• @cjko Why marry at all ?

  • @Lurker said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    As what I have observed, men kids just left women after they got what they want from them

    I corrected your previous statement for you :sweat_smile:
    A real man that loves for real won't leave after they get what they want, as soon as they do, the real ride just started!

    @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    Do you mean, you wanted to be available to everyone and not tied to that person you're in love with ?

    If I'm in a relationship with someone, it means i'm with someone and only that someone, not the rest of the world. I don't need a paper to "chain" me to that person, only feelings do. Proof is how some arranged marriege exists and have no feelings and are never happy, was waiting till marriage worth it? I don't think so.
    Real feelings is what keeps a relationship alive, not signing a paper or making a party to show the world we are together. Love is about you and the person whom you love not anyone else!

    If you are feeling that "real feeling" with someone, why not tie it with her? If you are really certain that she's the one. I think, you are still leaving yourself open for the possibilities that when relationship doesn't work, you throw it and date someone again and repeat the cycle.

  • @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    If you are feeling that "real feeling" with someone, why not tie it with her? If you are really certain that she's the one. I think, you are still leaving yourself open for the possibilities that when relationship doesn't work, you throw it and date someone again and repeat the cycle.

    If she wants to marry I won't deny it, If I know she wants to marry hell, i'll propose to her even, i'm just saying that, for me, in my opinion, I don't need a marriage to any of that which makes me answer to "no" to your topic, I don't need to wait till marriage just till I find someone I love like that :joy:

  • @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko I think it all depends on the people and their views. I agree, many guys will leave as soon as they get what they want and waiting for marriage is a good way to keep those guys away. But it is important to recognize everyone's views and reasons. Some think intimacy is important and should be explored because it is apart of the bond and love you create with someone. Some people don't even recognize emotional ties when it comes to such things and therefore something like that isn't important to them in a relationship. Some people put more concentration into emotional bonds, some put it into physical ones. Everyone is different, and that's okay. The only thing that matters is that you believe in your own views enough to stick to them and find someone that shares the same kind.

    yeah, I agree. We do have different LOVE LANGUAGES. Are you familiar with that ?

    because why not ? haha do you want to die alone ?

  • @Barton do you want to die alone ? haha

  • @Lurker said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    If you are feeling that "real feeling" with someone, why not tie it with her? If you are really certain that she's the one. I think, you are still leaving yourself open for the possibilities that when relationship doesn't work, you throw it and date someone again and repeat the cycle.

    If she wants to marry I won't deny it, If I know she wants to marry hell, i'll propose to her even, i'm just saying that, for me, in my opinion, I don't need a marriage to any of that which makes me answer to "no" to your topic, I don't need to wait till marriage just till I find someone I love like that :joy:

    I think, you value more the physical connection than the emotional, psychological and spiritual. I observed most men are like that..

  • @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko I think it all depends on the people and their views. I agree, many guys will leave as soon as they get what they want and waiting for marriage is a good way to keep those guys away. But it is important to recognize everyone's views and reasons. Some think intimacy is important and should be explored because it is apart of the bond and love you create with someone. Some people don't even recognize emotional ties when it comes to such things and therefore something like that isn't important to them in a relationship. Some people put more concentration into emotional bonds, some put it into physical ones. Everyone is different, and that's okay. The only thing that matters is that you believe in your own views enough to stick to them and find someone that shares the same kind.

    yeah, I agree. We do have different LOVE LANGUAGES. Are you familiar with that ?

    Si that's cute:))

    because why not ? haha do you want to die alone ?

    Ofcourse not! I don't think I will though, I think getting into relationships is easy and I think any two people can do it. You just have to find the one that you want to be in a relationship with the most!:)

  • @Zen00 true. haha

  • @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    I think, you value more the physical connection than the emotional, psychological and spiritual. I observed most men are like that..

    That comment clearly shows you don't know much about me :joy:

  • @Lurker well, best of luck! thanks for sharing your thoughts btw

  • @cjko I come from a pretty orthodox-y part of the society, and I think a marriage isn't just about the couple alone, it's the union of two families, so it sure is a big deal in life and relationships, altho the opinion may vary and the decision of the couple is the priority even if there are objections to it.

    Just my two cents.

  • @Kakashi said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko I come from a pretty orthodox-y part of the society, and I think a marriage isn't just about the couple alone, it's the union of two families, so it sure is a big deal in life and relationships, altho the opinion may vary and the decision of the couple is the priority even if there are objections to it.

    Just my two cents.

    Yeah, I think culture has an impact as well

  • @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton
    well.....Nice topic
    I wanna give my thoughts on this, even i was thinking to create a topic like this....
    Indians Prefer Arrange Marriage more....About 80% of peoples in India are Arranged Marriage..
    Not even Indians, Muslims do too, about 90% of muslims do only Arrange Marriage

    On the other hand, in areas like America,Europe,etc....99% of peoples, there do Love Marriages

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul, And she is truly agreeing that u can now Make Physical touch(Sèx) with her, and Have kids & Family from her.....

    Sèx before Marriage is a huge sin......
    So, I think, Before making any physical contact with her, we should marry her.....
    But the problem is, we dont do😂😂, Humans likes to do sins..
    And there is a pleasure from making every sin😂😂
    We make Sins, We Do sèx😂😂, we always wants to fùck each other lol😂😂
    We should not do it, But We cant help ourselves but to do sins, we cant control ourselves?? 😂😂😂
    So, I stand with marriage :)

  • @Jimmy1708 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    I knew this 😂

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul

    Living in America, it is hard to see marriage this way. People get married and divorced so much that is almost the equivalent to dating 😭

  • @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Jimmy1708 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    I knew this 😂

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul

    Living in America, it is hard to see marriage this way. People get married and divorced so much that is almost the equivalent to dating 😭

    that's why, you have to know who you are dating with and don't decide right away even if it feels right.. you have to know what is right not what is feeling right.

  • @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Jimmy1708 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    I knew this 😂

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul

    Living in America, it is hard to see marriage this way. People get married and divorced so much that is almost the equivalent to dating 😭

    that's why, you have to know who you are dating with and don't decide right away even if it feels right.. you have to know what is right not what is feeling right.

    Yes! This can be very difficult, but I believe it is worth it in the end

  • @cjko we all die alone. The question is if you are living alone.

  • @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Jimmy1708 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    I knew this 😂

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul

    Living in America, it is hard to see marriage this way. People get married and divorced so much that is almost the equivalent to dating 😭

    that's why, you have to know who you are dating with and don't decide right away even if it feels right.. you have to know what is right not what is feeling right.

    Yes! This can be very difficult, but I believe it is worth it in the end

    what is worth it in the end you mean?

  • @Barton hmm ofc you are living with "living things" that counts not alone for me.

  • @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Zen00 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @Jimmy1708 said in Why wait til marriage ?:

    @cjko @Zen00 @Lurker @Barton

    Lets compare this two, Compare the consequences between this two, Lets compare the statistics like......Rape, Divorces,etc... About areas....U dont know, But sadly America have higher divorce rates, Higer cheatings in relationship, Higher relationship issues, Higher rapes,etc..... Sorry my American friends

    I knew this 😂

    So now, why wait till Marriage??...Marriage is not just a little piece of paper, u dont know anything about Marriage, Marriage is a huge thing, its accepting the person in your Nikah(Marriage), in front of bunch of peoples(Peoples r mandatory), and like promising the Girl, that He will remain always with her No matter what in any situation, and take care of her. Accepting her in your Nikah(Marriage) So as her soul will be yours, You are taking a responsibility of her soul

    Living in America, it is hard to see marriage this way. People get married and divorced so much that is almost the equivalent to dating 😭

    that's why, you have to know who you are dating with and don't decide right away even if it feels right.. you have to know what is right not what is feeling right.

    Yes! This can be very difficult, but I believe it is worth it in the end

    what is worth it in the end you mean?

    Finding the right person
