At what age did you lose your virginity?

  • 14 in a tent lol, me and all my friends had been celebrating one of our birthdays in a grass area in the middle of a load of houses where a few of us used to live.
    Iโ€™d been trying all night to get inside her to no avail, we were friends with benefits and weโ€™d done everything else.
    In the morning everyone went inside so I told her to meet me at the tent. When she came in I started kissing her before she had time to realise I was totally naked.
    When she did realise she felt me poking into her ๐Ÿ˜‚ I handed her a condom and asked her to put it on me (sheโ€™d had sex a few times before with her ex). At the same time I was pulling her panties down and lifting her skirt higher up her waist, when we were ready she slowly sank down to the floor, pulling me close... then finally as I lay on her, her hand found my rock hard dick and put it in position. She asked me one last time if I was sure, before grabbing my ass and pulling me towards her.
    I still remember how amazing it felt, even with a condom on... Iโ€™d like to tell you that I came fast and it felt great but after less than a minute we had to hurriedly cover ourselves after hearing the neighbours young son having a look around.
    I did cum the following night during our second time, it felt amazing, again, even with a condom on. This time we were interrupted half way through by a drunk man walking through the moon lit field that we had chosen to get naked, and put a blanket down... not once but twice he returned to ask if I needed a hand... z๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • I haven't I'm still a virgin

  • @ODIN


  • @ODIN Hehe I actually am not lying cx online I'm a tease but irl I'm just too shy for even relationships cx

  • @Lurker oh yes I'm a complete catfish uwu

  • @PrincessLenneth

    HAAAA GOT EM :smirk:
    Just teasing you cuz of your profile :p

  • @Lurker Hehe yea you can reverse search it if you want, it's me c;

  • Just this passed year at 18 on a backpacking trip in the woods lol

  • @Willow I was 14, I ended up moving to AZ afterwords....she told me she was pregnant and had gotten rid of the baby...then like 3,4 years in AZ she fb me and says she never got rid of the baby...but I do know she hooked up with someone I use to go to school this day idk if it's really mine or not....of that child was line then he would be 10 or 11 by now
