Don't judge me for something trivial as that :b

  • @ Felecitas okay thus which sitcoms are the most liked by you?? My guilty plesures are : elementry, station 19, outpost, doompatrol, and a few more

  • @dousy i didnt watch so many so far, since they have so many episodes, I got into it with the Big Bang Theory and Brooklyn nine nine, then watched Friends as a classic as well as the IT Crowd.

  • cool, as i said i sometimes drown in them...and there are not to many sifi since Warehouse 13 that peeks my interest..

    for BBT it's a cool sitcom, i specially like the way they talk about the universe called theorize about the star trek universe. brooklyn nine nine is not my cup of tea as well as the IT Crowd..but i get bored easily..

  • I really enjoyed Brooklyn nine nine, made people also recommend Suits to me, but I havent yet got to it. But i will check out the ones you listed, so thanks :)

  • these are not sitcoms but series, and suits is nice until season 2.. then it get's a bit repetitive ..and youre welcome ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ohh okay, still might check them out, I watch other things as well :D I actually watch pretty much any genre.

  • cool. so what do you like the most in tv world?...or even outside the tv world?

  • in the tv world I like fantasy and sci fi stuff, I love Star Wars and many smaller shows like Killjoys, alternate carbon, the expanse. But I usually just click through anything and see if I enjoy it.

    and outside of the tv world.. thats another subject :P

  • Alternate carbon,,why did they stopped that?? it was a beautiful creation , Killjoy's still a very good one. Westworld very intriguing but plot laid out to soon. Eureka oldi but goldie Grimm, and of course Lucifer and Defiance.. out in the other part beyond tv..i'm just working as a tech guy ...

  • yeah, I wonder about that myself.. I really liked it and the whole idea. its nice when a show really picks up 1 detail like that and works around it.

    outside of the tv world I study gamedesign, so that takes up most of the passion around me :D

  • wow, game design..never got around to that, i mostly try to play with music or save some pc's. I did some disc jockey work at my last town but now i just make simple workout mixes..
    About that concept, yes there are not many shows that keep a theme alive like that. Ooh Continuum and Firefly..just jumped into my mind...

  • its a lot of fun :) and so is music, I am sure, I am just not a very rythmic person :D

    yeah, I tried out Firefly, but i couldnt really get into it, honestly. I know its super popular though

  • yeah Firefly is a bit like riding a bike on a dirt-road but watch what you like..and rhythm is mathematical just count the fourth beat and step i've seen a-rhythmical people believe me but i enjoy if the move like no one's watching..
    I've gotta go sleep now..sorry to go . Hope we'll talk to talk some more... (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

  • thank you for the exchange, have a good night :D and I am open to all dm's, so feel free to message me :)

  • Thnx, and i will...

  • @Felicitas You didn't say who is doing the judging. Is their opinion of that much value to you? We're all individuals, with our own likes, and dislikes, and preferences and such. Seems kind of twisted, to have someone judge you over some difference, when we're all designed to be different. And, I'm with you. I like sitcoms. A little light humor in this otherwise often demanding and hard life. A chance to lighten up with small slices of funny, those are welcome breaks. Laughter is good medicine.

  • @Felicitas Sci-fi? Fantasy? Tell me more.

  • @Felicitas Oh, slight misunderstanding. Feel free to disregard at least one previous comment.

  • Mmmm now I may be showing my age a little here but one of my favourite ever sci-fi shows was Space: Above and Beyond.

    Dark Skies was also very gripping.

  • Because the response it draws from you is funny, you went and made a post about it like this. This is amusing, you could like anything in the world, if you get upset over being told it's stupid, people will tell you it's stupid. Because you getting worked up... is funny.