• @pe7erpark3r said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    @Vex-Man said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    As I said, you have missed the point: You cannot conclude from the greatness or greaterness or more-number-ness of anything (other than God) to its existence. The only reason why this works with that-which-is-greater-than-anything-you-can-think-of, because the fact that you cannot think of anything greater is what defines it. The island with its number of trees is not defined by the fact that you cannot think of anything greater. God however is defined as that-which-is-greater-than-anything-you-can-think-of and thus His existence necessarily follows from that definition.

    The fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true, according to Google. Fact is not equal to a definition which is based on presumption that he is the greatest. You can presume god as I can presume abc. An island is perfect because it has 72 degee f temperature for all days, 360 days sunny and have a great amount of trees. Another island B which has more trees than A does not exist either. C which has so many trees than A and B together, is not beautiful anymore because its beauty is ruined with availability of many trees. None of them will really exist. Its greatness is defined by its perfectness sense. If you think abcxyz cannot be put instead of god, you are special pleading to me.

    Philosophers and words ... wether its a God or a being is not relevant. What is relevant is only the definition greater than anything that can be thought of not about wether its a being or God.

    Indeed, and since the definition is not about a 'being' and wether it has the property 'existence' but simply that-which-is-greater-than-anything-that-can-be-thought-of. These are my words, this is the definition as I wrote it. So please do in the future stop refuting other people's (e.g. Anselms) concrete words. Try to refute mine instead.

    God exists- Exists is the predicate and God is the subject
    God is the greatest- the greatest is the predicate and God is the subject
    Again, existence is not equal to property. Properties are just part of his existence. I.e. If I say matter is most eternal, I will prove with first law of energy that matter cannot created or destroyed (in isolated and close systems), it does not prove matter exists. It just proves "matter is eternal". I would prove existence of matter with matter is the air you are breathing or with Electron Microscopy, stem depth experiments. Then I can conclude matter exists. Second example, vex man has 2 legs, 2 hands, one tongue, one nose etc. Whatever I have, they are my properties. I would prove my existence with video chat on insta/discord. Then you can say/conclude vex man exists. Vex man has 2 legs is different from vex man exists.

    I (me, not Anselm) am not saying, that the God I think of as non-existing is the same as the God that has existence. I perfectly do agree, that the existing God is something completely different from the non-existing god I'm thinking.

    And I do disagree with the notion, that something that does exist is not greater than something that doesn't. In fact I don't even have to disagree with: here is my defition of greater "being better or more or of more subsance in any way than something else".

    Again, ‘greater’ is just a property like ‘more evil'. Satan is one “above which nothing more evil can be thought”. Existence of devil is perfect than that of non-existence.

    True, an existing devil is more evil than a non-existing devil. But he's not in an absolute sense greater. His greatness does not define him. From my definition of God you can see, that He's defined by His greatness alone. You can think of a lot of things that are greater than the devil, even the most evil, and the greatest existing devil: God for example, or you, since you are less evil than the devil you are in fact greater than the devil... Are you starting to get what makes this definition of God special?

    Forget people beliefs, one absolute being is all-powerful, all-knowing, completely evil and second absolute being which is completely good, all-knowing, all-powerful. Two absolute beings cannot reside at the same time. Both beings are not same because A is completely evil and B is completely good. According to general english which is objective, completely evil is opposite to completely good.

    Yeah, as explained before, this argument does not work for the greatest XYZ. It only works for The Greatest.

    The devil is defined as simply a created being, like you or me, who has completely decided against God.

    Evolved being only if we consider ourselves*.

    No, I did mean created, not evolved... I believe in God and I believe we are being created, just like the devil and anything else that is not God. This is the definition I was referring to. No need to introduce another concept here. It is irrelevant if there was an evolution or not, to the question wether we are created or not. And the devil as he is defined in the christian world view is not evolved or developed. He just made an eternal decision against God.

    No, I am not changing or dragging the topic like a politician does.
    Let's forget what a Hindu or Muslim says. Come to the logic, which is the main point. I am using the term universal god instead of christian god or any other religion God. The word 'HE' is used for 'UNIVERSAL GOD'. I got you now, what you were tying to say.
    Your premise is- we cannot think anything greater than that of him
    it is based on a presumption- he is the absolute one because he is the total of all things. In other words, he is the creator of all things or he is the originator of all things(including everyone of us). His greatness is defined by his absoluteness sense.
    If a conclusion is true, if its all premises must be true. The above premise for a particular conclusion is given.
    Is your premise true ? No, it is not. If you think your premise is true, you have to give me another argument to prove that he created us.

    You forgot about the most peaceful religion of this whole effing universe is atheist - Jainism. They do not even kill insects, nor they kill crops-worms. The Jains preach a doctrine of utter nonviolence. While the Jains believe many improbable things about the universe, they do not believe the sorts of things that lit the fires of the Inquisition. You probably think the Inquisition was a perversion of the "true" spirit of Christianity. Perhaps it was. The problem, however, is that the teachings of the Bible are so muddled and self-contradictory that it was possible for Christians to happily burn heretics alive for five long centuries.

    People. Let me remind you that we are talking about people. People can interpret anything into anything, like the Nazi's interpreted that it was okay to kill millions of Jews into Nietzsche's philosophical texts.

    Self-contradiction vs interpretation. I am talking about self-contradictions, not about interpretations.

    Although Friedrich is regularly and incorrectly accused of being a proto-Nazi, the allegation can be made far more correctly about his younger sister Elisabeth. She married Bernhard Forster, an anti-semite and German nationalist, and they moved to Paraguay where they created an Aryan colony called Nueva Germania. Nietzsche mocked her, calling her a "llama gone among the anti-semites". Nueva Germania soon failed, because their German agricultural methods were totally useless in the Andes. Förster committed suicide in San Bernardino, Paraguay, and most of the colonists left the compound and became regular Paraguayan farmers.

    After this demonstration of Teutonic superiority, Elisabeth moved back to Germany in 1893, where Friedrich had meanwhile gone mad. She edited his unpublished texts to fit her own antisemitic ideas, and after his death continued to popularise him while twisting him to fit her beliefs. She befriended senior Nazis to whom she promoted Nietzsche as an intellectual forefather, sent Mussolini birthday greetings, and tried to get Albert Speer to build her a Friedrich Nietzsche Memorial Hall. She probably did more than anybody else to ruin her brother's reputation.
    Nietzsche's philosophy had been made ambiguous and incoherent, allowing loose interpretation. This ambiguity prompted Nazi interpreters to choose a context that supported Nazi literature and prophesy.
    Martin luther was a virulent anti-semite. At the diet of worms he said, "all jews should be deriven from germany". And he wrote a whole book , on the jews and their lies, which prolly influenced Hitler. Luther described the jews as a 'brood of vipers', and the same phrase was used by hitler in a remarkable speech of 1922. It is hard to know whether hitler picked up the phrase brood of vipers from luther or whether he got it directly from Matthew 3: 7, as luther presumably did.
    The old testament was full of approx 300 self-contradictions and new testament has approx 200 self-contradictions itself. This is what your new testament says about enemies-
    Jesus approved of destroying enemies. Lk.19:27.
    Jesus said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44.

    Now compare two things- 1. Ambiguity in an atheist philosopher’s texts
    2. Self-contradictions not ambiguity in two testaments together. Suppose I grant you self-contradictions are somehow same as interpretation, both testaments are words of your god. Who is more authoritative for you ? A god or a human/an atheist ? An atheist philosopher has just a degree -Ph.D.

    Priests of churches have given God position of say Superhero, and made his fans' believe strictly in its infallibility and truthfulness. And presented him as an ideal. And it's absurd.

    The new testament is pretty clear about killing: They brought an adulterous woman before Jesus, and asked him to comply with the law and thus stone her. He says: Who has no sin, should throw the first stone. Jesus does not speak muddled about such things! He clearly does not condemn even the greatest sinner (adultery was seen as one of the greatest sins)

    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Mk.3:29.
    All sins are forgivable. Acts 13:39; Col.2:13; 1 Jn.1:9.

    All who have sinned without the law will perish without the law. Rom.2:12.
    Where there is no law there is no sin or transgression. Rom.4:15.

    The law was the result of sin. Gal.3:19.
    Sin is the result of breaking the law. 1 Jn.3:4.
    Those of “God” cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:9.
    Those of “God” can sin. 1 Jn.1:7 8.
    • Paul says that he was the chief of all sinners. 1 Tim.1:15.
    He who commits sin is of the devil. Children of God cannot sin. 1 Jn.3:8-10

    and he asks his disciples to give those who beat them on their left cheek their right to beat too.. So, there really is no interpretational room for killing heretics or witches or anything of the like…

    New testament is clear about witches but old is not. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exod 22:18)

    It is not surprising that people statistically assume that atheists are more readily doing evil than believers.

    I see, you bring communism vs Nazism in every conversation. Why don’t you check pornhub and try to insert a word a ‘priest’ or ‘church’ in search ? My friend told to me a day before yesterday that he was enjoying some gangbang porns of christian priests. As you know I am an atheist, I do not believe in anything very quickly. After-all, I do not watch porns (watching porns may decrease brain's grey matter) so I tried to look for internet data instead. https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/stories/hidden-wounds-christians-say-rape-is-common-persecution-method-against-women/
    History is the victim of the statistics- 30 percent fights for the name of religion
    Rest 70 percent- not for the name of atheism but they were fought for resources, land acquisition and border disputes.

    Very true. And even those 30 percent of wars in the name of religion are not actually because of religion. They too are because the believers (people again) want more power, influence, fame, money or resources.

    St, Augustine’s concept of just war was responsible for those wars because expressions of concern for the salvation of those who killed enemies in battle, regardless of the cause for which they fought was common.
    I will write down those 30 percent wars- Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Syrian civil war and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Religious elements are present in those wars. Some other wars are the first and second crusades, french wars of the religion, thirty years wars, battle of las navas de tolosa, fitna (7th to 11th centuries), Mughal and ottoman wars. Wars have been integral part of Islamic faith since the time of Muhammad because spreading their territory means spreading their faith (jihad). They call kafir (truth concealers) to every non-muslims.
    The Bible’s Old Testament is full of exhortations to be cruel to heathens. Deuteronomy 20:10–18, for example, explains the obligation of the Israelites to practice genocide: when your army approaches a distant city, you should enslave all its inhabitants if it surrenders, and kill all its men and enslave its women and children and steal their cattle and everything else if it doesn’t surrender. But if it’s a city of the Canaanites or Hittites or any of those other abominable believers in false gods, then the true God commands you to kill everything that breathes in the city.

    It is clearly written in quran to kill those who believe in false god/(s)

    Communism did not fight for the name of atheism, Nazism did fight for the name of religion.

    Nazism did not fight for religion either, they fought for their ideology.

    Nazism did fight for their own political religion. Communism was a doctrine made against capitalism.

    Communism fight for their doctrine and atheism does not have a doctrine. Communism has a dogma so as christian-ism has. Communism has heroes marx, stalin, mao, lenin and they were founders of marxism, maosim, leninism etc. Athe is not a guy like christ, mao or marx.

    Communism is an atheistic ideology. Atheism and materialism are its core principles. And equality. Marx was a philosopher, like many atheists.

    Marx was ethinically jew, materialist philosopher, and an economist but he was not a founder of materialism, nor he was a God. He may be a god for communists just like christ may be a god for christians. The founders of materialism were Greek philosophers Thales, Parmenides, Anaxagoras, Democritus. The first indian materialist brahaspati or charvaka was born in India. As per as I know, brahaspati was so much ethical guy that his preaching can be found in Jainism and Buddhism (two most peaceful religions). Now come to the first materialist philosopher Thales, he has said nothing about equality or non-equality. I am giving you a wikipedia article- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thales_of_Miletus
    Which materialist (except of communist philosophers) has said "thou shalt have no matter before me" or "all people are economical-socially equal". ? Equality has nothing to do with materialism.

    Atheism is not an ideology nor it is a philosophy. Atheism is just 'lack of belief in God' or 'there is no god'. Take the first first definition now, it is the lack of belief because theists do not give them evidences for their god, they just can claim.

    Mao and Lenin were politicians and serial killers...

    No doubt many murderers have been atheists (Stalin, Mao, etc.) but their main reason for killing was something other than their lack of belief in a god. Lenin killed those people because they were not obeying lenin, not for the name of atheism.

    Christian communism is also a branch of Marxist communism.

    Is the fact that someone thought some contradictory combination of two things goes together an argument?

    Actually 20 to 30 million (out of 100 million) people are killed by alone Christian marxists so it is unfair to count them as atheists. If Christianity ain't responsible for their actions, atheism can not be responsible as well.

    Communism is said to be a political religion. They should read Jainism books and follow it first rather than believing in any thing else. It’s true that the tyrannical communist regimes of Mao and Stalin were opposed to religion, with religious belief discouraged and punished under their rule. This had less to do with atheism and more to do with the threat of religion as competition with their own tyrannical plans. Totalitarian regimes are built on dogma and fear, not freedom of speech and inquiry. In this way, they greatly resemble religion.

    Some religions. It is not a coincidence that the idea of freedom of speech developed in christian countries (yes back then they were still all christians).

    Most of them including-UK, France, Germany, Spain had ruled over other countries (including Hindus and Islamic countries, African-asian countries). So you can think of freedom of speech for ruling vs ruled countries. Progessive vs regressive countries !
    Indeed, US is that Christian country in which people like John Scopes1925 was brought to court for teaching evolution.

    The catholic church made ----------- no contradiction.

    It did fight for darwin’s evolution as well. The earth is flat in bible though
    He has fixed the earth firm, immovable (1 Chronicles 16:30)
    Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm (Psalm 93:1)
    He has fixed the earth firm, immovable (psalm 96:10)

    People make mistakes. And the church apologized for it a few 100 years later (the church
    needs a few 100 years for everything it does btw....)

    Yes, churches apologized to Darwin after 150 years

    In effect, these leaders essentially created religions and inserted themselves at the top as new deities. The problem with communism, however, is not that it is too critical of religion; the problem is that they are too much like religions.”

    Which is always the danger of any kind of doctrine. This includes of course atheism and genderism and any religion...

    Atheism itself isn't a principle, cause, philosophy, or belief system which people fight, die, or kill for. Being killed by an atheist is no more being killed in the name of atheism than being killed by a tall person is being killed in the name of tallness.
    The doctrine is a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. Now tell me what type of political, economical or theory/policy was made by thales ? Again, ideology is marxism or lenisninsm not atheism. What are the ideals of atheism ? The first founder of atheism and materialism together was Epicurus. Lemme give you a link for a wikipedia article about him en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicurus
    Now press ctrl plus F and type the term ‘equal’ (related to politics and economics) , if you can find anything about it, lemme know.
    Atheism is not a doctrine or a belief system again. Atheism does not have a particular holy book which you have to read five times per day (for Muslims) and one time per week compulsory (for Christians). Even though, we atheists read their books, we just take like it is written or said by a human. We do not think they are the words of some authority. Opposed to it, when someone does not want to read testament books, your priests say, "vex man you are possessed by a devil". I have heard this statement from my ex-christian American friend.
    Atheism is just lack of belief, the doctrine is marxism. The lack of belief is there because lack of claims are given for god which cannot constitute an evidence.

    This cult of personality are not derived from atheism, and it is hard to see how one could argue that its activities were representative of atheists as a whole.Indeed, many free, irreligious nations, such as Denmark and Sweden, are among the most peaceful and prosperous countries in the world. The point, however, is not to say that atheism necessarily causes people to be happier or more prosperous. What is clear, however, is that atheism does not lead to violence, tyranny or genocide any more than religiosity guarantees a peaceful and prosperous nation.

    Of course you can say that atheism isn't communism, and you are right (even though 99% of communism is clearly atheistic).

    yes because first term atheism has nothing to do with politics, economics and term communism is an ideology.
    People are joining communism because they want to join politics. Why they want to join politics in a deeply religious country ? Because communist party is just a little party and two big ruling political parties are not giving them even a fuck.
    I have met those communists and they cannot even argue for god’s non-existence. Nor they want to convince someone about his non-existence. You too can meet German communists and ask a question why did they became a communist.

    I'm just saying that statistically atheistic ideologies have done a lot more harm than religious ones.

    Your comparison is absurd- atheistic ideology vs religious ideology. You left a big part of atheism who does not obey any hero or does not have any ideal. Atheism is opposite to theism and irreligious is opposite to religious.

    Are you sure religious ones ? Communism and capitalism both are actually political religions. Both did not give freedom of speech to anyone. They both are equal to islam. In this way, religious people have done harm million and trillion times than that of irreligious ones.
    All religions have their heroes and doctrines, atheism (non-religious) does not follow any ritual or pop or a hero.
    Christ- the hero of Christianity, drowned the entire population in gen 6 (ot). His character (in ot) is jealous, petty, unjustified, vindicative, bloodthirsty, unforgiver, homophobic, ethnic cleaner, racist, bully, capricious malevolent, sadomasochistic, fillicidal, pestilential.
    Rama (one of the hindu god) killed 14,000 demons in a single hour. I am 99.99% sure they were his enemies, not demons.

    This is just numbers and facts, so I'd be very careful to say that there is no danger in atheism. In fact I'm pretty sure that the presence of atheism and atheistic movements did further the strength of the communistic ideology.

    German Christians supported the Nazis in the belief that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler himself often referenced God and Christianity. But that doesn't mean he killed people for the name of Christian religion.This is why i was saying nazism too is a political religion itself.
    Stalin, like all of the Bolsheviks, was raised within the Russian Orthodox Church, he even once was training to be a priest.

    Communism cannot take root so easily in a country that is deeply religious.

    Communism cannot stabilize its root even in a tiny atheist religious country like Bhutan. Marxist party is banned there, even though most of bhutanies are religious atheists (Buddhists). It depends upon that country's relationships with capitalists countries and its location i.e. it is impossible to release a nuclear bomb in long mountains-surrounded country.

    The world’s religions have rules and holy books that tell their followers what’s wrong or right and how to behave. Thus, it is reasonable to hold a religion accountable for the message that it preaches. There are no holy atheist scriptures, no atheist pope and no atheist rituals, tenets, creeds, code or authority. Atheism cannot be held accountable for the activities of atheists in the same way that religion can be judged by its doctrine because atheism has no doctrines.

    As noted above I'm not judging atheism by its doctrine here, but by the effects that atheistic doctrines had in total numbers. And I'm just saying it is safe to assume, that there might be some danger in it, even if there are atheistic communities that are completely peaceful.

    After becoming General Secretary it is recorded that Stalin did attend church - he even went to confession. Three times. Once during the Red Terror in 1937, once in 1941 when the Germans were racing over Russia, and once in 1950 only a few years before he died. The priest to whom he confessed stated that he did attend, but refused to say what he had said. He took the truth to his grave.

    I am not judging theism either. Capitalism has killed 1.2 more times people than communism has. Count the people from here. 120 million vs 100 million
    Alone Islam has killed 270 million (80 million Hindus, 10 million Buddhists, 60 million Christians, 120 million Africans and a few Jews) people yet for the name of Jihad.
    Alone Christianity has killed 106.734 million people for various reasons in which 28.73 million people were killed for the name of its faith.

    Irreligious atheism has not a doctrine nor it is a doctrine, it has none ideal of life. Jainism has its doctrines but it is a religious atheism not irreligious atheism.

    What makes Communism a religion is a central element, inherited from Christianity, called teleology.
    Teleology is about building an evidence of inherent design in our society that points to one single irrefutable outcome. In Communism, it’s the classless society without private property, with unlimited access to wealth. What.ever we do, we cannot prevent this from happening (except for self-obliteration, of course). It manifests itself through our actions. We can stray, we can resist, we can procrastinate, but sooner or later, Communism is going to happen, because it is the only way we can attain equality and justice as principles hardwired in our nature.
    The rest of Communism, such as Historical Materialism, Dialectical Materialism, Political Economy, and Scientific Atheism are pinned on this single premise.
    This premise is unquestionable. You cannot refute it, or you stop being Communist. If you employ all your scientific Communist methods, and then come to a conclusion that points away from Communism, your science is worthless. You must retrace your steps and find the point where you have deviated from the only correct path.
    This is exactly how theology works, and science doesn’t.
    Your faith in Communism must be all-encompassing. If not, you’re tapped for your revolutionary force, you lose that passion that drives you to achieve the extraordinary thing your lowly bourgeois incarnation would never be able to do.
    “The teaching of Marx is all-powerful, because it’s truthful” (V.I. Lenin).
    From here, the entire paraphernalia of the Communist religion emerges.

    • Scripture: the corpus magnum of Marxist books that defines the foundation of Communism and is used to define what is true Communism and what is Communist apostasy
    • Prophets and saints: Marx and Engels (with addition of Lenin, Mao, Marcuse, Kim, Che Guevara, Chávez, or other immortal authoritative figures, according to your preferences and party affiliation)
    • Objects of pilgrimage and adulation (statues, museums, and mummies of Lenin, Mao, and Kim)
    • Factional and national conflicts camouflaged as battles against Communist apostates: USSR vs China, China vs Vietnam, Vietnam vs Kampuchea, Soviet vs Yugoslavia, Albania vs everyone else, as well as all the exclusions and purges within the parties
    • Tradition of passing the torch of true faith to the descendants of prophets (Korea), or disciples anointed by them (Venezuela), or to godly men vetted by an assembly of elders (mostly Politburo)
    • Legitimacy of power derived not from majority vote or a line of royal provenance, but from the authority of true faith and devotion(Consider ISIS as a vanguard party of Muslims, armed with the only truthful understanding of Quran, which gives it the moral and political authority to enforce on the rest of the community any laws and moral guidelines they find expedient, and you have the exact mirror of Bolsheviks).

    Worse still is the concept of hell, where non-believers suffer in eternal torment simply for disbelieving in God. Indeed, this torture is supposedly granted even to theists who believe in the wrong gods. If the Christian religion is the “right” one, every Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Jew would burn in hell for eternity (John 3:18-36, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 and Revelation 21:8)

    I'm too tired to find you the quote after writing you such a long response, sorry :sweat_smile:... the catholic teaching is quite clear about the fact that non-believers can be saved. What it says however is that they will all be saved through Jesus Christ. There is no way around Him. You will meet Him when you die. And you can then (at the latest) accept Him and be saved, or say: "you have no right to judge me" and thus condemn yourself.

    If non-believers can be saved, what are your views on below genesis (new testament)
    Non-believers obtain mercy. Rom.11:32.
    Only believers obtain mercy. Jn.3:36; Rom.14:23.
    Only baptized believers obtain mercy. Mk.16:16.
    Mercy cannot be predetermined. Rom.9:18.

    and this rule is the same for other religions that believe in the concept of hell, such as Islam:
    Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. (Quran 4:56)

    So, do not fear God, only adore Him (the "fear of God" in the bible does not mean being scared, it means to know that God is Holy and to lower your head in front of Him, so He can lift you.)

    An all-loving god would surely not damn his children to an eternity of torture simply for being born into a culture that believes in the wrong deity, follows the wrong holy book or attends the wrong type of church services.

    As said above the all-loving God does not condemn his children to an eternity of torture for that at all. But He requires them to accept Himself at least when they meet Him (Jesus Christ) from face to face.

    What if someone does not accept him while meeting with him ? That someone completely rejects him. Think about it.

    All who call on the "Lord" will be saved. Rom.10:13; Acts 2:21.
    Only those predestined will be saved. Acts 13:48; Eph.1:4,5; 2 Thes.2:13; Acts 2:47.
    Jesus said he would not cast aside any that come to him. Jn.6:37.
    Jesus said that many that come to him will be cast aside. Mt.7:21-23.
    Salvation comes by faith and not works. Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6; Gal.2:16; Rom.3:28.
    Salvation comes by faith and works. Jms.2:14,17,20.
    The righteous have eternal life. Mt.25:46.
    The righteous are barely saved. 1 Pet.4:18.
    There are no righteous. Rom.3:10.
    Believe and be baptized to be saved. Mk.16:16.
    Be baptized by water and the spirit to be saved. Jn.3:5.
    Endure to the end to be saved. Mt.24:13.
    Call on the name of the "Lord" to be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.
    Believe in Jesus to be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Believe, then all your household will be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Hope and you will be saved. Rom.8:24.
    Believe in the resurrection to be saved. Rom.10:9.
    By grace you are saved. Eph.2:5
    By grace and faith you are saved. Eph.2:8.
    Have the love of truth to be saved. 2 Thes.2:10.
    Mercy saves. Titus 3:5.
    Backsliders are condemned. 2 Pet.2:20.
    Backsliders are saved regardless. Jn.10:27-29.
    Forgive seventy times seven. Mt.18:22.
    Forgiveness is not possible for renewed sin. Heb.6:4-6.

  • Banned

    To prove God is exist just like trying to prove the Superman exist which is impossible. However, people have their own theory and point of perspective on God based on their reasons but sometimes, some religious people take it the extreme to prove their God's existence is real which actually isn't necessary to do considering God's omnipotence based on their reason.

  • I just know He's there regardless of any thoughts or opinions.

  • @Tag said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    To prove God is exist just like trying to prove the Superman exist which is impossible. However, people have their own theory and point of perspective on God based on their reasons but sometimes, some religious people take it the extreme to prove their God's existence is real which actually isn't necessary to do considering God's omnipotence based on their reason.

    Yeah, it's more of a philosophical endeavour, and also impossible, because since everything God does must – per definition – be supernatural, you cannot possibly prove His existence.

  • @Sugarpockets said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    I just know He's there regardless of any thoughts or opinions.

    Yeah sometimes one just knows things...

  • @Exorcised-Girl said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    Wow, sorry, this is getting too lengthy... I think we have said anything we could say about God and His Greatness, I could not add anything meaningful at this point...

    Jesus approved of destroying enemies. Lk.19:27.
    Jesus said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44.

    You need to at least read things in context. The first one is taken from a parable in which a king, who's subordinates hate him, kills them later. Jesus often talks in his parables about how humans act. Nowhere does he approve of the king's actions. He just states them...

    The second one is a direct demand of Jesus to love your enemies. Thus this is no contradiction at all.

    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Mk.3:29.
    All sins are forgivable. Acts 13:39; Col.2:13; 1 Jn.1:9.

    The bible is not a direct dictation of God (clearly). So it requires an interepretation. Also it requires people to read properly.

    For example Acts 13:39 "Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses." does not actually say that every sin is forgiven, only that every sin (that is forgiven) is forgiven through him (Jesus).

    In Col 2:13 St. Paul says that all the sins of the believers are forgiven. Who says that any of them ever blasphemed against the Holy Spirit?

    1 Jn 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."... This also does not state that all sins can be forgiven, only that if your sins are forgiven, you will be purified from all unrighteousness.

    There is no contradiction here... Man...

    And here I thought you had found actual contradictions. Please next time put the real contradictions first...

    New testament is clear about witches but old is not. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exod 22:18)

    I agree that the OT is rather crude. But remember that Jesus states that Moses gave the jewish people the law about letting go of your wife. Which in turn means, that the law of Mose, is not exactly the law of God...

    Salvation comes by faith and not works. Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6; Gal.2:16; Rom.3:28.
    Salvation comes by faith and works. Jms.2:14,17,20.

    Lets take one more example. The first one is read truly. The second reads Jms 2:14: "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?"

    It simply states that a faith without deeds is no faith. This is also no contradiction...

    The righteous have eternal life. Mt.25:46.
    The righteous are barely saved. 1 Pet.4:18.
    There are no righteous. Rom.3:10.

    Romans also states that God makes us righteous. Context... you need to read things in context...

    Believe and be baptized to be saved. Mk.16:16.
    Be baptized by water and the spirit to be saved. Jn.3:5.
    Endure to the end to be saved. Mt.24:13.
    Call on the name of the "Lord" to be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.
    Believe in Jesus to be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Believe, then all your household will be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Hope and you will be saved. Rom.8:24.
    Believe in the resurrection to be saved. Rom.10:9.
    By grace you are saved. Eph.2:5
    By grace and faith you are saved. Eph.2:8.
    Have the love of truth to be saved. 2 Thes.2:10.
    Mercy saves. Titus 3:5.

    Do you always state a whole encyclopedia when you say something? I mean come on... Yes Faith saves. Who has faith lets himself be baptized. Believe in Jesus is faith... Those are no real contradictions man. This is quibbling.

    Backsliders are condemned. 2 Pet.2:20.

    2 Pet.2:20 "For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first."

    They are not condemned. Its just worse than before...

    You didn't write this list did you? Whoever wrote this list has not properly read the bible...

    Backsliders are saved regardless. Jn.10:27-29.


    Forgive seventy times seven. Mt.18:22.

    This is symbolical, I hope you know that much. Also it is an instruction to the believer and says nothing about God's forgiveness...

    Forgiveness is not possible for renewed sin. Heb.6:4-6.

    Nope, Heb. 6 does not even talk about the forgiveness of sins. It says that people who fall back into non-believing if they have once believed cannot be converted again. This is just common sense he states there: if you were a believer once and then became an atheist, there is propably no way you'll become a believer again... Here St. Paul says nothing about God...

    Come on. Read the bible. In your own language, so you actually understand it. Then you can try to argue about its contents...

  • @pe7erpark3r

    Jesus approved of destroying enemies. Lk.19:27.
    Jesus said to love your enemies. Mt.5:44.
    You need to at least read things in context.

    I had already read :)

    The first one is taken from a parable in which a king, who's subordinates hate him, kills them later. Jesus often talks in his parables about how humans act. Nowhere does he approve of the king's actions. He just states them...

    Jesus was talking about a parable- a story to teach a lesson to someone. A story which will be read by a bunch of people in future ! Apparently it is true that the king in the parable stands for God and it implies that god has the right to destroy those who don't want to follow his rules. He will do so ! Perhaps you did not notice his second entry.

    The second one is a direct demand of Jesus to love your enemies. Thus this is no contradiction at all.

    He is the dictator and commander respectively in first and second ones.

    Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. Mk.3:29.
    All sins are forgivable. Acts 13:39; Col.2:13; 1 Jn.1:9.
    The bible is not a direct dictation of God (clearly).

    No further interpretation required, only previous translations and contexts are required (if only). If you want to interpret, you can do that in your church. The bible is words of your own God.

    So it requires an interepretation.

    I do not want your interpretation. The reason is very simple- The original bible was taken from Egyptian, Persian and Greek mythologies and some Jewish scripture. People (including some unknown authors) added their trash in old testament. And then some other writers added some revelations and new stories into new testament. Nobody met with your supposed earthly jesus either it was paul (the main witness and messenger, not disciple) or peter or other epistles. Originally they did not give a damn about his life and teachings. Afterall there are so many versions of your Bible- NIV, NLV, ESV, BSB, BLB, NASB, NKJB, KJV, CSB, CEV, HSB, NET BIBLE, NHEB, NAS77, JB2000, KJ2000 BIBLE, AKJV, ASV, DRV, DBT, ERV, WBT etc. Indeed, people want to interpret or misinterpret their scriptures.

    Also it requires people to read properly.

    Yes in the context or out of the context is acceptable only.

    For example Acts 13:39 "Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses." does not actually say that every sin is forgiven, only that every sin (that is forgiven) is forgiven through him (Jesus).

    Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. (No interpretation required) **every sin = every sin and nothing else **

    In Col 2:13 St. Paul says that all the sins of the believers are forgiven. Who says that any of them ever blasphemed against the Holy Spirit?

    I wrote three verses altogether for blasphemy. However you wrote the word blasphemy only in this verse.

    When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, (col 2:13)

    Read my bold words without interpretation or misinterpretion.

    1 Jn 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."... This also does not state that all sins can be forgiven, only that if your sins are forgiven, you will be purified from all unrighteousness.
    There is no contradiction here... Man...

    Because only you think so
    (interpretation/misinterpretation is done by you). I do not want anyone's interpretation. Even though, an italian/vatican pop comes into this debate, I don't want his interpretation/misinterpretation

    And here I thought you had found actual contradictions. Please next time put the real contradictions first...

    I would like to write down more vicious side as F35 gambit. Those commandments are dangerous for humanity.

    New testament is clear about witches but old is not. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exod 22:18)
    I agree that the OT is rather crude. But remember that Jesus states that Moses gave the jewish people the law about letting go of your wife. Which in turn means, that the law of Mose, is not exactly the law of God...

    And your God himself was a jew. What does it mean your god states that moses gave his own religious people the law for letting go of your wife ? the Mosaic Laws were said to have been handed down from a god to a man, in this case from Yahweh to Moses.

    Salvation comes by faith and not works. Eph.2:8,9; Rom.11:6; Gal.2:16; Rom.3:28.
    Salvation comes by faith and works. Jms.2:14,17,20.
    Lets take one more example. The first one is read truly. The second reads Jms 2:14: "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?"
    It simply states that a faith without deeds is no faith. This is also no contradiction...

    We will see in below verses

    For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (eph 2:8) not by works, so that no one can boast. (Eph2:9). And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace. (Romans 11:6) know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified (gal 2:16). For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. (Romans 3:28)
    Do you want to say there is no contradiction now ?

    The righteous have eternal life. Mt.25:46.
    The righteous are barely saved. 1 Pet.4:18.
    There are no righteous. Rom.3:10.
    Romans also states that God makes us righteous.

    Yes, it states in 3:22-24

    Context... you need to read things in context...

    But 3:10 is not out of the context.

    Believe and be baptized to be saved. Mk.16:16.
    Be baptized by water and the spirit to be saved. Jn.3:5.
    Endure to the end to be saved. Mt.24:13.
    Call on the name of the "Lord" to be saved. Acts 2:21; Rom.10:13.
    Believe in Jesus to be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Believe, then all your household will be saved. Acts 16:31.
    Hope and you will be saved. Rom.8:24.
    Believe in the resurrection to be saved. Rom.10:9.
    By grace you are saved. Eph.2:5
    By grace and faith you are saved. Eph.2:8.
    Have the love of truth to be saved. 2 Thes.2:10.
    Mercy saves. Titus 3:5.
    Do you always state a whole encyclopedia when you say something?

    I mean come on... Yes Faith saves. Who has faith lets himself be baptized. Believe in Jesus is faith... Those are no real contradictions man. This is quibbling.

    Suppose person A has faith in jesus and he reads his preaching books daily. But he does not go in a church's congregation. According to a survey, most Christians consider him as a 'lost person'. Is he saved or not ? Is he still baptised in your opinion?

    How about mercy ? Are mercy and faith same ? Lemme make my probabilities for you. Who is actually saved ?

    1. One has faith but does not work
    2. One does only work but does not have faith.
    3. One does work and have faith.
    4. One has only mercy of jesus, ps. No work and no faith.
    5. One has mercy of jesus and faith but he does not work
    6. One has mercy and does works but is not faithful.
    7. One has only hope but is not faithful. Ps. No work.
    8. One has hope and does work. Ps. No faith.
    9. One is baptized by water and the spirit but does not work.
    10. One is only baptized (not by water and spirit) and he does not work.
    11. One has only love of truth but does not work. Ps. No faith
    12. One does works and has love of truth.
    13. One member of family has faith but other members have no faith, do not work, do not have mercy.
    14. One has faith in only resurrection and nothing else. He does not work.
      I can make more than 30 probabilities but I leave for you to think.

    Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:16 NIV)

    Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. (John 3:5 NIV)

    but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. (Matthew 24:13 NIV)

    And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' (Acts 2:21)

    They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." (Acts 16:31)

    Suppose my dad believes in the lord jesus but I do not. According to 16:31, I am saved but mk 16:16 says I am condemned. Now did you get this contradiction ?

    The verses of faith were mentioned by me. Just because you were claiming “non-believers can be saved”. Usually non-believers like me do not have any faith for anyone (soul, god, reincarnation, divinity, heaven, hell, liberation etc).

    Backsliders are condemned. 2 Pet.2:20.
    2 Pet.2:20 "For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first."
    They are not condemned. Its just worse than before...

    Read pulpit's commentry for regarding 'who having escaped'. #One who has escaped from the polluted world#

    You didn't write this list did you?

    I have written it and it is not the list.

    Whoever wrote this list has not properly read the bible...

    We will investigate your claim.

    Backsliders are saved regardless. Jn.10:27-29.
    Forgive seventy times seven. Mt.18:22.
    This is symbolical, I hope you know that much. Also it is an instruction to the believer and says nothing about God's forgiveness...

    Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times (mt18:22).
    Jesus said 77 times to forgive a bro who wrongs with you. I did not say about symbolic or non-symbolic. Read pulpit's commentry when he gives his authority to peter.

    Forgiveness is not possible for renewed sin. Heb.6:4-6.
    Nope, Heb. 6 does not even talk about the forgiveness of sins. It says that people who fall back into non-believing if they have once believed cannot be converted again. This is just common sense he states there: if you were a believer once and then became an atheist, there is propably no way you'll become a believer again... Here St. Paul says nothing about God...

    For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, (6:4)
    And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, (6:5)
    If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (6:6)
    Fall back or fall away ? The last line says about the son of God yet you state he said nothing about God. Ironically, you are the one who assume people can understand any book in their own native language.
    FALL AWAY - meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary (https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/english/fall-away)
    FALL BACK - meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary (https://www.google.com/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/english/fall-back)
    For the sins part, read Matthew's commentary on heb 6:1-8

    Come on. Read the bible. In your own language, so you actually understand it.

    I had read it thrice in English- it is an information, not an argument. Your NIV and KJV versions are damn easy to read. Even though, a 12 years old asian kid can read and grasp them. They have not used difficult vocabularies. I suck on some vocabularies but I am enough good on grammar part.

    Then you can try to argue about its contents...

    Appeal to authority. - conceiving someone's sucking english first and then try to show your authority over your opponent because you think you have revised many more times than your opponent has or you think he has never read the Bible.
    If you proved these were not actually contradictions, I couldn't count it as appeal to authority. As I have seen, you are unable to show me that they are not really contradictions.
    Caution - Do not get offended with below Genesis. If someone gets offended, I shall be apologised to him. This is what I call “demolition of faith” AKA F35 gambit.
    Since Lev was referred in new testament It is not invalid to say OT (related to lev) is the part of NT.
    GAY LOVE PROHIBITED - Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)
    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    KILL MALE HOMOSEXUALS - Leviticus 20:13
    If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

    GOD’S WRATH AND ATHEISTS - Romans 1:18-21
    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

    SLAVERY, EXECUTION, SEX - Numbers 31:17-18 (NIV)
    "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."

    SLAVERY, JESUS - Matthew 18:25 (KJV) [Jesus recommends families to be sold as slaves.]
    "But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made."

    SLAVERY, JESUS - Luke 12:42-48 (NASB)
    [Jesus recommends killing and flogging slaves.]
    And the Lord [Jesus] said, "Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants [slaves], to give them their rations at the proper time? "Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. "Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. "But if that slave says in his heart, 'My master will be a long time in coming,' and begins to beat the slaves, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk; the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces , and assign him a place with the unbelievers. "And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more."

    SLAVERY, JESUS - Luke 17:7-8
    "But which of you having a slave ploughing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, "Go and sit down to meat."? And will not rather say unto him, "Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, til I have eaten, and drunken, and afterwards thou shalt eat and drink."?

    SLAVERY, JESUS - Luke 16:13 (NRSV)
    "No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth

    CHILD ABUSE - Proverbs 13:24 - KING SOLOMON (NAB)
    He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him takes care to chastise him.

    CHILD ABUSE - Proverbs 19:18-19 - KING SOLOMON (NAB)
    "Chastise your son, for in this there is hope, but do not desire his death. The man of violent temper pays the penalty; even if you rescue him, you will have to do it again."

    CHILD ABUSE - Proverbs 20:30
    Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.

    CHILD ABUSE - Proverbs 22:15 - KING SOLOMON
    Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

    CHILD ABUSE - Proverbs 23:13-14 - KING SOLOMON (NIV)
    Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die. Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.

    CHILD ABUSE - Exodus 20:5 [part of one of the three sets of ** 10 commandments.]
    "... for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me."

    CHILD ABUSE - Deuteronomy 5:9 [part of one of the three sets of 10 commandments]
    "for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."

    Here comes the 3rd set of commandments -
    I'll say nothing about below gens (no commentry), just read once.
    Luke 14:26
    Jesus speaks, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple.”

    Luke 14:33
    Jesus speaks, “Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.”

    Matthew 6:19
    Jesus speaks, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”

    Matthew 10:34 ,
    Jesus speaks, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

    Here comes the 2nd set of commandments
    Exodus 34:14-26

    1. 14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
    2. 15 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices.
      16 And when you choose some of their daughters as wives for your sons and those daughters prostitute themselves to their gods, they will lead your sons to do the same.
    3. 17 Do not make cast idols.
    4. 18 Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days eat bread made without yeast, as I commanded you. Do this at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in that month you came out of Egypt.
    5. 19 The first offspring of every womb belongs to me, including all the firstborn males of your livestock, whether from herd or flock.
      20 Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem all your firstborn sons. No one is to appear before me empty-handed.
    6. 21 Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season the harvest you must rest.
    7. 22 Celebrate the Feast of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year.
      23 Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign LORD, the God of Israel.
      24 I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your territory, and no one will covet your land when you go up three times each year to appear before the LORD your God.
    8. 25 Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast, and do not let any of the sacrifice from the passover Feast remain until morning.
    9. 26 Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God.
    10. Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk.
      27 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."
      28 Moses was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets.

    In the last, read 27th point which states god made a covenant with Moses

    NOTE- Did you remember you were claiming about your supposed objective truth (based on argument from ignorance) in various posts (recently in dusherra post) ? I always wanted to join that debate. At the very first place, when scruffy said, "we both are agree that christ existed as a person historically". I say there was no such guy like christ. Do you want to debate on this one too ? If yes, You can choose debate place here, there (scruffy's and your debate thread) or a new thread.

  • @Vex-Man said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:


    Come on. Read the bible. In your own language, so you actually understand it.

    I had read it thrice in English- it is an information, not an argument. Your NIV and KJV versions are damn easy to read. Even though, a 12 years old asian kid can read and grasp them. They have not used difficult vocabularies. I suck on some vocabularies but I am enough good on grammar part.

    Then you can try to argue about its contents...

    Appeal to authority. - conceiving someone's sucking english first and then try to show your authority over your opponent because you think you have revised many more times than your opponent has or you think he has never read the Bible.

    I did not appeal to authority, even though I apologize for saying it in this provocative way. I am not saying I've read the bible more often than you. I am saying you are not reading lots of verses correctly. And I have shown how you have missread them, and everybody who reads what I've written will agree.

    If you do not believe me go to the university to an english professor:

    Acts 13:39 "Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses."

    By the rules of english grammar this phrase does in fact only mean (with certainty) that all sins (that are forgiven) are forgiven through him and not necessarily that "all sins are forgiven". Get an expert's opinion please if you do not believe me...

    Because only you think so
    (interpretation/misinterpretation is done by you). I do not want anyone's interpretation. Even though, an italian/vatican pop comes into this debate, I don't want his interpretation/misinterpretation

    I have not given you any interpretation. You haven't asked me (before) about any of the contradictions that require an interpretation (I concede there are contradictions that require an interpretation). I've simply told you what is actually written there in plain english and what you have missread.

    SLAVERY, JESUS - Luke 12:42-48 (NASB)
    [Jesus recommends killing and flogging slaves.]
    And the Lord [Jesus] said, "Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants [slaves], to give them their rations at the proper time? "Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. "Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. "But if that slave says in his heart, 'My master will be a long time in coming,' and begins to beat the slaves, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk; the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces , and assign him a place with the unbelievers. "And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more."

    And if you state it a hundred times, it won't be true. Jesus does not approve of killing slves (or of slavery). You read that in. Jesus tells a parabol. A parabol is not a demand for action in and of itself. A parabol requires an interpretation to convert it into a demand for action. And since you do not allow anybody's interpretation (wether its the pope or not), you are not allowed to interpret the parabol either and translate it into a demand for action!

    Jesus was talking about a parable- a story to teach a lesson to someone. A story which will be read by a bunch of people in future ! Apparently it is true that the king in the parable stands for God and it implies that god has the right to destroy those who don't want to follow his rules. He will do so ! Perhaps you did not notice his second entry.

    But aparently you do interpret it, so for the sake of argument I will go with your interpretation:

    Jesus tells us clearly to love our enemies. If he also tells us, that God destroys his enemies, that does not qualify as a contradiction. Are we the same as God?

    However there is a contradiction hidden here, that would actually require an interpretation: How can God be love, and destroy His enemies at the same time? But since you do not want an interpretation, you don't get one.

    Everyone who is interested can ask me anytime. The interpretation does resolve the contradiction btw. If understood right, the bible makes sense.

    NOTE- Did you remember you were claiming about your supposed objective truth (based on argument from ignorance) in various posts (recently in dusherra post) ? I always wanted to join that debate. At the very first place, when scruffy said, "we both are agree that christ existed as a person historically". I say there was no such guy like christ. Do you want to debate on this one too ? If yes, You can choose debate place here, there (scruffy's and your debate thread) or a new thread.

    I'm not happy with the way you "debate", because in contrast to scruffy (who was actually a great debator), you do not limit yourself: your posts are immensely long and touch hundreds of arguments at the same time. I don't think a discussion like this is meaningful. Also it is not fun to debate with someone who argues about words so much instead of wanting to get behind things. And you never concede, even if you are proven wrong. Our discussion has never been a debate.

    So yeah, maybe in future we can have a debate about this – provided you are willing to follow the rules of a good debate. I will not continue this discussion now...

  • @AllAboutGay said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    @pe7erpark3r In a nightclub– that is in a nightclub where still anybody believed that there was a Gay or were gays – people already wanted to know. The idea of proving Gay seemed to be especially popular at the beginning of the last millenium. The first one to come up with such a "proof" was the monk Homo of LGBT. This is a short summary of his argument:

    Everybody can agree on the following definition: Gay is that above which you can think nothing greater
    Now think Gay like this, but think that he does not exist
    Woops, you can think of something higher can't you? Because a Gay who does exist, is definitely greater than one who doesn't
    Ergo: Our mind is not capable of thinking Gay without also thinking that he exists
    Conclusion: Gays exist


    well I for one don't agree with the definition, that there is nothing greater than gay :yum:. I think sex might be greater than gay :joy:. But I agree with you that gays exist, however unproven they may be :joy:

  • @pe7erpark3r

    I did not appeal to authority

    It is alright if you did not try to do. NVM

    I am saying you are not reading lots of verses correctly. And I have shown how you have misread them, and everybody who reads what I've written will agree.

    I read those verses together with commentaries. The commentary elaborates you how the writer has translated Greek to English. It is the fundamental thing of every Biblical genesis. You have not shown me that I am wrong.

    If you do not believe me go to the university to an English professor:

    A professor is a ramifying learner. Everyone is a learner. You always say me to go to an expert. The dictionaries add new words every year and the professor's old knowledge will never be useful for new generations. You always try to do appeal to authority, this time you have really done. 'I should believe on him because he is an expert in a particular subject'. Instead of believing in him, I would go with dictionaries.

    Acts 13:39 "Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses."

    By the rules of English grammar this phrase does in fact only mean (with certainty) that all sins (that are forgiven) are forgiven through him and not necessarily that "all sins are forgiven". Get an expert's opinion please if you do not believe me...

    I wrote three genesis altogether for 'all sins are forgivable' but you chose only one. 'Every' is refer to all the individual members of a set without exception. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/every. The Collins dictionary will clear your all doubts. I am saying 'all sins are definitely forgivable' with acknowledge to my all 3 genesis and I am not saying this 'only genesis' says you with certainty/non-certainty that all sins are forgivable. Let me write those genesis again.
    Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses
    When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, (col 2:13)- Read the last sentence
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

    I have not given you any interpretation. You haven't asked me (before) about any of the contradictions that require an interpretation (I concede there are contradictions that require an interpretation). I've simply told you what is actually written there in plain English and what you have misread.

    Your words were really saying something else. I quote your words now, "all sins (that are forgiven) are forgiven". There was no bracket in any type of translation, you have interpreted.

    But apparently you do interpret it,

    I read it with commentary now. I am saying with Matthew's commentary that the avowed enemies of Mr.Christ and false professors will be punished.

    Are we the same as God?

    No, according to the Bible we are certainly not. But he is commanding all followers especially Christians (including you) to love their enemies in one genesis and he is commanding to his Christian ministers (not you) to kill non-talented persons, his enemies in other genesis. He should be prudent at the first place because his ministers and those who accepted his gifts are included in his followers. The second point of mine is, the one genesis is told for all Christians and second one is told for those christian ministers. The christian ministers are still common in both and here I found a real contradiction.

    Everyone who is interested can ask me anytime. The interpretation does resolve the contradiction btw. If understood right, the bible makes sense.

    The interpretation of a roman catholic christian can supposedly resolve it but the interpretation of a protestant christian and other scholars will make it more complex. I will become mad if I read all of them at same time. So, I look for Greek-English translations rather than English-English interpretations. The interpretation thing is problem with every religion. Those commentators have explained how they have translated Greek to English.

    I'm not happy with the way you "debate",

    Nor I am.

    you do not limit yourself: your posts are immensely long and touch hundreds of arguments at the same time.

    If my arguments come for a particular discussing topic, I can never go beyond it. I gave you 20 commandments for homework and they were contradicting your other 10 commandments. People like me try to see how much his opponent knows about his own books.

    I don't think a discussion like this is meaningful. Also it is not fun to debate with someone who argues about words so much instead of wanting to get behind things.

    An architect always constructs fundamentals of a building before reaching on the third floor. Whenever I pick those words, I ask you that you are sure or not about your own words. Anyone can deduce a wrong conclusion with vague words.

    And you never concede, even if you are proven wrong. Our discussion has never been a debate

    You could not prove 'God's existence with ontological/cosmological arguments or atheism has killed more people than theism' and it was always subject of debate. You have been really defeated in both. The rest thing is 'contradiction of the Bible' and you leave this discussion here. So you did not prove me that I was wrong.

    So yeah, maybe in future we can have a debate about this – provided you are willing to follow the rules of a good debate. I will not continue this discussion now...

    You don't follow those rules at the very first place. You are the one who come up with general fallacies.

  • @Vex-Man said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    A professor is a ramifying learner. Everyone is a learner. You always say me to go to an expert. The dictionaries add new words every year and the professor's old knowledge will never be useful for new generations. You always try to do appeal to authority, this time you have really done. 'I should believe on him because he is an expert in a particular subject'. Instead of believing in him, I would go with dictionaries.

    But you are certainly right, that we should not be talking about any english translation, for even though I'm sure I'm right about this english translation, I might be wrong about the greek original. 0uite frankly you are at the wrong door if you really want to debate what the sentences mean in their original writing. I'm not an expert on greek or hebrew grammar. If you want to study these things deeper I can recommend to you biblehub.com...

    No, according to the Bible we are certainly not. But he is commanding all followers especially Christians (including you) to love their enemies in one genesis and he is commanding to his Christian ministers (not you) to kill non-talented persons, his enemies in other genesis. He should be prudent at the first place because his ministers and those who accepted his gifts are included in his followers. The second point of mine is, the one genesis is told for all Christians and second one is told for those christian ministers. The christian ministers are still common in both and here I found a real contradiction.

    You sir are funny :joy:. You tell me you accept no interpretation, and certainly not the pope's. Then you go ahead and give me one interpretation (God punishes his enemies), and when this interpretation yields no contradiction, you go ahead and give me the next interpretation (ministers are allowed to punish their enemies). I do agree with you, your interpretation is contradictory.

    The interpretation of a roman catholic christian can supposedly resolve it but the interpretation of a protestant christian and other scholars will make it more complex. I will become mad if I read all of them at same time. So, I look for Greek-English translations rather than English-English interpretations. The interpretation thing is problem with every religion. Those commentators have explained how they have translated Greek to English.

    You are certainly right. Dividing ourselves and leaving the truth, was the worst thing christianity could possibly do. How could anyone take us seriously if we are divided among ourselves? I humbly apologize in the name of the catholic church, for I personally believe, that the catholic church is at fault for both great divisions. Not because it did not have the truth, but because it was proud and unloving, and also greedy, and thus through the sins of the catholic church you are now hindered to find the truth...


    About the discussion on the bible: I have been argueing with you about the dead letter, instead of talking of the spirit.

    You know the spirit does not only speak to the elect of the church. The Holy Spirit speaks to anyone, and invites them all into the kingdom of God. People who have never sought God, will come to praise and adore Him for they recognize His voice. The kingdom will be taken from those who only argue without spirit, who divide themselves under the name of christ, and will be given to a humble people. And God will bend His churches and make them one again. First east and west, then also those who hurt Him by splitting themselves off under the name of Luther. For how should Jesus prayer become true, that "the world recognizes that they are sent from Me" if to the world we do not display unity among ourselves? Indeed Jesus' Sacred Heart is lacerating today because of so many sins. He will put an end to atheism soon. Because this time Abel will live. And those who recognize the true shephards call will come and rebuild His sanctuary, ecclesia will be rebuilt.

    The sheep who are from His flock will in truth recognize His voice. Anybody is invited to share God's table and eat from the Heavenly Manna, that is sent down to us in a time so obscure. The lowly and humble will recognize His voice. Only those who think they see, the proud and rich, cannot receive the Kingdom of God. Materialism and Pride are the things that keep the spirit from entering into you and you from recognizing God's voice. Repent and recognize what you are being offered: God is offering His Heart to us all, to every sinner, and will render you and me into a holy people. That is why instead of endless rational debate, we should be giving His celestial manna without reserve, give to the hungry and the poor what has been promised 2000 years ago: the second pentecoste, the second coming of the Holy Spirit. The words of God are not mere words, they are active and alive.

    And so we pray:

    Father all Merciful,
    let those who hear and hear again
    yet never understand,
    hear Your Voice this time
    and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies;
    open the eyes of those who see and see,
    yet never perceive,
    to see with their eyes this time
    Your Holy Face and Your Glory,
    place Your Finger on their heart
    so that their heart may open
    and understand Your Faithfulness,
    I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father,
    so that all the nations be converted and be healed
    through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;

  • @pe7erpark3r said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    @Vex-Man said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    A professor is a ramifying learner. Everyone is a learner. You always say me to go to an expert. The dictionaries add new words every year and the professor's old knowledge will never be useful for new generations. You always try to do appeal to authority, this time you have really done. 'I should believe on him because he is an expert in a particular subject'. Instead of believing in him, I would go with dictionaries.

    But you are certainly right, that we should not be talking about any english translation, for even though I'm sure I'm right about this english translation, I might be wrong about the Greek original.

    Many (not all) genesis were still making sound for contradictions as if I ignore the Greek-english translations. Why are you so sure about this english translation ?
    Cambridge dictionary
    Merriam-Webster dictionary
    [The free dictionary] (https://www.thefreedictionary.com/every)
    Each dictionary is saying 'there is no exception in a set'. I do not want to judge your interpretation, you do not take literal meaning of those genesis.

    Quite frankly you are at the wrong door if you really want to debate what the sentences mean in their original writing. I'm not an expert on greek or Hebrew grammar. If you want to study these things deeper I can recommend to you [Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages (http://biblehub.com)](Acts 13 Interlinear Bible (https://biblehub.com/interlinear/acts/13.htm))...

    Since you do not know about Greek so I should not talk about contradictory gens with reference to Greek-English translations anymore. I had already visited http://biblehub.com and it is a great website.

    No, according to the Bible we are certainly not. But he is commanding all followers especially Christians (including you) to love their enemies in one genesis and he is commanding to his Christian ministers (not you) to kill non-talented persons, his enemies in other genesis. He should be prudent at the first place because his ministers and those who accepted his gifts are included in his followers. The second point of mine is, the one genesis is told for all Christians and second one is told for those christian ministers. The christian ministers are still common in both and here I found a real contradiction.

    You sir are funny :joy:. You tell me you accept no interpretation, and certainly not the pope's. Then you go ahead and give me one interpretation (God punishes his enemies), and when this interpretation yields no contradiction, you go ahead and give me the next interpretation (ministers are allowed to punish their enemies). I do agree with you, your interpretation is contradictory.

    Anyways, I have violated my own rule 'no interpretation' so forget this genesis.
    I can give you another genesis in which I am 100 percent sure that Jesus is saying to kill everything of the enemies in new testament
    1 Samuel 15:2-3
    This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkey.

    The interpretation of a roman catholic christian can supposedly resolve it but the interpretation of a protestant christian and other scholars will make it more complex. I will become mad if I read all of them at same time. So, I look for Greek-English translations rather than English-English interpretations. The interpretation thing is problem with every religion. Those commentators have explained how they have translated Greek to English.

    You are certainly right. Dividing ourselves and leaving the truth, was the worst thing Christianity could possibly do. How could anyone take us seriously if we are divided among ourselves? I humbly apologize in the name of the catholic church, for I personally believe, that the catholic church is at fault for both great divisions. Not because it did not have the truth, but because it was proud and unloving, and also greedy, and thus through the sins of the catholic church you are now hindered to find the truth...


    We take you seriously man but I think I should listen to an orthodox, a protestant, an eastern and a Mormon christian too. It will be a discrimination to not listen to them and to their interpretations. And it will become subjective so I am an apatheist into a subjective debate.
    And you do not need to apologize for this dividation.
    Your argument was “it is safe to assume that atheism has done more evil than theism”. My counter-argument was “theism has killed people more times than atheism” and “Theism has killed for the name of their God and religion”. Contradictions were just a part of this counter-argument. They have taken literal meaning of every verse and then they killed for the name of it.
    Islam killed 270 million people-https://www.politicalislam.com/tears-of-jihad/
    Christianity killed 106.734 million people- Death toll of Christianity https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Death_toll_of_Christianity
    Capitalism has killed 120 million people - https://eand.co/if-communism-killed-millions-how-many-did-capitalism-kill-2b24ab1c0df7?gi=72818ab23fff
    Communism has killed 100 million people and 20 to 30 million were killed by christian communists so I would like to take an average of 25 million. Atheism communism killed 100–25= 75 million people.
    Now let me do a bit math- Theism killed 270+ 120+ 106= 496 million ( I have not included so many religions).
    Theism has killed 6.61 times more than atheism (496/75= 6.61).
    Atheism killed : Theism killed = 1:6.61
    Now I would count who killed for the name of whom-
    Communism killed for the name of atheism = 0
    Christianity and Islam killed 270+120= 390 million people for the name of their religion/God. Let me give you genesis for those commands by God and these verses were responsible for it-
    Islam- verses no- 9:13, 9:14, 9:29, 9:88, 9:111, 9:123, 2:39, 2:190, 2:191, 2:192, 2;193, 2:216, 2:244, 2:257, 48:13, 48:28, 48:29, 4:14, 4:74, 4:89. You can find those verses on Quran.com .
    Christianity- last 2 sets of 10–10 commandments, Exodus 32:27, 1 Samuel 6:19, 1 Samuel 15:2,3,7,8; Numbers 15:36, Hosea 13:16, Psalm 137:9, Gen 22:2, Ex 22:29, Lev 27:28-29, Num 31:26-29, Jg 11:29-39, 2 sam 21:1,9,14, 1kg 13:2, 2kg 23:20, 2Chr 34:5.

    About the discussion on the bible: I have been arguing with you about the dead letter, instead of talking of the spirit.

    You know the spirit does not only speak to the elect of the church. The Holy Spirit speaks to anyone, and invites them all into the kingdom of God. People who have never sought God, will come to praise and adore Him for they recognize His voice. The kingdom will be taken from those who only argue without spirit, who divide themselves under the name of christ, and will be given to a humble people. And God will bend His churches and make them one again. First east and west, then also those who hurt Him by splitting themselves off under the name of Luther. For how should Jesus prayer become true, that "the world recognizes that they are sent from Me" if to the world we do not display unity among ourselves? Indeed Jesus' Sacred Heart is lacerating today because of so many sins. He will put an end to atheism soon. Because this time Abel will live. And those who recognize the true shephards call will come and rebuild His sanctuary, ecclesia will be rebuilt.

    The sheep who are from His flock will in truth recognize His voice. Anybody is invited to share God's table and eat from the Heavenly Manna, that is sent down to us in a time so obscure. The lowly and humble will recognize His voice. Only those who think they see, the proud and rich, cannot receive the Kingdom of God. Materialism and Pride are the things that keep the spirit from entering into you and you from recognizing God's voice. Repent and recognize what you are being offered: God is offering His Heart to us all, to every sinner, and will render you and me into a holy people. That is why instead of endless rational debate, we should be giving His celestial manna without reserve, give to the hungry and the poor what has been promised 2000 years ago: the second pentecoste, the second coming of the Holy Spirit. The words of God are not mere words, they are active and alive.

    And so we pray:

    Father all Merciful,
    let those who hear and hear again
    yet never understand,
    hear Your Voice this time
    and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies;
    open the eyes of those who see and see,
    yet never perceive,
    to see with their eyes this time
    Your Holy Face and Your Glory,
    place Your Finger on their heart
    so that their heart may open
    and understand Your Faithfulness,
    I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father,
    so that all the nations be converted and be healed
    through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;

    My points for this letter is-

    1. "Unless someone is not logically or historically proved, it is unreasonable to pray to him."
    2. This 'someone' includes God and soul/(s).
    3. I'm a peremptory irreligious person so believing/worshiping/praying in/to anything will really make me religious.
    4. Someone believes in something without any type of 'empirical verifiable evidence' or without 'logically proved argument', definitely follows a religion i.e. Buddhism, Shintoism, communism, Jainism, capitalism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Bahaism, Judaism. The definition of religion is "a particular system of faith and worship." I am not ‘that someone’.
    5. Indeed, atheism and other religions are growing, as per as statistics states. Atheists have outnumbered Hindus.
    6. I do not even consider the Bible as the main part of debate because there is no reason to debate on a book of which first edition does not exist anymore. There are so many errors, omissions, changes and contradictions which have been already done. Therefore, it was never endless debate about the Bible.
    7. Osiris/Serapis, Inanna/Ishtar, Horus, Perseus, Bacchus/Dionysus, Attis, Isis, Hermes, Romulus, Adonis, Hercules/Heracles, Zalmoxis, Tammuz, Asclepius, Krishna, and Prometheus—- All of them were resurrected, all of them had a virgin mother and divine father, all of them were tried to kill as infants by tyrants. There is no-extra Biblical evidence of Jesus/christ has been found yet. When the person did not exist, it is absurd to say that he had even a soul.
    8. I am absolute certain that a theistic God does not exist. A theistic God is matterless, energyless, timeless, spaceless, eternal, one, united, perfect, omnipotent, incomparable, omniscience, ultimate creator etc. Non-theistic God is based on Ad hoc arguments such as ‘floating dragon of carl sagan’ or ‘teapot of Russell’. I do not have any counter-argument for that type of God. An ad hoc argument is impossible to counter.
      In the end, I would post my best Quote and it is the tenable trilemma of Epicurus. None of the theologian, pope, priest, pundit, kaazi can solve it. You too were unable to solve it.
      I do not think why this debate should be relentlessly pursuing anymore.

  • @Incredible-Hulk said in Fact check with Pet: Can you prove God's existence? Part I:

    I do not think why this debate should be relentlessly pursuing anymore.

    No, not this discussion, for I think there is a rather numerous set of topics, many many topics, in this discussion worth debating. How about we start with a rather inoccuous one... I'll make a new topic. You're invited if you want.