• @G-A Do you think there is a reason she will love you back ? :v:

  • @Bela-Hella Yes,
    I believe that there is a plan for each and everyone of us... regardless of how that plan takes us.
    I don't think we can make huge changes to our destiny, and as a result we are stuck with how things are. Once this becomes an acceptance to peoples lives, they can begin to really live.

  • @Bela-Hella well, you should ask her answer tho, dont ask me 😂

  • @Mr-H I agree happens most of the time leaving me question why oh why this and that.. Results to overthinking haha 😂

  • @Bela-Hella

    We don't need to always find reasons for things happening tho, in my case I never look for them, but when it's something bad it helps me overcoming it! But no matter what the reason behind things might be, our destiny can't really change too much, as I believe we have somewhat a set "timeline" so to speak.

  • @Durwin Listen to the song "rewrite the stars" and feel it unclenut ..for u and u know haha

  • @Mr-H Going out of this topic.. I just like the word timeline, hope tws has timeline like facebook lol

  • @Mr-H said in Do you believe everything happens for a reason..why?:


    We don't need to always find reasons for things happening tho, in my case I never look for them, but when it's something bad it helps me overcoming it! But no matter what the reason behind things might be, our destiny can't really change too much, as I believe we have somewhat a set "timeline" so to speak.

    I think the "timeline" you mentioned is extremely flexible, it all depends on the choices that you take. just imagine what would happen in some scenario in the past and think of some other feasible decision that you could've taken... The fact that you can think of a logical outcome means that it might've really happened, right? Well, at least that's a different timeline, and our minds are currently fixed on the timeline we created by making the decisions that we made in the past :))

  • @Kakashi said in Do you believe everything happens for a reason..why?:

    @Mr-H said in Do you believe everything happens for a reason..why?:


    We don't need to always find reasons for things happening tho, in my case I never look for them, but when it's something bad it helps me overcoming it! But no matter what the reason behind things might be, our destiny can't really change too much, as I believe we have somewhat a set "timeline" so to speak.

    I think the "timeline" you mentioned is extremely flexible, it all depends on the choices that you take. just imagine what would happen in some scenario in the past and think of some other feasible decision that you could've taken... The fact that you can think of a logical outcome means that it might've really happened, right? Well, at least that's a different timeline, and our minds are currently fixed on the timeline we created by making the decisions that we made in the past :))

    I understand what you are trying to say and i'll explain my reasoning with this "shitty" example :joy:
    You are walking in a street and you steped on poo. If you knew poo was there and you avoided that street, you would probably step poo somewhere else within the same timeline. It's true that you bent the timeline a little but what I mean is that you can make slight changes, turns, shortcuts but the destination will always be the same. This topic is really interesting tho and this is why my favorite anime of all time is Steins;Gate!

  • @Mr-H And what is this "destination" that you speak of? Death or something? If so, I agree with you on that :))

  • @Kakashi

    You can see it as that or as set events in your life.
    In my example, the "destination" was steping on poo.

  • @Mr-H Okay, me avoiding stepping on poo doesn't mean I'd definitely step on it again sometime in life. I mean, I may definitely step on poo sometime later, but not because of me avoiding that situation at that point in the past. Possible reasons may be: dog/cat/cow/whatever pooping there, me not looking before i step, someone/something distracting me, "I wanna step on poop just coz @Mr-H said so xD", etc.,

  • @Kakashi

    Poo bender :hankey: :sunglasses:

  • @Bela-Hella okay I’m not this holy holy person. I do t stay focused on religion as much as I should, but I’ve always believed that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Your happiness, your pain, your struggles. God has put his hand on those who believe and he guides them. So long and the short of it everything happenes for a reason through our God.😊🖤

  • @Vampire_Queen Not holy holy but I see righteousness and faith in your words gurl..I admire it a lot ..In Him we trust..

  • Everything seems arbitrary to me, where you're born, what gender you're born, the point in history you're born in, what state of health you're born in etc

  • @Bela-Hella
    Yes, I completely believe that everything does happen for a reason although we might not be able to figure out what that reason is right away. For example, recently someone came into my life and while I can't imagine anything coming of it, she's made me question everything and really throw me for a loop. Because of this, I started really getting into music and writing again. And even though my mind is all over the place, I'm starting to feel free. It's led to deep talks with friends and even one person commenting that I actually seem happy.

  • @iknowuknow17 Go positive, wish you happiness regardless of everything..

  • I agree with @Bela-Hella
    It's more like people try to find some reason after the thing's happened. Just to feel good about themselves maybe. It's human nature to think everything is about them. But seriously, how silly is that!

    Someone saying "everything happens for a reason" has to be a believer in some sort of supernaturally influenced "fate" or something.
    But actually, stuff just happens, regardless of what we want or think, and the 'stuff' that happened has consequences, in which, we can, to please ourselves, find at least one repercussion that we find in our favour and call it the reason the thing happened.
    But that's selfish thinking. The phenomenon of anything "happening" has nothing to do with us.
    More accurate would be, things happen, and there's good things and bad that come out of it.
    Things don't need a reason to happen -.- they just do.

  • @Kana look who's passing by here.....
