• @Zen00

    Hope? Nah, I don't think it's hope saying you are great when you aren't, but it avoids the followup question of "what's wrong". Some ppl can help and some others can't, it's just best to spare the worries of the ones that can't!

  • @ChaosKing Is not answering something the same as being dishonest?

  • @Lurker said in Can you honestly be honest?:


    Hope? Nah, I don't think it's hope saying you are great when you aren't, but it avoids the followup question of "what's wrong". Some ppl can help and some others can't, it's just best to spare the worries of the ones that can't!

    hmm. I guess, in my opinion, it can go multiple ways. Some people may say "I'm great!" in hopes that the laws of attraction will come into play and eventually they truly will be great (which is what I do). Other may say "I'm great" as just a filler, there was no thought into it, they just said it, but they're still fine. Then some might also be the way you describe, they just say it to avoid the "whats wrong" or worry others. But when it comes to something like that, it is hard to gauge whether or not that would be considered dishonest, because, at the end of the day youre the only one that knows how you really feel and only you have the ability to change your feelings.

  • @Zen00 said in Can you honestly be honest?:

    But when it comes to something like that

    Do you consider omitting the truth not be a lie or being dishonest?

  • @Lurker said in Can you honestly be honest?:

    @Zen00 said in Can you honestly be honest?:

    But when it comes to something like that

    Do you consider omitting the truth not be a lie or being dishonest?

    Depends on the situation

  • @Zen00 said in Can you honestly be honest?:

    Depends on the situation

    Care to give an example? :blush:

  • @Lurker a stranger passes you by on a crosswalk and asks "hey how are you" and you say "good, thanks" and continue walking to your destination. Perhaps your destination was the hospital and a loved one is sick and might die. You're definitely not good, but you told the stranger that you are. I wouldn't consider this dishonest. because no one expects you two to stop walking and a have an entire conversation in the middle of the street about how your week as been going. And even though in the moment it was a lie, and you're not good, you still will be in time. Everyone views things differently, and the way I view things is "if its not alright, it will be okay". So even though you're not good, you're still alive, you're still eating, you have a roof over your head, clothes on your body, etc. You're not good, but …. you're good

  • @Zen00 , keeping other people’s secrets from hubby is a bit of a grey area I guess. However some of the secrets are my kids secrets but still on a need to know basis and he will never need to know imo. It would cause too many problems.

  • Oh, cosplay Wonder Woman, it's obvious that's not a real truth-lasso, it's just a length of Poundland garden twine spray-painted gold, but having said that, I am going to tell you the truth because I'm a mentalcase.

  • I have been honest to a fault in my life. Not open, but honest. Has been rather troublesome.

    But then I learned, that it's not a lie if the other has no right to know the truth. That now is the definition I live by, and it's a good one.

    Let's take the extreme example: Imagine you were hiding a jew in your basement and some Nazi came and asked if you are hiding any jews. You tell him no. He has no right to know that information, because he just wants to kill the jew. You did not do anything wrong. You did not even tell a lie. You just made a sound with your mouth, that corresponded to another sound that the Nazi made with his mouth (which also had no real meaning, because he is not after the truth), that's all.

    Of course it is important to know who has a right to know. And you can easily use this definition as a means of lying to yourself. But that just makes 2 real lies than, and lies eventually turn your life into hell, bit by bit.

  • Gamers

    @Zen00 Honesty for the win ... I would say I'm about 95% honest because nobody is 100% honest, damn I didn't post for a while

  • Banned

    @Zen00 lil sis I have had the experience of losing and gaining love because of my honesty. I lost the first girl I loved because I honestly revealed my feelings to her. And now thanks to my honesty, I found a girl who loves me more than herself. Now I strongly believe that honesty is indeed the best policy.

  • @niks-niks


  • @Zen00
    About 98-99% truthful.
    Almost like asking are you asleep?
    I generally don't lie. I. Have however learned that certain people can't handle the truth and some people don't deserve the pain that the truth would bring. But in my relationship I am 100% truthful and honest. I dearly miss my wife. I might not have always volunteered information but if she asked me I would tell her honestly. Also if she was going to hear it from anyone she would hear it from me first.

  • @Zen00
    And give you crippling heartache and depression < 3

    I am always honest. As much as i can allow myself to be, that is.
    Because the truth hurts. And therefore i hurt when i tell about it. I do not want to hurt.
    Therefore i must keep myself silent or i just flat out lie into their faces.
    That is what i had to learn in this life. And the couple others before this one.

    But yes, it is definitely liberating knowing everything about it.

  • @Zen00 I have delusioned myself to believe that Im being honest when Im just being crude and toxic.
