offensive :yum:...

    Seriously though, you can grow above beeing hurt by mere words so easily. And you should. The world is not a kindergarten. Thus this is a great place to learn, to become an integrated person who doesn't get swayed by all the tempests that pass.

    People will hurt and attack you. Especially the intolerant and powerfull ones. Today those are the people that think that there are more than 100 genders and that words should be punished by law. They will hound you and attack you, and even try to get you fired for not thinking like them...

    And last but not least, maybe the most important point: the truth hurts. Whoever does not tell you the truth, is not your friend. Somebody who's words never hurt you does not love you.

    So yeah, grow strong man. Learn to counter people who just want to hurt you. And don't shy away from mere words, or you'll never get to the truth about yourself.

  • @Redbiler morbidly obese idiot

  • @pe7erpark3r
    "I think putting people into categories instead of seeing the individual is quite offensive" - you think that there can't be groups of people, and the idea of classification itself is offensive applying to humanity? I was avoiding value judgments, actually, I didn't refer someone particular in any category.
    And maybe you think that sociopaths don't exist? Yeah, I guess that's very offensive for them that they are putted in some category...
    And what that smile after you first statement means? I didn't get it, seriously.
    "The world is not a kindergarten." - And I thought that there are no murders, corruption, natural disasters. I just answering the topic, man. Read it.
    "grow strong man" I m 27. If you think that I am weak, well, maybe, I m not scared of truth, I do love truth, and it hurts me very bad, because I ve got a lot of flaws. But I m already grown, enen if I m a crooked tree.
    How old are you, by the way?
    You heard something about different types of nervous system, temperaments, types of personality? Some people are just more sensitive than others. That's it.
    I would prefer being fired than insulted by my boss.
    It's irrational, yeah. Maybe I am neurotic or have a avoidant personality disorder. Maybe. But we are all different. And you for some reason talking about it in terms adult/child. So I guess I would be an adult than I become like you?

  • @BloodDrunk don't be so self-critical and so innovative
