Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one)

  • @King-Kadak should actually be ".*"? Where's the end or the beginning of it?
    And the second largest English speaking country? By what, number of people? Yeah, probably. However, Look at the percentage, just because you're a fucking lot, that does not make you better. According to Wikipedia, only 12.18% of indians are able to talk english. Quite low, ain't it?

  • @theKing

    @Kana Another person who's willing to bite the dust, very well.

    I doubt I'll bring it at that for you.

    • I did not mention that I choose grammar over personality. I choose both. And a lot more.

    Were you unaware that your posts speak for you about what you value more? (I know you do, but not in posts at least so yea)

    • Generalisations are dumb. Statistics are not.

    And you have stats about Indians being lame or whatever?

    • Cool, good, perfect and bad are subjective terms, my good could be your bad.

    Yea depends on your attitude.

    • Being hórny and doing something about it is not bad. Unless you keep bothering others and share your genitals like a fucking moron.

    I sense a generalisation here.

    P.S. lmaoo

  • @theKing said in Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one):

    @King-Kadak should actually be ".*"? Where's the end or the beginning of it?
    And the second largest English speaking country? By what, number of people? Yeah, probably. However, Look at the percentage, just because you're a fucking lot, that does not make you better. According to Wikipedia, only 12.18% of indians are able to talk english. Quite low, ain't it?

    @theKing first,why is your grammar so bad?

    India has about 29 states and 7 union territories. I would say that it has for a good part at least 40 different main languages . If you know any of the Indian languages you would understand that they have a very different grammar than English. If you are not a literature student, then you wouldn't really care about how the sentence structure differs in multiple languages. Hence most Indians eventually end up learning english through their native languages. They say.. well if I in english means main in hindi then I can use I as a substitute for all places I need to reference myself. Same goes for you and they and multiple other words and phrases.

  • @Kana
    I am fully aware, however I required more information in order to proceed to the answer. It means that I'm not willing to choose something broken (it can be either personality or english).

    And yes, madam. The average IQ of India is 86. It appears in every rape-related top. The people are also quite popular for their bad manners (scamming, being hórny, doing their "tasks" on the streets). I did not say that every indian is that way, but "it takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him. And if the truth is undeniable, you create your own".

    I value people over the country itself, hence I can't see India as being cool. Some people are, most of them are not.

    That was quite of a generalisation, indeed, but I highly doubt that anyone would disagree with the fact that indians are well known for their typical behavior on the internet.

  • @King-Kadak The way I expressed myself is not wrong, I asked you what you seek as being faulty in there. You were not able to find a mistake, but rather try to make me believe that I did one? Pathetic.
    As for the damn grammar part, commas and punctuation is similar in most of the languages who use this alphabet, so don't try to fucking abide from the rules. The suspension dots are marked by 3, not 2 dots. there's always a fucking space AFTER the comma and not beforehand. Beside being weak, you're also one hella of a hypocrite, aren't ya?

  • @Chicken-meat oh boy. I must say you provide best entertainment and i feel my aim fulfilled. So you i should recall what happened. I was trolling you no doubt. And i used my privileges to edit your comment which offended you very much. So i thought i should apologize and i did. The funny thing is you accepted. Now you dont stand on your ground. I welcomed you then to start another drama but you accepted my apology and the case was disclosed. Then i tried to keep distance from such butthurts who get offended very easily and what bothered you was i was still having fun with my fellows but you werent at peace to see this. Of course humans do get naive and frustrated and i understand that you reread the conversation last we had and it was still pissing you off because you couldnt stand that. If i am wrong correct me. Oh wait. While we were on public chat you praised my act to ask for forgiveness. So it was pretty much forgotten situation until you lost your shit again. You vent out your frustration trying to roast me or whatever that weak attempt was but it only made you angry and that arranged me entertainment. You were so pissed off you asked where you can complain against me and i told you about odin. And whatever was told to me i accepted it. But you, you aim for something more.
    So ladies and gentlemen. What is stated above proves i was being rude and i apologized when i realised i have crossed my boundaries and my apology was accepted. So this big paragraph makes no sense at all because its purely selfish and nothing to do with my privileges . I even asked our short tempered butthurt if he wants to create a rant against me when i came to apologize and he stated "its fine".
    It still has nothing to do with my privileges. You shouldnt had accepted the apology to make a point against me.
    So dear @Chicken-meat until i am working well as a mod you cant unmod me. And you can not even unmod me for something you have forgiven and if i ever repeat that abuse you are welcome to start a rant against me then you will make some point.

  • @theKing

    It means that I'm not willing to choose something broken (it can be either personality or english).

    See you value grammar as much as personality. That's wrong bc you'll be missing on many good people.

    Iq has nothing to do with being bad people. Ig the case will be the same for all developing countries. Smartest of people also come from this country but anyways that's not the topic here.
    All those crimes you mention, are occurring at a much higher rate in more developed "top" countries. So yea as i said, people here are only as bad as anywhere else.

    I value people over the country itself, hence I can't see India as being cool. Some people are, most of them are not.

    You, are a victim of stereotypes, and only the bad stereotypes sadly. Indians are quite humble, kind, and good natured generally as i have noted.

    That was quite of a generalisation, indeed, but I highly doubt that anyone would disagree with the fact that indians are well known for their typical behavior on the internet.

    That's better phrased than calling Indians morons. Glad you're learning 😊

  • @zoob honestly I dont wanna have any more real beef with you, its just I want to be chill with you, I could have waited if you did it again, but I cant stand you.

    I did accept ur apology and if it was sincere, sure.

    But tell me, as I have said in my post itself I did accept ur "apology" just how can you be sincere in your apology, if all you can talk about is me being butthurt by your trolling abusing ur powers as a MOD. How is that fair to me?

    "I was trolling you no doubt. And i used my privileges to edit your comment"

    "oh boy. I must say you provide best entertainment and i feel my aim fulfilled. "

    And how you admit to have done so to many other users that couldnt take ur shitt and left. All I want is you to step down as mod, because it is clear you do not care for ur actions, and like to abuse ur privelage as a moderator to troll people off, and if me getting offended by all the nasty shitt u spammed on my posts and edited my comment to purposefully make me angry and u go scott free all cos u said "sorry" I was being "sarcastic" my ass, and if that makes me "butthurt" then fine by me.

  • @Chicken-meat when you forgave me you never mentioned this term. And then i might have considered and talking about other users. They love me already. And you can see odds are in my favour because most of the comments disagree with you and you have to fight them as well. So no sir i am not giving up anthing. You can try your best against. Oh wait its already your best. And talking about calling you butthurt. See you really are one. I bet you will make a post about me calling you butthurt.
    Peope come here to enjoy. Not to make fuss about little things. And those who do, become amusement for those who came to enjoy.

  • @zoob lol, why do I even bother, look at your responses again, just look, I dont even want to repeat it and its also all in my post and in the posts I link.

    I have 5 people agree with me on this post, the role of a moderator, to moderate bad users and spam.

    So let me get this straight, people, mods, come here to enjoy leaving harassing comments on peoples posts, whats more CHANGE the comment to call me dumb, for ..the "user" enjoyment lol. Im laughing cos I rather do that then get angry at you cos UR SICK, u understand that? Ur SICK IN THE HEAD. You comment harassing comments cos you feel giddy over the fact that YOU ENJOY making ppl feel miserable, YOU ENJOY knowing that people cant do shitt about it and you continue doing whatever because they never experienced themself what you do to me and to others on themself ,and you know why? Maybe cos Im the only few that got tired of ur mods shitt and decided to post about it, and thats how u feel threatened by me calling u sickk mods out and trying to take me down, its clear to me you dont deserve ur mod badge, u really dont, and if Im the one to have gone " delusional" that me posting being angry at you for f*cking with me and others that have left that also caught on to ur liess and shit, then ur WAYY off the delusion bats, because people dont have to put up with your shitt anymore, if you know any better, you know by now what ur doing is wrong and should respectfully personally step down as a mod.

  • @Chicken-meat you didnt respond to what i said. You started to count down the people in your favour. First please tag them all so i can see this big rebellion i have against me and answer this question.
    When you accepted my apology did you mention i have to leave my privileges?

  • @Chicken-meat can you state the lies i told you and can you state what wrong i am doing. What i thought was wrong i apologized for that and you accepted

  • @King-Kadak said in Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one):

    @Chicken-meat said in Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one):

    @theKing it all makes sense now, of course ur the stupid f-cker that was the one that kept posting dck pics lol, why are u defending the mods again if they keep banning u "king kadak"?, which thank God for em one of the only reasons Im so happy about having mods here so ur disgusting "naughty freedom" that mind fcks and virtually eye rapes everyone here can stay the f-ck away.

    @Chicken-meat Seriously dude, is there a medical term for whatever’s wrong with you?

    Boderline personality disorder

  • @Kana I value both equally if you ask me. It's not necessarily about being able to talk properly, but rather wanting more, having something to progress in. You make a grammar mistake, someone corrects you, you attack the person correcting you instead of being grateful that he enlightened you. As Buddha said, ignorance is the greatest evil in the world. And that's also related to personality to an extent. As you can see in my previous replies, that happened already. And, even more surprising, with an indian.

    Once again, the "bad" is subjective. One example? Having a low IQ is bad, hence low IQ people can be considered bad. They might be nice, act truthful and all, but it depends if you are happy enough to live among people with such characteristics.

    As for the calling them morons, bite me, but I do believe in the IQ chart. Not as being the exact value, but relatively close. Don't seek the few individuals who make a difference, but look at the big picture. I've already learnt plenty about this topic, thank you for your attempt.

  • @theKing

    I value both equally if you ask me. It's not necessarily about being able to talk properly, but rather wanting more, having something to progress in.

    Glad you finally agree with the right thing 🤭

    You make a grammar mistake, someone corrects you, you attack the person correcting you instead of being grateful that he enlightened you.

    Lol but do they want your help or are you just being a jerk, is the question xD

    Once again, the "bad" is subjective. One example? Having a low IQ is bad, hence low IQ people can be considered bad

    Don't pretend that you don't know what I meant by bad people 😒

    They might be nice, act truthful and all, but it depends if you are happy enough to live among people with such characteristics.

    Aye the attitude thing i mentioned.

    As for the calling them morons, bite me, but I do believe in the IQ chart. Not as being the exact value, but relatively close. Don't seek the few individuals who make a difference, but look at the big picture.

    You're probably a moron if you think iq defines who's a moron. And yea it's not a few people but more than that lol and they're the best at their thing so maybe Google that up too.

    I've already learnt plenty about this topic, thank you for your attempt.

    Learning can never be enough. Glad to be helping 😉

  • @zoob u claim urself ur a troll, and a troll is full of lies, first the lies that u never followed me (allegedly based on my memory)

    And here in the pms, heres all the screenshots itself.
    I realised I would hate for ppl to betray my trust and not ask first to be able to post private dms, its a wishy washy slope, also more so u wont accuse me anymore of saying I forgave you lel. I did forgave you, but that was before I realized u also said many others tried to demode you. You see this is what you said

    "I don't know if you are being for real. Or being sarcastic. I was being sarcastic so long. But you seem kinda pissed off.

    If you still wanna do what you got in your mind against me no problemo

    You are welcome."

    And can see for yourself how I responded at the end saying "F*ck u and ur apology u clearly are abusing ur powers as a mod"

    Which you responded with "Of course i am Can't you see And no one have much problem with that Because they aren't as serious as you are getting rn so"

    Great apology there, 😐 saying sorry and then giving the excuse that Im getting too serious which u hammered me a lot on pc and on here, over you deliberately tempering with my comments to call me dumb for ur enjoyment, and shit trolling on my other posts.

    So I responded "bitchh idgaff its not funny"
    "Whatever you wanna do Im sorry" so at that point I realized I didnt wanna be a petty irrational butthole cos I know I aint completely in the most level head either so I accepted ur apology
    "..okay Just at least dont change my comment I accept ur apology"

    Which you responded "I dont mind if you still wanna unmod me "
    And I said "its fine" see for yourself? You said that you didnt mind that I can go on to want to unmod you. Furthermore what made me more infuriated, where this all happened before our public chat conversation of you saying you like to "abuse ur privelage as a mod" is when you responded " many have tried lol" so Im supposed to let it slide when I know you have done this dont know how many times to other users and they couldnt do shizz nothing about it? then later claimed "no one have ever reported before" do you see the discrepancy here? After saying many have tried to demode you?

    in the message itself, you even gave me Odin the admins tag and LET me be given the choice to go and try to unmod you and gave me Odins tag cos YOU KNOW, he wont be able to do anything, and its up to the community if you get a lot of downvotes that u MIGHT be demodded, and remember? I warned you myself if that didnt work I have screenshots and have to take it else where.

    So The lies of " lets start a riot against the mods" "name call the mods" well come on Im doing it now lelle come join me? Or was it my "logic was having an orga$m" 😑disclaimer ( quotes are not entirely accurate just based on the top of my head) . the lies that u were being "sarcastic" calling me all these insults like "retarted", or "Im a no life bastard sticking my eyes to it", etc etc, and the latest post calling me dumb after changing my comment, all these trolling triggers here and there, and everything accumulated and breaked the camels toe

    As a moderator you know what ur doing is wrong, This is a broken record, you said you liked abusing ur powers, to troll ppl, to inherently trigger ppl for ur enjoyment, so in doing so you have admitted you know what ur doing is wrong as a mod, no matter how much you convince yourself 'pEoPle EnJoy It" just to be frank they only do because, they never experienced the sadistic cruel side of you some of us others experienced, especially when I targeted mods u became hostile and responded to my posts having a hot target back at me, ironically proving ur the as$holess that u were truthfully yes agreeing with me on.

    So honestly, I dont accept that you wont no longer go around rampaging on ppls posts if they ever so slightly questioned ur functionality as a mod, or whatever else you do u still seem pretty chill other times, just no u wanna be a ruthless troll? Sit ur butthole downn and stop being a moderator.

  • @Barton no Im not

  • @Chicken-meat said in Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one):

    they never experienced the sadistic cruel side of you some of us others experienced

    Talking about sadistic and cruel side, yet she's made 3 topics targetting and defaiming zoob. Please, tell us more.

  • @Jimmy1708
    10 marks for sure xD !!

  • I agree, why is zoob still a moderndator here?