• Tell me about your fears...

    Name 3 things you fear (or feared)

    1. one that's ridiculous
    2. one that's awkward
    3. one that's actually dangerous

    What's your biggest fear? Do you know why you fear what you fear?

  • @lego-batman

    1-Pictures of me.

    Reasons are private tho. Except for the heights, dunno why that.

  • @lego-batman

    1. Old pictures of me
    2. Bees
    3. This is actually interesting... I don't think i'm afraid of dying so I don't really fear anything dangerous, does that make sense? :shrug:

  • @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    Tell me about your fears...

    Name 3 things you fear (or feared)

    1. one that's ridiculous
    2. one that's awkward
    3. one that's actually dangerous

    What's your biggest fear? Do you know why you fear what you fear?

    1.I have this ridiculous fear of FROGS. Hahaha
    2.hmmm , when someone question my capabilities as a human haha
    3.Falling into a trap like someone pretends into something he/she wasn't

  • @lego-batman

    1. Contact with insects/arachnids/maggots, also fear of not achieving self-realization.
    2. Losing my mind (I have a great temperament and I´m aware that "anything" could happen if get to lose my nerves).
    3. None

  • @lego-batman

    1. Most of my photos 😂
    2. Anatidaephobia, really akward
    3. Me being sweet but pyscho (superb dangerous)

  • @lego-batman

    1. change
    2. babies
    3. myself when I’m emotional
      Change is frustrating, babies are weird, and when I’m mad I’m like the Hulk... you don’t like me when I’m angry 😈

  • @cjko why do you have a fear of frogs? they’re my favorite animals, they’re so cute!!

  • @Zen00 said in And then... Buh:

    @cjko why do you have a fear of frogs? they’re my favorite animals, they’re so cute!!

    Haha I dunno, I can't explain it. I tried to face that fear but it made my over all system panic. Haha

  • @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    Tell me about your fears...

    Name 3 things you fear (or feared)

    1. one that's ridiculous
    2. one that's awkward
    3. one that's actually dangerous

    What's your biggest fear? Do you know why you fear what you fear?

    1 - Death
    2 - like everybody,old pictures of themselves.
    3 - Heights

  • @Zen00 said in And then... Buh:

    and when I’m mad I’m like the Hulk.

    Green and ugly.

  • @Iservejustice said in And then... Buh:

    @Zen00 said in And then... Buh:

    and when I’m mad I’m like the Hulk.

    Green and ugly.

    Yes 🥚sactly!

  • @Zen00 2 is a good call, Z. I don't trust them because people say, "oh, you've got to look after babies because they're so fragile". But look how thick and soft their skin is. I think you could drop them from a great height, like the escape pod in 'Red Planet', and they'd be just fine. I think we're being exploited.

  • @Alte said in And then... Buh:


    1-Pictures of me.

    Reasons are private tho. Except for the heights, dunno why that.

    Interesting, have never thought about it, but I might be scared of old pictures too... just a bit... nah, I don't think it's fear, just don't like em.

    Women are pretty scary yeah, for many reasons. Men can be scary too I suppose.

    I like heights actually.

  • @Lurker said in And then... Buh:


    1. Old pictures of me
    2. Bees
    3. This is actually interesting... I don't think i'm afraid of dying so I don't really fear anything dangerous, does that make sense? :shrug:

    Do you have a bee allergy or is it "just" emotional?

    I'm not afraid of being dead either, but I do fear dangerous things. It ain't logical man...

  • @cjko said in And then... Buh:

    @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    Tell me about your fears...

    Name 3 things you fear (or feared)

    1. one that's ridiculous
    2. one that's awkward
    3. one that's actually dangerous

    What's your biggest fear? Do you know why you fear what you fear?

    1.I have this ridiculous fear of FROGS. Hahaha
    2.hmmm , when someone question my capabilities as a human haha
    3.Falling into a trap like someone pretends into something he/she wasn't

    1. Frogs, interesting... I fear some social situations which are just ridiculous to fear or even think about, like someone greeting me and I don't know who they are...

    2. What are your capabilities as a human? Like if I question that you can walk? Or talk elaborately?

    3. I don't quite get the third one... Someone poses you a trap and you pretend to fall into it?

  • @Bela-Hella said in And then... Buh:


    1. Most of my photos 😂
    2. Anatidaephobia, really akward
    3. Me being sweet but pyscho (superb dangerous)
    1. Do you also fear the duck attacking you?

    2. Uh, I'm scared of women when they are like that

  • @Zen00 said in And then... Buh:


    1. change
    2. babies
    3. myself when I’m emotional
      Change is frustrating, babies are weird, and when I’m mad I’m like the Hulk... you don’t like me when I’m angry 😈
    1. Change is frustrating indeed, but also refreshing. I fear certain changes for sure...

    2. I fear babies too abit, don't know what to do with them. Or do you fear having babies?

    3. Yeah, I do fear myself too sometimes

  • @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    1. Do you also fear the duck attacking you?

    2. Uh, I'm scared of women when they are like that

    The duck and I have an eye to eye connection, not scared but strange especially when it winks at me😂

  • @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    @cjko said in And then... Buh:

    @lego-batman said in And then... Buh:

    Tell me about your fears...

    Name 3 things you fear (or feared)

    1. one that's ridiculous
    2. one that's awkward
    3. one that's actually dangerous

    What's your biggest fear? Do you know why you fear what you fear?

    1.I have this ridiculous fear of FROGS. Hahaha
    2.hmmm , when someone question my capabilities as a human haha
    3.Falling into a trap like someone pretends into something he/she wasn't

    1. Frogs, interesting... I fear some social situations which are just ridiculous to fear or even think about, like someone greeting me and I don't know who they are...
      yeah, I just kinda have this weird reaction when I saw frogs infront of me or approaching me. I don't fear being greeted with someone whom I don't know I just don't react.
    1. What are your capabilities as a human? Like if I question that you can walk? Or talk elaborately?
      haha hmm, question me why I do this and that, why I chose this and those, etc.
    1. I don't quite get the third one... Someone poses you a trap and you pretend to fall into it?
      When someone trying to play mind games with me and trying to make me attached with them then just suddenly leave
