• The sun is up and the stars have set....it's a new day but there's nothing left....all alone in this world you walk on the empty streets....suddenly..........

    Continue thisπŸ‘†....good luck!

  • @cutekanak

    suddenly you see a figure that turned left at the end of the deserted street you've been walking in for the past minutes. You start to wonder if you are seeing things or if there's actually someone else in this world you thought that was over and empty. That's when...

  • @Lurker oohhhhhhhh i likeee itt....please continue thisπŸ‘€πŸ‘€

  • @cutekanak

    hahaha, let's wait for others to participate, i'll keep a close look into this topic and make sure to participate every now and then - thanks tho ^^

  • @Lurker said in BORED?ME TOO....Let's write a story! XD:


    suddenly you see a figure that turned left at the end of the deserted street you've been walking in for the past minutes. You start to wonder if you are seeing things or if there's actually someone else in this world you thought that was over and empty. That's when...

    You wake up.

    end of the story

  • @Azriel πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚wow...what an epic endingπŸ‘πŸ‘

  • @cutekanak @Lurker thats when you heard evil lurking from behind .....
    You try to scream
    But terror takes the sound before you make it
    You start to freeze
    As horror looks you right between your eyes
    You're paralyzed
    'Cause this is thriller
    Thriller night
    And no one’s gonna save you
    From the beast about to strike
    You know it’s thriller
    Thriller night
    You’re fighting for your life
    Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah
    I'm gonna bring it tonight
    You hear the door slam
    And realize there's nowhere left to run
    You feel the cold hand
    And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
    You close your eyes
    And hope that this is just imagination
    Girl but all the while
    You hear a creature creeping up behind
    You're out of time
    'Cause this is thriller
    Thriller night
    And no one’s gonna save you
    From the beast about to strike
    You know it’s thriller
    Thriller night
    You’re fighting for your life
    Inside a killer thriller tonight
    I'm gonna thrill ya tonight
    Get up, get up
    Darkness falls across the land
    The midnight hour is close at hand
    Creatures crawl in search of blood
    To terrorize y'all's neighborhood
    And whosoever shall be found
    Without the soul for getting down
    Must stand and face the hounds of hell
    And rot inside a corpse's shell

    i finished it

    More like copied

  • @Ash-_-uchiha it sounds more like a song....lol just think about making a kid listen to this as his/her bedtime storyπŸ˜‚

  • @cutekanak it is a song btw ...thriller by Michael Jackson

  • @cutekanak said in BORED?ME TOO....Let's write a story! XD:

    it sounds more like a song

    That's cuz it is a song :joy: :face_palm:

  • @Ash-_-uchiha ohhh lol....but still sounds scaryπŸ˜‚

  • Freedom Writers

    @cutekanak story 1: I realized that I've forgotten my wallet and went back home. STORY TIME'S OVER, GO TO BED :laughing: :laughing:

    story 2:


    started raining all of a sudden, and i had to take shelter nearby, because I hate the rain ruining my hair. That's when I saw someone running towards me, apparently wanting to take shelter as well. Her face seemed familiar, but I couldn't recognize her for some reason. I can say that she's caught a cold, and I asked her if she's from around. "No, this is my first time being here", she said with a smile that shone as bright as the sun, on the gloomy day.


    whose turn is it next? xD

  • @Kakashi btw....ur 2nd story doesnt continue the beginning i provided u with...since i said all alone in this world

  • @Kakashi
    A gloomy day of march, when i see the sun, and look at his face smiling softly, the sun can't be compared to his smile, neither can the most beautiful songs of birds or angels can compare to his laughter (when I told him he looked healthier xD). I looked into his eyes and suddenly my heart felt light and heavy at the same time-light because he had banished my sorrows by being there at my side and heavy with my affection for him. I knew that if i were to ever lose him...my existence would be quite bleak. Sometimes, i wonder about what he dreams of when he is asleep or how positively he sees the world through those sparkling eyes.

    Nothing can compare to his smile

  • @cutekanak we all think that in the beginning, kanak; but we're all wrong. :))

  • @Kakashi oohhh true....btw can i continue your story?

  • @cutekanak said in BORED?ME TOO....Let's write a story! XD:

    The sun is up and the stars have set....it's a new day but there's nothing left....all alone in this world you walk on the empty streets....suddenly..........

    Continue thisπŸ‘†....good luck!

    Someone came and put your face some kind of gleam.
    Been all alone in the world which is always dim,
    now, world is full of bright colors with him.
    A walk with someone on the streets you wished would never end,
    You hope and pray, that he would always stay,
    And think that you might be his cup of tea.

    END. :)

  • @cjko well that was really sweetβ€πŸ‘€

  • I thought the idea of the topic would be to just keep on going doing a single story with various users posts hahahah I guess I should just finish my story :upside_down_face:

    @Lurker said in BORED?ME TOO....Let's write a story! XD:

    That's when...

    I felt a surge of energy running through my spine that compelled me to chase after that corner of the street. I ran as fast as I could just to realize I was in the exact same place and I saw the exact same figure turn left at the end of the street... Scared with my findings, I slowly creeped back around the corner and noticed some sort of reflection of my own, standing where the first figure I've spoted was and realized with horror I was trapped in a never ending loop!


  • @cutekanak thank you :)

    well, you deserve a sweet story..
