Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?

  • To put it simply god only exists in your imagination. God doesn't exist in the real world

    The ending scene of the documentary:

  • @emily God or the creator, cannot be seen, since he is external to the universe. Therefore, science can never physically observe the creator, thus, can never 'prove' or 'disprove' him using observation. Imagine you design a virtual reality game, would the game characters ever be able to observe the designer or the world outside the game world? No. Since they are limited to the world that's been designed for them. So the answer is NO, you can't seem him, whilst living inside the universe.

  • Music Lovers

    GOD is like the wind/air its everywhere and we can even feel it but we can't see it, but we know its there. It flows through cities, mountains, and above seas and is all encompassing. We can just ignore it and pretend it is nothing but then sometimes in life we experience moments that make us really aware of the wind/air and how powerful it can be sometimes, then its up to us to choose if we believe this unseeable entity is real or if everything is just by chance.

  • Go to LDS.org That will help you!

  • @nas said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @emily God or the creator, cannot be seen, since he is external to the universe. Therefore, science can never physically observe the creator, thus, can never 'prove' or 'disprove' him using observation. Imagine you design a virtual reality game, would the game characters ever be able to observe the designer or the world outside the game world? No. Since they are limited to the world that's been designed for them. So the answer is NO, you can't seem him, whilst living inside the universe.

    1st saying that god exists outside space and time is great because it means that he doesn't exist in anyspace or anytime

    2nd you can't sey that

    "God or the creator, cannot be seen, since he is external to the universe. Therefore, science can never physically observe the creator, thus, can never 'prove' or 'disprove' him using observation."

    And also say that he effects the reality we observe in our everyday and that prayers work...

    Because those are things that do not correlate with what you said since that means that he affects things we can calculate and observe.

    And since all religions are wrong and god doesn't exist as i perfectly describe in 1st, scientific research shows that all praying works and doesn't work in the same way:

    1st It doesn't work unless it's 2nd

    2nd If you pray as an autosuggestive meditation method then it helps you accomplish stuff AS MUCH as someone who only does autosuggestion and doesn't pray

  • @alwaysstranger Bro you just jumped to conclusions you don't even have sufficient evidence or justification for, just because something exists outside our universe doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's the whole point of a creator, they aren't limited by their creation, so they are disjoint to their creation. Secondly, the way you speak about science, it's as if science already knows everything, science only knows about what it can observe, who knows what things are out there that we as humans cant physically observe. One last thing, most scientific theories, are not written in stone, for e.g. the theory of darwinian evolution, which most believe is a 'fact' today, has so many gaps in it it's not funny, so don't believe what scientists say just because they look like they know what they're talking about.

  • @nas said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @alwaysstranger Bro you just jumped to conclusions you don't even have sufficient evidence or justification for, just because something exists outside our universe doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's the whole point of a creator, they aren't limited by their creation, so they are disjoint to their creation.

    1st according to all modern physics the only things that exist are in spacetime and everything else is nothingness. So if something is outside space-time that means it doesn't exist. And if you watch the videos i sent you, that's what the badass Stephen Motherfucking Hawking was trying to explain.

    2nd you can't say that everything has to have a creator and then say nothing created god, that's a logical fallacy. Iff you then say that nothing created god then why not skip god and say that the universe is eternal and was there from the beginning of time since after all that's what science has discovered... that space and TIME started at the moment of the big bang (this is why 93% of astrophysicists are atheists and by the way 80% of biologists are also atheists tho that's unrelated)

    Secondly, the way you speak about science, it's as if science already knows everything, science only knows about what it can observe, who knows what things are out there that we as humans cant physically observe.

    1st Science never claims that it knows everything but that doesn't give you the right to say that you do because you don't either

    2nd the only thing that can disprove science is science

    3rd science doesn't only know things that can be observed but also things that they know COULD exist by calculating how they would be like using what we have already observed

    One last thing, most scientific theories, are not written in stone, for e.g. the theory of darwinian evolution, which most believe is a 'fact' today, has so many gaps in it it's not funny, so don't believe what scientists say just because they look like they know what they're talking about.

    Oh. So you believe that evolution is a lie and that all biologists in the world are lairs. There isn't a single gap in the theory of evolution. If there is then go ahead and give me one so i can educate you. People like you use only "evolutiom is just a theory" bullshit in debates, 1st of all, there isn't anything "just" about a scientific theory. A theory as in hypothesis and a scientific theory are 2 different things with different definitions 2nd gravity is also "just a theory" so do you not believe that gravity exists and happens too?
    I wouldn't be surprised if you believed the earth is also younger than 10000 years old (even though it's actually 4.5 billion years old) in which case don't bother responding cuz I'll just ignore you

  • @Emily sorry but can't find god if you search for him/her. Its like the philosopher's stone in Harry Potter. xDD

  • No one has truly "seen" God. They can talk with him, if they are a strong Christian and God has things planned for them, but you must really give your life to him. Hear him speaking to you through Bible and prayer.

    Welp, hope this helps. Bye!

  • He used to live at my house. His name was Jerry

  • @kittenfromhell jerry poopy? he left my house without payin the rent

  • Hi! Yes God exists, I've never seen him during this life so far but I know he hears me. He is our creator.

  • @angelsareforreal said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    Hi! Yes God exists, I've never seen him during this life so far but I know he hears me. He is our creator.

    You have no prove to provide therefore I'll just take the hitchens razor


  • @nas wow you have given a million dollar e.g of VR game. @AlwaysStranger check this.

  • @emily said in Has anyone ever seen God? Does it exist?:

    @nas wow you have given a million dollar e.g of VR game. @AlwaysStranger check this.

    I already disproved everything he said, i don't know what you're on about

  • Gamers

    I believe people see what they want to see. If you see him/ sense him that's great! I don't think there is anything there.

  • Music Lovers

    Good question but for answer u hav to answer my question first hav you ever seen air? Have you ever seen our live means do u know how we alive..?

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok wrong bruh everyone can see god but first you have to make urself able capable to see an meet god...!

  • @alwaysstranger then tell me how you alive which thing make u alive..!

  • Music Lovers

    @nas wrong totally wrong
