• @Kana said in Just an emotionally charged post by a moody teen:


    So yeah normal people don't talk to strangers. They have real friends so they won't be here in the first place. Idk there may be some exceptions here who may say they're here because they like it and are amazing irl and don't need it or whatever.
    But most of us are just socially awkward people or people who've had some bad experiences they're trying to distract themselves from, or insecure people or idk whatever other reason you may have. (Not talking about the hornies -.- )
    Birds of feather flock together. There's this mass psychology that prevails in this kind of environment and I doubt it's healthy.
    I get more depressed when I'm on tws and see sad people all around ( it's not just the lame topics and irritating teens )
    Idek what's the point of this post.
    Idek what's the point of tws.
    Idek what's the point of life ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
    We're going to be the way we are, even the most mature of us. Otherwise we won't be where we are if we were so good at following sermons. And it's not just the depressed that I'm talking this about. Humans are so pathetic.

    You are right, we have all found this place for some reason or another, but .... the thing is. cex driven depressive types that the majority here are ..... We all come back, We (mostly) all get on and most of all .....

    we are family
    We got a functioning dysfunctional family right here ... I wouldn't change it

    (darn censor would not allow me to type s.e.x.)

  • So we are being THIS honest ey? Then i guess you also know that pretty much the only person u are describing there is yourself ey? Dont be shy to be who you are dear. Theres no need to be depressed, sad or whatever. Reality is not a movie, the cool kid is not the richest one, the cool kid doesnt have the most friends, if one knows what a true friend is. Im here for people like you, or @Zen00, who can see the actual value of things. And when i find people like that, it makes me feel like im not alone anymore. Why would you think the reason we are here is bad? Yes we are outcasts in some ways, cuz we too different to be called normal, we have OUR OWN way of thinking, we are not affected by twitter or shizzle like that. Why wont you be happy about that? Another thing i like about talkin online is that you can just answer whenever u want to haha, no need to invite over and what not lol. You are collapsing and you have to notice that. Next thing, you'll find yourself online looking for a terapist to prevent commiting suicide, been there. I felt so low.. sitting and crying at my computer thinking what the fok ive become, surfing through the net looking for help. But you know i found some light in that, i kind of admit to myself that im in pain, since then, im doin pretty damn fine. I mean aint got no golden words to change your life, but srsly.. dont do anything silly, there are people who want to help, cuz they do understand your pain, not because they are in pain themselves. World needs more people like you, not less, get it?

  • @Styles_ said in Just an emotionally charged post by a moody teen:

    @Kana ... Stop hating yourself ๐Ÿ˜’, you're amazing
    : D

    I don't hate me.

  • @Jeff9998 said in Just an emotionally charged post by a moody teen:

    @Kana i agree with you to some extent.
    I'm not depressed ffs. Yea, I'm socially awkward, agoraphobic.๐Ÿ˜ฟ

    Don't we like to use fancy words to present our shortcomings like that's an excuse?
    I'm OCD, i have SAD probably, and i feel ADD sometimes.
    Oh yea and I'm a misanthrope lol.

  • @Alte

    Then i guess you also know that pretty much the only person u are describing there is yourself ey?

    You're right i guess. But isn't that most of us here too?

    Dont be shy to be who you are dear.

    Honestly I'm not. I'm at peace with who i am most of the time. I was just sad/angry for a moment there.

    Im here for people like you, or @Zen00 who can see the actual value of things. And when i find people like that, it makes me feel like im not alone anymore.

    I know you are. And I'm grateful :) And that is so sweet ๐Ÿ–ค Ofc you're not alone.

    Why would you think the reason we are here is bad?

    Because i think that we better be out there in real life working on our problems rather than avoiding them don't you think?

    You are collapsing and you have to notice that.

    Nooo I'm not depressed rn. It's just stupid mood swings. Told you teens are dumb.

    Next thing, you'll find yourself online looking for a terapist to prevent commiting suicide, been there. I felt so low.. sitting and crying at my computer thinking what the fok ive become, surfing through the net looking for help. But you know i found some light in that, i kind of admit to myself that im in pain, since then, im doin pretty damn fine.

    I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Life gets annoyingly sad sometimes. I hate it so. I just hope you're good now. Don't be in pain. You're awesome and I hope you feel good soon :)

    I mean aint got no golden words to change your life, but srsly.. dont do anything silly, there are people who want to help, cuz they do understand your pain, not because they are in pain themselves. World needs more people like you, not less, get it?

    I never quite felt like committing suicide or anything. I'm doing good now. There's people who've got it so much worse out there. I've experienced nothing in comparison. I just wish people were happier. I hope you find happiness. Not depressed anymore :)

    Thanks alte :)

  • @Kana idk

  • @Kana said in Just an emotionally charged post by a moody teen:


    Then i guess you also know that pretty much the only person u are describing there is yourself ey?

    You're right i guess. But isn't that most of us here too?

    Most? Yep. But it's not the same when you describe your past self, not present self.

    Why would you think the reason we are here is bad?

    Because i think that we better be out there in real life working on our problems rather than avoiding them don't you think?

    If i had problems in real life, i wouldnt be here. You cant help someone else, if your own life is a mess. But yes i agree, i've seen some scenarios here like that 24/7 boredom lol, some really should gtfo.

    You are collapsing and you have to notice that.

    Nooo I'm not depressed rn. It's just stupid mood swings. Told you teens are dumb.

    Im not talkin about depression anymore, shizzle builds up, it's not a thermomether you can check and see if it gets too hot, this happens slowly. And the fact that you realize that it might be your teen age to blame, is a proof you're going there if nothing else.

    I mean aint got no golden words to change your life, but srsly.. dont do anything silly, there are people who want to help, cuz they do understand your pain, not because they are in pain themselves. World needs more people like you, not less, get it?

    I never quite felt like committing suicide or anything. I'm doing good now. There's people who've got it so much worse out there. I've experienced nothing in comparison. I just wish people were happier. I hope you find happiness. Not depressed anymore :)

    Thanks alte :)

    Just making sure ;)

  • @Kana hello fellow edge lord

  • @Kana
    I just donโ€™t like dealing with people unless I have to. I have a very small handful of people that I allow to be close to me and everyone else I keep at a distance. Iโ€™m not depressed,thatโ€™s just me. The world is a shitty place and weโ€™re all along for the ride. Thanks to the people Iโ€™ve met on here that ARE decent human beings.

  • @Kana

    Apart from the pervert users that are here just for sexting, all of us are special their own way and why is that? Cuz they are here and they STAY here, cuz they can relate... they can understand and they can participate actively in a "out of the box" community.
    What makes this place so special is the fact that there's alot of ppl that are here for the same reason as "us" and that makes it easier to relate with each other!

  • @Kana okay now? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • @john78 My thoughts exactly.

  • @Styles_ yes i am :) thanks.
    Yes I'm laughing at this post now lol

  • @Kana that's awesome news! stay strong

  • For me,I find tws engaging in terms of exchanging ideas and sharing diverse experiences. It's a lot more healthier than stalking someone on instagram and facebook which will make people more depressed and insecure. Venting out or posting topics about feeling down or whatsoever makes some other users feel lighter. Sometimes, "normal" people cannot share bottled up feelings in real life, it takes a one tough cookie to share it to other people in real life and being vulnerable to destructive criticisms. I think, you can also get positive reinforcement from reading the comments and how people cope with it, you can gain a lot of insights as well. Maybe you are here to help put someone's face a little gleam :)

  • @Kana Stop putting urself n others down!!!We r not depressed or fed up...There's just some part of our life that's empty or depressing sometimes.But we have to get over that...N yeah, ur a teen so it keeps happening..Relax it's just a phase..N u have to get over it...We'll fight with this!! :v:

  • @Kana Yep. i know you are, stupid ๐Ÿ˜

  • @Styles_ said in Just an emotionally charged post by a moody teen:

    @Kana Yep. i know you are, stupid ๐Ÿ˜

    You know me. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • @DarkIce you're 14, ice ๐Ÿ˜‘

  • @Styles_ This man jsut took a flamethrower!
