• Goodmorning to you guys in this beautiful evening! Takin a rest from swingin my chainsaw, I mean it wouldn't be so exhausting if I also didn't had to run. Gotta sit down, drink some warm pi$s what sparkling Lipton Tea is. Some traffic in this bich finally, but the no conclusion arguments are still around, there's just no fckin way people here can unite or even agree on something unless one of them swallows the others dads cum, and by that I really mean a hard to swallow pill. Some New York Times incoming.

    We have located a German psychopath living in the forest right across the house they actually live in. @Karina-Kara is the new Slenderman but not without a face, this time the face consists of a huge mouth but dont throw penises at her, she carries a knife, gon be chop chop and omelette du fromage. But the huge mouth represents her soul which is hungry for love.

    I know nothing about her.. i don't want to know anything about her.. she dont want me to know anything about her.. she doesn't want to know anything about me.. But I guess it's that kind of love me and @WtfJudith has. My little Jubivibidy β™₯. I wish to one day know your hair color, your nail length, shave your legs and spray an insect poison in your face. Don't judge guys, it's just us.

    There's another manner-less cu.. ... ..girl. @DarkIce69, our little TWS princess currently on her way to becoming a moderator. I dunno what a child can do with a TV remote but she has recently awakened her warrior's mentality, and starting to learn what respect and honesty and being fair means so I wish her all the best cuz she's been around for a while and deserves a bit of spotlight. I mean what could go wrong? ..hehe

    You spin my head right round right round like a record baby right round right round. You smexy @Div you animal tasing bastard. This guy is also competing for the position of a moderator, and I gotta say he might fit there, promoting new users is very respectful, so check out his "SHOUTOUT SATURDAYS" post/s, not every new member is a pervert.

    Days are just flying away, can't get them back guys. Don't be mean to each other even if @Morf really is gay. It's never too late to change, like @DayShifter from a loving father to a h0oker hotspot. Or @LionCara, from an open book to semen stained sheets. Adulthood doesn't destroy dreams, it's just us, giving up on them and paying attention to the wrong things. Enjoy your weekend boys and gals, god bless you and peace out!

    Oh and if anyone sees Lizzy, tell her I'ma whoop her a$s.

  • my skin is crawling, i fell like i'm about to puke, (nails are 9 meters long btw, conveniently the lengh of the average adult diggestive system from asshΓ΄le to mouth (: ) but then..i couldn't agree more @morf is really gay

  • Splendid!
    *turns around *
    I am famous on the internet now!

  • @Karina-Kara said in Goodmorning Radio 23/03/2019:

    *turns around *
    I am famous on the internet now!


  • Your commentary makes me feel so hot daddy.

  • @Alte β€žsemen stained sheetsβ€œ and also β€žhookerβ€œ :o :o :o 😒😭

  • @LionCara said in Goodmorning Radio 23/03/2019:

    @Alte β€žsemen stained sheetsβ€œ and also β€žhookerβ€œ :o :o :o 😒😭

    hes been in our room :joy:

  • Has anybody the decency to explain any of this?
    I, of course, only understood my part being mentioned. And DarkIce69's aswell as Div's part.

  • @Karina-Kara said in Goodmorning Radio 23/03/2019:

    Has anybody the decency to explain any of this?
    I, of course, only understood my part being mentioned. And DarkIce69's aswell as Div's part.

    I think my part is concerning the fct the site (and apparently @alte) think all the ladies of the site chat me up , but this is not the case ... me lion does tho :joy:

    as always, I could be wrong

  • @DayShifter
    I chat with you.
    So maybe there is some truth to that.

  • @Karina-Kara said in Goodmorning Radio 23/03/2019:

    I chat with you.
    So maybe there is some truth to that.

    I dont tend to realise if people are chatting me up tbh , so maybe I missed something :O

  • @Alte Warrior? wtf :joy:

  • @Alte Who all even became mods? xD

  • @DarkIce69 I have no idea lmao.
