• @Bela-Hella both are easy af fuck if you got the right person .. that's what my thoughts are

  • @Bela-Hella loving is easy imo

  • @spaceboy same thoughts, confirme we are still in same spaceship.. :-)

  • @Barton said in Is it easier to love or be loved?❤❤❤:

    @Bela-Hella loving is easy imo

    For you whose heart is so big to love.. :-)

  • @ash-_-uchiha tell that to @Bela-Hella

  • @Bela-Hella yeah. But it takes more than a big heart to be loved!

  • @Bela-Hella
    To be loved, strengthens you, motivates you, fills you in and out, make you feel on clouds, you feel supported, there's always someone who is ready to do anything even when you barely just want them to sit and hear.

    To love, makes you greedy...no matter how much you love the other you'll never feel satisfied and Amway feel to live even more, you get protective to that person, you'll be always in that urge to be there for them before anyone,when they need. They'll always be your top most priority no matter how busy or tiring was your schedule. They are always running in that background process of your mind, when you are busy. What ever it is, it'll be first about them that you think. You'll not even realize that from how long your mind was thinking of them and since when.

    To love, is to make sure that they are fine and assure yourself that they are sleeping well at night. To be loved, is feeling cared and assuring that the other sleeps peacefully after that one 'good night love you and take care' kinda text.

    Actually both are equally important, but To love is more important, because it has the capacity to keep the one (to be loved) more happy. And what else brings more happiness in the world else than seeing your loved one happy.

  • @Saloniii said in Is it easier to love or be loved?❤❤❤:

    To be loved, strengthens you, motivates you, fills you in and out, make you feel on clouds, you feel supported, there's always someone who is ready to do anything even when you barely just want them to sit and hear.

    To love, makes you greedy...no matter how much you love the other you'll never feel satisfied and Amway feel to live even more, you get protective to that person, you'll be always in that urge to be there for them before anyone,when they need. They'll always be your top most priority no matter how busy or tiring was your schedule. They are always running in that background process of your mind, when you are busy. What ever it is, it'll be first about them that you think. You'll not even realize that from how long your mind was thinking of them and since when.

    To love, is to make sure that they are fine and assure yourself that they are sleeping well at night. To be loved, is feeling cared and assuring that the other sleeps peacefully after that one 'good night love you and take care' kinda text.

    Actually both are equally important, but To love is more important, because it has the capacity to keep the one (to be loved) more happy. And what else brings more happiness in the world else than seeing your loved one happy.

    OMG :kissing_heart:
    Someone have doctorate/Phd in Love
    I wish someone like you love me :kissing_heart: :P :)

  • @albertojames :joy: Good joke man

  • @Saloniii said in Is it easier to love or be loved?❤❤❤:

    @albertojames :joy: Good joke man

    It's not a joke. I don't know why all girls took me like I am joking. Atleast someone should trust me. I guess you should start this league

  • @albertojames Okay np :joy: bt you are funny

  • @Saloniii said in Is it easier to love or be loved?❤❤❤:

    @albertojames Okay np :joy: bt you are funny

    I have head that girls love to make funny guys as there friend, so I am waiting for being followed by you :) :P

  • @Bela-Hella Falling in love isn't easier because when fallin love and hide things just to keep it secret coz of scare to get rejected, It hurts. Also, to be in that kinda love rel after when you show your love to someone which is meaningless for that person who doesn't care about the feelings of your love it also hurts. Actually love is only between two people who mutually understand and feel for eachother to care and respect each other and to support each other for rest of their life, only this kinda love is easy and good, Otherwise love is only shit.

  • One Woman Army Banned

    The problem is we love someone without thinking that they will love us in return as we love  them.
    Unfortunately, often the person whom we love the most hurts us the most by not  loving  us in return

    being loved is  easier  for girls N  loving girls is easier  for  boys.
    boys  will  fall in love very quickly but it takes  long time  to forget girls
    whereas girls they take more time to love but they  forget easily
    To love someone is easier than to be loved.

  • @prisoner You are correct girls recover fast after break-up..Not a feminist but bois sarreh truth hurts..

  • Music Lovers


  • Is it easier to love or be loved?

    Easier for whom ? - From a purely selfish point of view it is better to be loved. 🤔
    However, that soon becomes sterile and cannot be appreciated if you don't love back.

    When you're in love the whole world is a better place, when you're loved your life is easier but it isn't as fulfilling and you have to fight the guilt of someone giving you so much time, attention, and effort and not really caring.

    Unfortunately ,as it often happens - The love you take is not equal to the love you make.
    Lots of people will take yours for granted easily :)
    & I'm sorry if you had to ever go through it :(

    Currently in the situation where I'm loving someone who can't (Not won't; big difference) love me back due to personal reasons that I won't go into.

    But ...having said all that & also having Loved & lost.
    I'd much rather be loved.

    You feel much less lonely, and you finally feel wanted.In this cruel cruel lonely world ,in the middle of a lonely cold night - you wake up alone - but its okay ,its all right , you relax & smile happily -knowing somewhere ,someplace you are in someones mind & if you just give them a message they would rather stay up all night for you ,than sleep.

    It's selfish to think about having someone chase after you and want you.
    The feeling of knowing that you, YOU, light up their world.
    You are their star in their life that lights up the darkness in their world.
    They love you.
    They care for you. 😍

    They smile when they see you on Skype because you're thousands of miles away from them.
    Your laugh brings a smile to their face, almost to the point where their cheeks hurt. :hugging_face:

    They feel remorse when they hurt you.
    When they miss a call from you, they feel sad, because hearing your voice is all they want.

    And when you send a gift to them, all they do is glow.
    They look at the gift and they just glow, hard.
    You look at them happily & hug them , feeling like a star burning bright is in your arms ,your very own Warm happy Star that chose you among all other. <3

    Love or be loved - I may not know you ,never have talked with you - But I wish you and everyone reading this, All my warmest wishes & fondest affection in finding your own slice of Happiness.

    Stay Blessed ! ❤\( ̄▽ ̄)/❤

  • The easiest - be loved by yourself