• @Wolfie_11 Yes. We eat a lot of tasty food though ;)

  • @BabyArtist i guess i need carbs as my routine is kinda tough. And i am planning it more tough. Cycling running and playing basketball etc so i guess i would need them right? And talking but i do believe your way works as well i had my 10kilos down once in a week or bit more by just having a day neal and drinking water eating natural snacks like nuts as you have mentioned. But what i dont understand is why fats? You know fats contain twice as much energy then carbs basically fats are energy reservoirs right? And carbs canbe accumulated as we swallow them down. Wouldnt it get us fat if we have fat intake?

  • @BabyArtist and i would definitely be trying coconut oil. It sounds interesting but little difficult to swallow lol

  • @Lord-Rorschach Not at all!! Fats actually burn fat, that’s the best thing. People eat so many carbs and have to snack the whole time because of carbs because the energy in carbs lasts for an hour or so that’s why you feel the need to eat the whole time. People think sugar intake helps with energy... it does but you just feel bad afterwards by getting a headache or something. Fats give you a lot more energy to hold in and it doesn’t make you feel as bad. It also saves you time from eating so much because if your energy level always is low because of the amount of carb intake you do then you waste time by feeling weak and also having to eat again every once in a while. When you eat fats, you eat when you need to eat... sometimes if you are very active then you might need snacks because you burn energy faster. If you use carbs then your energy will stay for about 20 mins depending on how much you took in. You can always keep nuts with you to eat a few and then you’re good to go rather than an energy bar. I also suggest this lifestyle to someone who is very active because it makes you very energetic and want to live. It’ll also prevent your chances from getting a heart attack!

    I forgot one more thing about this life style. It also improves your ability to learn things and listen to someone! My grades improved so much because of this lifestyle. It’s not just for school it’s also for learning in life.

  • @Lord-Rorschach That’s great! To be honest I love coconut oil because it’s so smooth and it is so yummy in your mouth. It’s actually easier to swallow than other types of oils, you can even make a bullet proof coffee with it but I suggest using a blender or electric wisk to mix it. I personally preffer coffee like this plus it keeps me full for 6 hours.

  • Ha, ha. I wish i could stop consuming sugary food.
    But chocolate for me is literally a coping mechanism and drug.
    . . . The best drug.

  • @BabyArtist how do you mention a topic when making a post

  • @BabyArtist Low carb lifestyle is a tricky one, and in most cases it's not healthy in the long run. You need energy from carbs, the "good" ones at least. You go with it ofc, but do some research on that type of lifestyle. That shit is dangerous actually. It can cause more negative than positive outcomes, esp. if you go with animal proteins which will kill your kidneys in no longer than 2 years lol

  • @Karina-Kara That’s okay haha but if you really want to then anything can be done if you put your mind to it :) we have low carb chocolate though that tastes exactly like chocolate!

  • @sarah I think you tap like on the arrow next to the big reply button and then you choose “make new topic” or whatever it says on it. I have no idea, it just gave me that option because the post I got the “Re” from was made long ago.

  • @BabyArtist you look like on a mission to make mouth water by describing the details lol. I would definitely try it sometimes. Btw can we take it with something. Like milk or anything else?

  • @Karina-Kara ikrr. I have kept myself away from chocolate because i was too addicted. But yes whenever i see chocolate it gets me wet.

  • @What-is-this Well we did very much research very thoroughly and it is very healthy. I guess some people think carbs are good but it’s actually not. Did you know that people weren’t actually supposed to eat sugar in the first place? I guess it’s your own opinion but this works for us.

  • @Lord-Rorschach The coconut oil you can drink it in your coffee or tea. I don’t think milk is the best idea but if it’s warm milk then sure? I haven’t tried that. You can put it in your food etc.

  • @BabyArtist sure thanks for the information. Its helpful

  • @Lord-Rorschach Always welcome ^.^

  • @BabyArtist I am trying to understand why do you think that carbs aren't healthy in the first place? Carbs are one of the three basic macronutrients which keep our body healthy, and without it, our body goes through different phases which can be tough for health, especially if healthy carbs are completely cut off. What many people don't understand is, that no matter how much something is healthy, it can become unhealthy if it's taken in big amounts, especially carbs and proteins. Many people make mistakes by taking too many healthy carbs or proteins, yet they become fat, and then blame it saying carbs are completely unhealthy, while it's quite opposite from that. I usually believe in things which are backed up by science. Carbs are good for everyone, but it's important to know when, how, what amount and what type to use/eat. Your lifestyle is respectful though, don't get me wrong. Sugar in big amounts is a no-no for me as well, only stevia and other sweeteners that can contribute to health, if taken properly

  • @BabyArtist said in Low-carb Lifestyle:

    Re: Is there any way to recover eyesight if it has gone weak?

    Eating low-carb lifestyle works! My parents both wear glasses and we all decided to start doing this low carb thing and after a few months my parents didn't even need their glasses anymore... they actually started seeing better without them.

    I am surprised lmao. Most of people use to better their eye-sight by consuming vitamin A. Even though I also consumed high vitamin A diet and get better eye-sights than before I had.

    (If you don't want to change your whole eating ways, I would reccomend using coconut oil instead of butter, milk or cream. You can also eat a spoonful of it as a snack)

    Fyi, coconut oil is very high in saturated fats and saturated fat always raises you bad cholesterol. It has higher percentage of saturated fat than even a lard. It will increase heart diseases if you consume it further.
    Check the whole article-https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/coconut-oil
    Olive oil has lower saturated fat than coconut oil has. According to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, switching from a diet high in saturated fat to one high in mono-unsaturated fat may help you weight even if you don’t eat fewer calories.
    saturated fat in 100 gram per oil serve - olive oil (14 gram) vs coconut oil (87 gram)
    I am not saying coconut oil doesn't help to remove some pounds but it is unhealthier than most of the oils

    This doesn't only work for eye-sight it can work to lose weight and also reduce sweating/ getting tired easily. After about three months we started getting all figety and decided to exercise, that made us lose weight even faster. My dad literally ran up 10 flights of stairs at his job because he couldn't walk any slower because he was so full of energy.

    Lowering your carbs is good, I am not against of this. But it will harm your body if you consume it for long run. Now the main energy of source is carbohydrates only. You can consume carbohydrates by eating a lots of fruits and vegetables. They will give you protein, minerals etc too.

    When you sleep it's like you feel like you didn't sleep but you aren't tired at all.
    The oil in your body mostly goes away.
    If you have a bad case of pimples then look no further... I used to have really bad acne and by eating this way my skin is so smooth. Like a fashion model you can say.
    When you eat, it's like you are filled lightly and it doesn't feel like a rock inside of your stomach. I normally skip lunch and eat only breakfast and dinner because I keep forgetting to eat because I'm never hungry! I just eat because I know I have to.

    The food we eat is so delicious and experimenting. We even have chocolate that tastes just like actual chocolate! Remember that this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle... you always eat like this. Yes you can have your treat days or cheat days or whatever you'd like to call them, but the main point is to get healthy and this really works, better than any diet out there!!

    Skipping meals will decrease your metabolism . And that means you will gain more weight. You will never lose it. Instead of skipping your meals you can consume natural foods. Aren't they available in your region ?
    Read full article- https://www.sharecare.com/health/metabolism-and-weight-loss/skipping-a-meal-affect-metabolism

  • @Mhdkyeoyekhxkhxk