Can someone explain to me how zoob is still a moderdator? (Rhetorical question he sucks monkey's d!ck and shouldn be one)

  • @Chicken-meat haha I know this ,you also trolling zoob, but i agree fare fight in trolling is necessary like if he trolling you and u trolling him thn why he changing your text or deketing or editing, it's not fare in war of trolling. I suggest zoob to avoid his mod power for his personal good if he truly wNts a good fight in an argument with you. And we all also love to see you two fighting for your own without using any power.

  • @viju 👍👏👏👏 I like u viju haha, I suppose u have been trolled by mods too?

  • @Chicken-meat no no Mods not trolling me but one girl there in public chat tries earlier to troll me but I ignores that, and that's why I know how it feels when someone trolls you for no reason, it's fucking annoying and depressing, and it's more worse when mods starts trolling you, thn you have no choice to do rather than leaving the site.

  • @viju EXACTLY, to my understanding mods are supposed to be unbiased and keep the peace, but when the mods become the trolls themselves and abuse their power, thats uncalled for, but idk, like for me I like to fight, thats all I ever want to do, so its easy for me to fight back, and to be honest I guess its true if u cant take the heat get out the kitchen, so thats why I appreciate theres a global chat for more respectful communication #pg13, I would say the mods there are far from perfect but doing the (best) they can. while here u can pledge ur toxic soul like league of legends.

  • @Chicken-meat mayne wth nobody cares about this place anymore, save your nerves, we all have been through it

  • @Stricty 😂😂nu! I must feel a sense of power and control somewhere, if I cant even fend for meself (and other users) here then I dont know how Id ever be able to move on and live with myself.

  • @Chicken-meat new global is good for kids and for whom that not like to be trolled by others for no genuine cause, but new global still in development phase, the mods in new global not too intelligent like here in public chat and topics they bans all users who asking for girl or want to talk to a girl, I don't know that this is right or not, but at least in public chat and topics users allowed to talk whtever they want to chat, without limitation.

  • @viju yeah lol, its kinda stupid but oh well, leave em to play family in kindergarten and cOotIes

  • Yeah, but ever tried to use Reddit? Now there's a website full of Nazi moderators.

  • @Indrid-Cold tried it lol, totally not related to what u said but its even harder than here to navigate, here I got the hang of things and find it a pro and con the disconnectivity u can feel when it comes to comments, maybe I can face my battles to greater heights puts on war helmet sipping on orange juice

  • @Chicken-meat It's "privilege", not privilage, dumbass. Also, there is a fucking difference between YOUR and YOU'RE. If only you would spend that much time on grammar and not bitching around.
    If you let emotions take over you in front of a troll, you already lost. And the "she said, and he said, and then she said" is quite dumb stuff if you ask me, you could provide some screenshots rather than a thousand of quotes and replies. Let's not forget about the "u did in recent on my posts", you managed to give me a headache already, so let's stop being that critical.

    But now, let's look at the other side. You've claimed in your previous posts/topics/whatsofuckingever that you are, in fact, glad to see that the current moderators are less professional and closer to the public, rather than being some cold-hearted pricks. Do you mind if you could make your fucking mind up? As I previously said in my other reply which you probably ignored since you're too much of a wuss to actually take a stand when it comes to rationality, it's up to you to whether accept or not someone's company.
    However, I quite enjoy reading that you do know that you are a hypocrite - you are willing to say that it's a nice thing to see friendly and more of a rude mods, but then you get so damn deep into it that you actually create a 900 essay (with shit grammar, I have to say that) on taking down someone. Quite of a masochist, ain't ya?

    Edit: Sorry, forgot to throw my punchline. I don't know about that monkey d**k, but oh dear, you must be really envious if you went that far for it.

  • @theKing You're being a bit harsh with the grammar, mate. We're a couple of daft lads on a sillyboy website, not CS Lewis and George Bernard Shaw.

  • @Indrid-Cold Not gonna deny that, however "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance". When you put effort into something, especially a long ass text which takes you some time (I bet on more than 30 minutes), you want to make it flawless. You made a correct sentence, doubt it required you 3 days, it's neither something esoteric nor a miracle.

  • @Chicken-meat well, I won't pretend i read all that since I would still be sitting here in an hour, but from what i get you seem to have this vision that mods have to be these perfect angelic role models for all users here.
    We started off like any other user and are still basically like any other user. The only difference is that we help with problems concerning the community, spam and overall just making things run smoothly, also we do all this basically as volontary work. We aren't hired personnel and we're not perfect and nobody should expect us to be saints -_- Trolling is fun, a lot of us participate in it, not just Zoob, best that can be done is you need to stop taking shït like this too seriously. :shrug:

    btw just curious, how much time did that take to type, Jesus :joy:

  • @theKing you know what they say about ppl that have to go after grammar lol. Besides I was trying to post screenshots but It got too out of hand and overwhelmed by it so I decided to quote instead. If you didnt realize, I was actually missing out a lot on the responses where I was just trying to remain mutually respectfully to him and address the topic, but seeing that he kept spamming hateful comments that I called him a "rampaging modster doesnt know how to act like a moderator". Also as such Im human also right? Im not just a 2 dimensional cardboard that doesnt have feelings, or else ppl would just label me as rigid or not understanding of mods, But Im allowed to get hurt or angry at things, how is it so that naturally most ppl I get angry at is mods? I am open to change and ideas and Im not completely stubborn to an idea, its clear that even in the rules itself they also dont know what they want because moderating " bad users" and "spam" is vague initself and I can easily see how the mods abuse their power to do such, if another person was doing what they were doing, I could see others easily flagging them for harassment, Im totally cool with just messing around and fun especially in PC, but a lot of em take it too far.

  • @WtfJudith honestly I really didnt, I tried my best not to come acrosss as that, I think maybe too much actually, because It got to the point where it was just non stop insults bashing and distasteful trolling in the comments of my posts especially for the d-ck pic one, when I just wanted to address d-ck pics here and how the system is broken for banning to just not work, And the recent one that pushed me off the edge changing my comment to call me dumb, equally such I have the right to get angry and simply such he is not fit to be a moderator. Its clear that he felt threatened as a moderator and wanted to escalate the situatuion where I get intimidated off and back out, heck he even ADMITTED, he loved this site because he can abuse his privelage as a moderator and ppl that cldnt take his stupid shitt got trolled off, why is he a moderator if his concern is to pisss ppl off and abuse his power in the guise of "his human" "its his personality" "fun". I dont understand how if thats his main purpose here then why the f%ck is he allowed to be mod.

  • @theKing I said it as accurate as I can, you got eyes and brains you dont have to see screenshots, you can cross reference yourself, whatever most I quoted is copy pasted and straight from the source.

  • @theKing also who are you hiding as? Lol I see that you created your account about 14 hours ago just to respond to my posts, kinda pathetic and more of a chicken than me to do that huh?

  • I totally read this all