Its not really a secret that we all have good as well as bad qualities inside of us. One of the things that influences our decision-making is the teachings that we have been preached while growing up. Though in tough times when your mind begins to waiver off and thinks of doing something immoral, its the personal trait/characteristics that you rely upon to make decisions.
    However, people who keep their mind occupied with constructive stuffs hardly
    have time to unleash their demons. And for people like us, the pretentious nature of being occupied in replying to posts intelligently and constructively probably augurs well when it comes to the state of mind tilting towards good.

    “We might not be a saint, but we better not be a devil either.”

    “Its not who we are underneath , Its what we do that defines us.”

  • I don't go full genocide yet because i still have myself under control. And it wouldn't bring the things back that i still love.
    Not only that, but it has already been done countless times in the past and look at what good it did to this world!
    Although i must admit that i wasn't the best and most perfect human being once upon a time.
    But it doesn't matter now.
    Sooner or later...
    Something will happen.

    You will see.
    Time will tell.

  • @IM-NOT-होरणि
    But what's da plane !!?
    I still wanna join mafia!!

    Whats wrong with accepting a part of us? Well we live in a civilised society, dont we? There are certain pre-conceived norms (no matter right or wrong) that are there to be followed. Why don’t we all roam nude? Why can’t we ‘mate’ with anyone we want, at anytime we want and anywhere we want? Why can’t we all take grenades and keep bombarding the place we wish to? Why can’t take a car and just ram over as many people as we want to? Why can’t we mutilate anyone that we want to? Why can’t we hold someone ransom for life and live on their money forever?
    Because choice, consent, goodwill, hardwork and being civilised matters. If you want to be an outlaw, then you may sure unleash yourself but you be ready to suffer its consequence. Unless you can reveal the demon inside you without harming or disturbing anyone else, you’re good to go.

    *Also yes, that was definitely other way to say go get a job or be occupied in better things.

    **And yes, I mean to say that you can’t really change your trait. You might be able to put up a fake characteristics and try to be accustomed to society (as you are taught) when the things are decent enough. But when the pressure situation comes or you’re frustated, you’re bound to reveal your true self aka The Demon that you are.

  • @Wolfie_11
    Ah, the truth.
    So delightful...

  • The one in control decides what is "Evil" and what is "Good".


    I kinda agree with your perspective of most things being subjectve and that is why I said-
    “There are pre-conceived norms (no matter right or wrong)”

    But certain things cannot be relative such as “obtaining consent”.

  • @Mydearnothórnyfriend

    First of all, the music is trippy, sadly not my cup of tea!
    Regarding the topic... We all have a dark/evil side in us, some have a easier time controlling and some of us doesn't. We all have made mistakes in the past, things we regret and "sinned" whatever that means anyway...
    My point is we are humans, we aren't machines, sometimes we do things driven by our feelings and even those have consequences but usually those are a product of another set of consequences. Even the most kind people is tainted by evil, so yeah we all can be devil, if we give in to our primal desires.
    I'm 28 years old and I did something I feel ashamed on last friday that i've never did in 28 years of existence. Am I the devil for that? Hell no, i'm just living life :v:


    Genocide. The last straw of any problem.
    A huge and unsustainable population. GENOCIDE
    Some community troubling you. GENOCIDE
    An Austrian not being able to get Into art university. GENOCIDE

    Here's the thing. It's pretty well established that genocidal, totalitarian types are dicks. We're all wise to that. No one said about 'Allo 'Allo "Woah, you can't make fun of the Nazis like that". No one complained that Four Lions was treating Jihadis unfairly. Intellectual-chasing Maoists? Di cks. Machete-brandishing Hutus? Di cks. The KKK? Ultra di cks.

    Therefore, here is my solution. The moment you sense things starting to kick off, and you're a persecuted minority, just go to your wardrobe, pull the full-length mirror off the inside door and use it as a shield. When the genocidal 'henchman' is bearing down on you with murder in his heart, he'll see his reflection and just think, 'wait ...I'm being a di ck, aren't I?, and the spell shall be broken.


  • @Indrid-Cold
    If only it were that easy and simple to accomplish.

    Beautifully written.
    Just be yourself and find the ones who accept you the way you truly are.
    Only that way you can find fulfillment and happiness in your remaining life.


    Yes, im a human. But the society wants me to be a machine.

    Fúck society and fúck others, be yourself and that's what will bring you joy at the end of the day!
    "They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same"

    We are all a bunch of misfits wanting to belong somewhere.
    What kind of attraction this site has.

    I am searching for an old friend. That is why i got there.
    But i stayed because of your reasons.

  • Banned

    I dont have one lol
    I am stupid and I do stupid stuff N things dont stop me lol..

    Oh, boy.
    What a reference!
    What a coincidence!

  • Banned



  • Banned


    Thanks! It's good to see you too.