• @leelah said in Tell us something interesting:

    @Electrifying-Guy I don't know for sure but I have assumed everyones stuff was being monitored and stored somewhere.

    Every app makes its privacy policy. I agree our data is stored somewhere by every app. But sharing our data with third parties can make us in trouble. Every app doesn't share its users' data with third parties apps and/or websites. Every app doesn't take name of law for sharing your information. Every app doesn't grant for more than 2-3 permissions. You need to give 25+ permissions before using both apps.

    Such amazing times we live in but we are moving forward way too fast. It makes more sense that it would be that way. Do you have a source you consider reliable where I could read more about this?

    1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/these-android-apps-have-been-tracking-you-even-when-you-say-stop/


  • @Electrifying-Guy thank you for sharing links I will read more about it.

  • @steelfirehawk said in Tell us something interesting:

    okay so the origins of the unlucky day of Friday the 13th you may not know this. So many years ago the Pope hired a legion of criminals (knights templar) to pursue holy relics, and guard his followers when they traveled promising them freedom if they served him by the sword. Well eventually the Templar got very wealthy even self sufficient. They became a threat! So on Friday the 13th the king of the time, and the Pope baited them all into their keep, and locked them in when they arrived. they proceeded to torture them to confess terrible things so badly that even if these accusations were not true just confessing to end the suffering was all they wanted, and of course this kind of thing was a very wicked attempt to condemn their souls! You wouldn't believe some of the things the Popacy is really guilty of

    Now be very careful, most of what you're saying are full blown conspiracy theories. The templars were not a legion of criminals. In fact they were european noblemen. Their aim was not to pursue holy relics, it was to protect pilgrims in the holy land. They were a combination of monks (living in poverty, serving the poor) and knighthood. The pope had nothing to do with their foundation. They were recognized by the patriarch of jerusalem.

    But they did rose to power over a few centuries, and the french king pressured the pope to put an end to them, because he felt the pope was getting to powerful, since the order worked under the pope. They were accused of being gay. And thus abolished.

  • @vkoami said in Tell us something interesting:

    @leelah why do you think a child prodigy happened? Because we carry a knowledge from our previous birth https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_child_prodigies.
    My observation and belief only and not for arguments

    Well, mozart for example was trained 8 hours a day before he was 5 by his father, also a famous mucisian at the time. Of course there is talent. But without adding those 10.000 hours of working on your gift, there is no such thing as a prodigy.

  • @petrapark3r you could be right. Can't always trust Wikipedia, and internet resources, but still the date was on Friday the 13th when they were slaughtered, and the Vatican leaders are typically pretty sick people who pretend to be granted authority by God. I mean they claim to follow the bible, but it is written that the Son of Perdition will claim to sit upon the throne of God, and better had he not been born.

  • @vkoami said in Tell us something interesting:

    @leelah Hinduism is science and not religious beliefs. Distance between sun and moon was identified in Hanuman chalisa https://www.google.com/amp/www.sciencebehindindianculture.in/distance-between-sun-and-earth-is-mentioned-in-hanuman-chalisa/amp/

    Earth is round - our religious books told this fact in our religious books. Nuclear weapons manufacturing, flight technologies etc were written in our books.
    Like this so many scientific facts in Indian vedi c

    Science is based on testing your hypothesis. It based on the reproducability of a certain effect by anyone at any time in any place. It is a rigorous effort done globally. It involves writing scientific papers and thus admitting your own hypothesis to the tests of others. And whatever cannot be reproduced many times over is not believed.

    Ergo: whatever hinduism is, it is not that.

  • @leelah said in Tell us something interesting:

    @vkoami I've always believed there were people that knew common knowledge facts we have now in the past. Math is so amazing. I'm sure some Indian geniuses in the past tracked the sun, moon, and planets and realized the earth was round. Math is beautiful and almost unquestionable. But what about karma? Is there evidence for this?

    Haha, yeah math is fun. Well, not doing it :sweat_smile: . But knowing what it does. And knowing it's foundation is also a really curious thing. For example take the obvious fact that when you add 2 to any even number the result is also even. This cannot be proven algorithmically! Yap you heard right. And yet our brain knows that it's true. So for math to work there are certain axioms. Like 1+1 = 2. We have no explanation for why 1 + 1 = 2, there exists no mathematical prove. Freaking cool!

  • @petrapark3r one time my dad, and a guy on tv said the word science at the same time my dog farted. It blew my mind. I almost felt like destiny was mocking science lmao

  • @leelah said in Tell us something interesting:

    @vkoami Karma is such a terrible case of victim blaming.

    Smart :open_mouth:. Never realized it was, but yeah. You are perfectly right.

  • @steelfirehawk said in Tell us something interesting:

    @petrapark3r you could be right. Can't always trust Wikipedia, and internet resources, but still the date was on Friday the 13th when they were slaughtered, and the Vatican leaders are typically pretty sick people who pretend to be granted authority by God. I mean they claim to follow the bible, but it is written that the Son of Perdition will claim to sit upon the throne of God, and better had he not been born.

    Lots of popes lead lives that deserve hell, no doubt. I wouldn't say typically pretty sick people, though. We have – in our lifetime even! – seen saintly people sit on it (namely John Paul II). But yes, I too believe that the son of perdition will sit on this throne. I just don't think that profecy is about all popes in general.

  • @leelah said in Tell us something interesting:

    @vkoami victim blaming is very sad. What do these people have to do to prevent being tortured by the universe? Follow specific guidelines and not question their hardwired beliefs. I bet greedy rich rulers at the top have loved their people preoccupied with fear based beliefs all through history and all over the world.

    Now don't turn faith into what it is not. Of course you are right, rulers can use faith to govern people. But it is also the other way round. Let's take christianity for example. God (faith) has always been the one authority that the rulers had to listen to. Take john the babtist for example. It isn't just random, that he was killed by a king (or rather his wife) who didn't like to follow this authority above him.

    And now take societies that have abandoned faith all together. This might actually answer your question about something interesting: the sowjet union alone had more victims than nazi germany. And every other communist country produced millions of deaths. Having no faith produces definitely more harm, than having faith.

    Also it is not that rulers invented faith, like ever. They were usually born into it too.

    Also rulers were never free. They had to follow an incredible etiquette. No society works with just the leader. It always requires a whole apparatus of collaborators. And they usually followed their own interests and didn't kill only a handful rulers replacing them with someone that favored their interests.

  • @leelah Humans are the only speciesΒ known to blush! (discovered this fact thro a corny line told by a perv!πŸ˜‚)

  • @Anastasia-Smith that is interesting AND creepy

  • All new potential medicines needs to do a hERG-test. hERG stands for "human-ether-a-go-go-related gene" (the one who named it was most likely high) and it is a K-channel in heart cells, if something messes up with this channel your heart could stop, which leads to bad publicity, hence the test.

  • Did u know that Steve (main character in minecraft) is extremly strong. So in real life the heaviest item in minecraft would be a golden block which steve can carry 64 per slot, u following me? So there are i think 36 slots in steves inventory. And when we skip all the mathematics behind it the weight he can carry is equal to 6 eiffel towers. There is a whole youtube video that covers it pretty well u get me...
