• @Bela-Hella
    Got you a little present so your new colleagues can't stab you in the back.

    Good luck and take care!

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @SightyDifferent said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    Downvoting @ODIN for posting a picture of Adyyan's upvoters and downvoters, also for saying that he has NO authority in deciding the rules of who gets what; without having any intention of expressing hatred or starting any sort of conflict, I have to say that this is pure hypocrisy. As for all of this, I'm pretty sure of one thing: you, those who keep complaining about the unfairness of how this worked, downvoted the ones you wanted to become moderators and upvoted the rest, without even knowing them. So, talking about being fair, do you belong to that category? Doubt so.
    For those wondering who @Adyyan is, he's been around for a long time, but inactive due to some personal issues. If you feel like someone deserved more than Adyyan did, that's your opinion and it's totally fine to express it, but don't attack the image of someone you don't even know.
    P.S: Damn you Adyyan, you brought me back to see this? Quite disappointed if I may say, let's hope I get to see more than... that.

    And who are you, you seem to know everyone here yet you joined only 23 hours ago? Another fake account to help make the tables turn?
    An upvote counts just as much as a downvote imo. You vote for the person you want, and against the person you don't want. The outcome is still a good representation of who the users on this website chose as their mods. Not taking into account fake/double/triple accounts like yours. If they didn't want this to happen they should have made it a regular poll but then again the result are alot harder to tamper with.

  • @TheRisingSun An old user. And I did not participate in voting for anyone, I have no interest in who becomes a mod and who doesn't (try asking a mod otherwise, since you're pretty active and popular, I doubt it would be hard to get the list of who voted).
    Also, argumentum ad hominem. If you are willing to depreciate a person, assure that your statements are valid and supported by arguments, otherwise it's a lost cause to even argue.
    As for the upvote part, you can do that, but that shows how low your standards are. Being against someone you don't even know and then complaining about how this election is "rigged" is just lame. For someone who has good grammar compared to the typical user here, I had quite higher expectations from you, at least when it came to keeping your mouth shut if you are wrong.

  • @TheRisingSun said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    @SightyDifferent said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    Downvoting @ODIN for posting a picture of Adyyan's upvoters and downvoters, also for saying that he has NO authority in deciding the rules of who gets what; without having any intention of expressing hatred or starting any sort of conflict, I have to say that this is pure hypocrisy. As for all of this, I'm pretty sure of one thing: you, those who keep complaining about the unfairness of how this worked, downvoted the ones you wanted to become moderators and upvoted the rest, without even knowing them. So, talking about being fair, do you belong to that category? Doubt so.
    For those wondering who @Adyyan is, he's been around for a long time, but inactive due to some personal issues. If you feel like someone deserved more than Adyyan did, that's your opinion and it's totally fine to express it, but don't attack the image of someone you don't even know.
    P.S: Damn you Adyyan, you brought me back to see this? Quite disappointed if I may say, let's hope I get to see more than... that.

    And who are you, you seem to know everyone here yet you joined only 23 hours ago? Another fake account to help make the tables turn?
    An upvote counts just as much as a downvote imo. You vote for the person you want, and against the person you don't want.

    You ever heard of an actual election before where people voted against those who they didn't wanna vote for? 🤔 And if upvotes were taken into account, anyone could make a ton of fake accounts and upvote the peeps they disliked, which mind you, someone did do.

    The outcome is still a good representation of who the users on this website chose as their mods. Not taking into account fake/double/triple accounts like yours. If they didn't want this to happen they should have made it a regular poll but then again the result are alot harder to tamper with.

    I think it was made pretty clear by now that we are already using the best system we could come up with, polls have been taken into account already

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @SightyDifferent said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    @TheRisingSun An old user. And I did not participate in voting for anyone, I have no interest in who becomes a mod and who doesn't (try asking a mod otherwise, since you're pretty active and popular, I doubt it would be hard to get the list of who voted).
    Also, argumentum ad hominem. If you are willing to depreciate a person, assure that your statements are valid and supported by arguments, otherwise it's a lost cause to even argue.
    As for the upvote part, you can do that, but that shows how low your standards are. Being against someone you don't even know and then complaining about how this election is "rigged" is just lame. For someone who has good grammar compared to the typical user here, I had quite higher expectations from you, at least when it came to keeping your mouth shut if you are wrong.

    Our opinions differ, but that's ok.
    It's true i don't know Addyan, nobody does. I do know who HE knows though.
    I know Boots, he's another fanboy to the established order.
    If an upvote doesn't have to be supported by arguments, neither should a downvote.
    The way the voting was presented to us, allowed for this kind of voting and it's still a good representation of what the users want.
    For the record, i have absolutely no standards, at least not on tws.
    I'll leave it at this, so it doesn't get repetitive, makes me look like i got Alzheimers.
    kudos on the latin!

    Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae :sunglasses:

  • @TheRisingSun I wasn't talking about upvoting, It's up to you how you vote and for whom you vote, it's your right. Re-read, it was meant to signify that your affirmations about me are not true since I did not vote and it's not a secondary account, but the only one I currently use. As for your standards statement, it is quite certain that you're the same everywhere.

    Semper fi.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @WtfJudith said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    You ever heard of an actual election before where people voted against those who they didn't wanna vote for? And if upvotes were taken into account, anyone could make a ton of fake accounts and upvote the peeps they disliked, which mind you, someone did do.

    Indeed this was the first time i got presented with this kind of voting, i like it though they should do this in the real world.
    So it doesn't just represent the provoters but also the contravoters. But people only want to hear how much they are loved, not how much they are hated. (i'm an exception :p)

    kkk i get the fake accounts part, new accounts can upvote but they can't downvote, you explained it very well, you are the first to explain it this way.

    The only downside is, it's only transparent for the admins and mods, not for the users.

    Judith for admin!

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @SightyDifferent said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    @TheRisingSun I wasn't talking about upvoting, It's up to you how you vote and for whom you vote, it's your right. Re-read, it was meant to signify that your affirmations about me are not true since I did not vote and it's not a secondary account, but the only one I currently use. As for your standards statement, it is quite certain that you're the same everywhere.

    Semper fi.

    So you didn't vote, and it's not your second account but the only one you currently use hahahaha dude you are great with words but still full of shit. So which one did you use yesterday? :joy:
    Clinton also said he did not have sexual relations with that woman but she still sucked his c o c k.

    You use Marine corps vocabulary so how about you be a man and tell us what your REAL account is, instead of hiding behind a facade.

  • @TheRisingSun As you wish, however, instead of attacking my personna again, you could have asked for that from the very beginning. St.wolf was my main account; that, however, happened in 2017. I, indeed, used few temporary accounts but that was mainly because I deleted my primary account and my intention was to talk to certain users in private. The following nickname I was recognized for was Spoofer, which most of current users are familiar with. However, that happened a while ago as well, and I did not leave a trace since then. Few days ago, a user asked me to come back for a while and since I had no plans in making a huge fuss about it, I restricted myself to certain users and topics.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @WtfJudith said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    I think it was made pretty clear by now that we are already using the best system we could come up with, polls have been taken into account already

    What's wrong with a poll Judy, it's transparent to the admins, mod and users.
    Look at my poll on the TRS for moderator topic, there are no fakes there. All regular users.
    Sure you peeps wanted to make things anonymous, just like in the real world.
    I don't trust politicians and neither do i trust the established order on this website.
    why should things be done like they are done in the real world... this is your chance to make things transparent to everyone and do things BETTER than in the real world.
    What i'm saying here only goes for the regular people, we go vote and the votes are counted, tampered with and they put whatever political party in charge they like.

    Politicians amongst themselves vote like this, PRO and CONTRA, they raise their hands so it is not anonymous in any way

    Of course the regular people can't vote like this, there are just to many, nobody got time to count millions of hands.
    But on tws it's a small community, why shouldn't we be able to vote like politicians? non anonymous by poll (which is allready possible) or by up and downvoting (this needs work, but they can build a website like this so why wouldn't they be able to write a simple feature that allows us to vote like this)

    Dinner is ready

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @SightyDifferent said in AND THERE COMES FINAL RESULTS.:

    @TheRisingSun As you wish, however, instead of attacking my personna again, you could have asked for that from the very beginning. St.wolf was my main account; that, however, happened in 2017. I, indeed, used few temporary accounts but that was mainly because I deleted my primary account and my intention was to talk to certain users in private. The following nickname I was recognized for was Spoofer, which most of current users are familiar with. However, that happened a while ago as well, and I did not leave a trace since then. Few days ago, a user asked me to come back for a while and since I had no plans in making a huge fuss about it, I restricted myself to certain users and topics.

    You should have thought about that before attacking my persona, once in public chat and in here. Give and you shall receive.

    Thank you for your honesty, I have heard of Spoofer, the guy with the lowest rep on TWS, nice to finally meet you.
    I'm the guy responsible for you having a positive reputation btw, did that p i s s you off? :joy: :sunglasses:
    I never got a thankyou message :(

  • @TheRisingSun I personally feel no annoyance from any sort of comments, grammar mistakes (typos) and the lack of the SQ are more disturbing than all the irrelevant or racist/homophobic content around.
    Thanks though, I thought I wouldn't get a depart debate, looks like you came just in time.

  • Too long can't read😪
