• Yesterday while talking to a fellow user, I was amazed and shocked to learn that the parents of the person knew about their activeness and presence on TWS. I put my thinking Cap on and realised that most of the users here are under-aged or have just came-of-age. So, now it intrigues me that how many of users here have actually told their Parents/ Guardians/ Relatives/ Better-half/ Special one/ Friends of their presence on here.

    So shoot in your stand regarding this matter as to why you chose to tell or not tell about your activeness on a STRANGER CHAT website to the people in your real life.

  • @Wolfie_11
    πŸ™‹ Ya my dad knows even my sis know that i m here even my many friends know abt this site i told them :joy:

  • @Saloniii
    Yeah, that is kewl.
    That is what forms the crux of this topic.
    Its time to see if you’re unique in that regard or there are actually peeps who share the kind of openness that you possess.

  • @Wolfie_11
    I think my siblingss might know I come heree,
    but they don’t really botherrr so they don’t know I’ve created an account now πŸ˜‚

    And of courseee I have parental permission to be hereee as well, I’m a good limeeee πŸ˜‡

  • @Slimey said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    I have parental permission to be hereee as well

    I doubt that, but if you say so.

    I’m a good limeeee πŸ˜‡

    I highly doubt that.

  • @Wolfie_11
    You’re free to assume. 😝

  • @Wolfie_11
    I never told this to my parents .. N maybe never say in future .. I guess they r not aware of social media n thinks only Facebook n insta r the social media (coz my brother use that n educate about it to my parents.. ) :face_palm: I created a Facebook account for him n after a week he started educating my dad .. I always stop him to do that.. But my dad have a Facebook account . just wondering all relatives sent me friend request on Facebook (which r still on pending) but my dad I mean my own dad .. How peaking in my phone for looking how Facebook looks like never sent me friend request πŸ˜… (maybe I'm lucky son or he still can't find me on facebook).
    Btw my brother knows about this site n we developed a brocode in us that he never said about this to my parents ..
    N my mom knew (n maybe dad too) that I talk with strangers/friends on vc but until l speak in English they think at lest their son talking in English .. Yepppp I'm lucky in this case πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ coz my parents never bother my social media life .. Never mean never even tho my bords exams πŸ˜…

    Ikr bruh. Facebook is getting popular among our predecessing generation. Getting requests from relatives was one of the reasons I left it way back. Lol.. Imagine them seeing my comments :p :p
    Damn. So I kinda understand your thing of keeping the relatives’ request on pending lol. And nice bit of bro-code there.

    my parents never bother my social media life ..

    Thats indeed lucky. :)

  • @Wolfie_11 i don't tell my parents because i'm already an adult.. One day older than u πŸ˜‚ .. But i told my close friends that i have my own world here.. Sometimes i post on insta story because u guys usually make me feel happy.. For me, tell or not tell is not a matter for my real life..

  • @Saloniii me too πŸ™‹

  • @Wolfie_11 said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    Getting requests from relatives was one of the reasons I left it way back. Lol.. Imagine them seeing my comments :p :p

    What's ur reason to keep em waiting ? 😏

    Damn. So I kinda understand your thing of keeping the relatives’ request on pending lol. And nice bit of bro-code there.

    Yeah.. But I guess ur reason in kinda different from me .. Coz I used Facebook like tinder when puberty hits me πŸ˜‚

  • @Wolfie_11 I’ve got kind of uptight parents and I already know what their opinion of their daughter spending all this time talking to strangers on the internet on a fairly sketchy website would be, so I never told them about TWS πŸ˜‚ They just think I text with school friends a lot I guess
    My close friends definitely know tho, even got some of them to join as a joke but they didn’t stay long mostly cause of the language barrier

    Idk, it’s a weird thing to talk about

  • @hanastrawberry said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    @Wolfie_11 i don't tell my parents because i'm already an adult.. One day older than u πŸ˜‚ ..

    That is contradicting your signature. :p

    But i told my close friends that i have my own world here.. Sometimes i post on insta story because u guys usually make me feel happy..

    Its good to know. Been an honor to play my part in making you happy.

  • @Wolfie_11 because people thought i'm a teenager πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ lol
    Yeahhh, everyone here are soo warm and nice .. I feel happy here πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  • @ASHUTOSH33 said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    What's ur reason to keep em waiting ? 😏

    I deleted FB 9 years ago. But I guess generation gap was one of the reasons I used to keep their requests on hold.

    Coz I used Facebook like tinder when puberty hits me πŸ˜‚

    Damn. Can’t relate to that reason lol

  • @hanastrawberry
    Excuse the kids. They don’t know the Art of deducing a gurl’s age through her words :p

  • @WtfJudith
    Hey Jud. Its easy to miss that you’re still a kid lol. I guess the common assumption of the parents would be that their child talks a lot to their school mates on seeing the amount of time they spend on pc/mob. Apparently, you’re one of the lifelines of the site. Pretty tough responsibility on young shoulders!

    And it sure is a weird thing to talk about :)

  • @WtfJudith
    Still wondering what's ur full potential πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @Wolfie_11 said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    @ASHUTOSH33 said in To Say OR Not To Say...:

    Coz I used Facebook like tinder when puberty hits me πŸ˜‚

    Damn. Can’t relate to that reason lol

    Ohk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • My Parents/ Guardians/ Relatives/ Better-half/ Special one/ Friends have no interest on what I view on the internet. However, when I told the accumulation of beached driftwood that has formed into a lady's face, which I have recently started to worship as deity, it said, THE CHILDREN OF TWS ARE THE FUTURE OF ALL MANKIND - in that strange non-verbal, futuristic language it uses.
