Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.

  • @ODIN I vividly remember the "classroom" with the drab grey-green paint, and pictures and toys and playthings all around. I remember the kids, who were my classmates, some where friends some were not, and the two girls who liked to take me on recess around the corner so they could take turns kissing me.
    Lastly, I remember naptime, on a store-bought small roll-up rug, with some cookies and milk, and the teacher's soft-spoken voice. Many times I actually did catch myself drifting off, listening to her stories.
    An overall great experience, in my life.

  • My uncleโ€™s cock in me

  • Memory No. 1 Outdoor picnic with my doll
    Memory No. 2 Not going up the stage to recieve my metal
    Memory No. 3 Being the last one in school while waiting for mum to pick me up.
    -good ol' vivid memories

  • @Reza-Akagami So...who's this Mary you speak of? She sounds like a lot of fun

  • One Woman Army Sarah's Fan Club

    • as a little kid, i had a really stupid habit of constantly hiding food in my pockets, so that i could snack on it later. i remember coming home from kindergarten and just having craploads of food in my pockets. my mom was like "wtf is wrong with you"

    • i once got into a fight with another girl. she told me that she's the only person in the world who doesn't cry when hit. so, i hit her on the head with a toy shovel. i honestly don't know why little me thought that it was a good idea. btw she did cry after i hit her, so... i proved her wrong??? go me????

    • on a more positive note, our kindergarten had like an experimental garden, where kids could plant seeds. i planted a few cucumber seeds and checked on their progress every day and actually managed to grow a full plant. the day that i got to feed everyone my lil homegrown cucumbers was probably the best day of my childhood lol

    1. I remember crying so much on the first day, looking for my cousin.
    2. The same day I threw my backpack to the teacher as a tantrum.
    3. Also, I was scared of the Photographer in charge of taking pictures for the diploma. So, I am crying on my Kindergarten diploma

  • I touched a dead bee at the window when I was 6, tryna lift up something heavy with my nails and it went backwards at 7, hit by a car and flew 10 feets away, then standing up crying to my parents as if shit didn't happen at 8, it did hurt though...

    1. Always hugging my dad as he dropped and picked me up from school.
    2. Watching Timon and Pumba(the cartoon series) as soon as I got back from school. I could never watch the full episode as my school timings clashed with the show.
    3. Football and Dodgeball with my friends :))
  • Banned

    1.TAG IS TAG

  • Banned

    smell food love

  • @alicepimenova You're just a little bit confusing...not that that's an entirely bad thing

  • learning play doh is salty

    why is it not a topping

    visible confused screaming

  • Peeing on the floor, pretending to listen to boring stories and lunch time!

  • Being bullied

  • Colouring everything, creating shapes and pushing other kids in the playground

  • nap time, play time, snack time

  • Crayon and glue

  • I remember pouring water on my classmate because he was annoying me then irritating my teachers and laughing at serious matters... So yeah ๐Ÿคท
