• @shaun-durwin Structurally, there are some similarities to a sandwich, in that bread surrounds a filling. So, potentially, they could be a form of sandwich. But We find the case unproven. There are similarities, but enough differences to cast doubt.
    Cha Ching peace out.

  • @firefly

    Yes, it is. A sandwich is some filling between bread, no matter the shape :smirk:


    Here's your square hot dog.

    alt text

  • @mr-h I think, there is, however, one significant difference. The roll is only partly sliced, and is still joined at one side. As such, it is more of a pocket than two slices, and could have more in common with a doner kebab served in a pitta pocket.

  • @firefly

    I just posted a picture that defeats the purpose of your answer, an hotdog doesn't have to necessarily be built the same way, society built that concept but I won't let it chain me!!! :joy:

  • @firefly @Mr-H :thinking_face:
    So, by your thinking could you take two ginger Bread men, slap a dwag in the middle of them, and then you would have a Ginger Bread Hot Dawg? ;)
    the plot thickens
    0_1541264668155_Ginger bread.gif

  • @shaun-durwin

    I feel like i've seen this somewhere :face_with_rolling_eyes: coughpornhubcough

  • @mr-h said in IS HOT DOG A SANDWICH?:


    I just posted a picture that defeats the purpose of your answer, an hotdog doesn't have to necessarily be built the same way, society built that concept but I won't let it chain me!!! :joy:

    Your pic show's an actual Hot Dawg Sandwich, rather than the conventional tradition.
    Kinda likens to Macdonalds selling fries .. They're Chips :O ;)

  • @mr-h According to the National Hot Dog Council, calling a hot dog a sandwich is like calling the Christopher Columbus just a guy.

  • @firefly said in IS HOT DOG A SANDWICH?:

    @mr-h According to the National Hot Dog Council, calling a hot dog a sandwich is like calling the Christopher Columbus just a guy.

    I'll drink to that lol
    Thank you :D :joy: :D

  • @firefly

    He's just a guy with bad orientation skillz :joy:

  • @firefly said in IS HOT DOG A SANDWICH?:

    @mr-h According to the National Hot Dog Council , calling a hot dog a sandwich is like calling the Christopher Columbus just a guy.

    WTF ....
    The what now? :O
    :joy: :joy: :joy:

  • @Shaun-Durwin @Mr-H
    I`m going to say a hot dog is not a sandwich.

    It is a hot dog.


    Ok I know.

    The definition of a sandwich,



    1 :An item of food consisting of two pieces of bread with a filling between them, eaten as a light meal.
    Exactly you may say, a hot dog fits this definition, so what.

    Consider this,



    a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people.
    Is this then a car, it fits all the requirements?
    No it`s a van

    A van is not a car, it is a van.

    A hotdog is not a sandwich, it is a hotdog.

  • @firefly When it's served in the roll, it's also a sandwich. We know: the idea that a hot dog is a sandwich is heresy to some of you. But given that the definition of sandwich is "two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between," there is no sensible way around it.

  • Music Lovers


    Love the format Hahaha.

    Im here to (Verb) 'Unikron' this place up. For everyone else that may not cause i believe Shaun knows; Thats the Chaos Bringer \ Planet Eater. Transformers.

    A road vehicle is anything harnessing more then a top speed of 20 mph or 32 kmh (NA Rules mind you) below that would be a gas or electric bicycle ( Which you dont need a license for oddly enough) Therefore any vessel or structure containing said internal combustion engine would be what i would like to call grey areas. Trust me, I know what they are. There are grey areas in my beard.

    To summarize though (cause i think i could talk about this all night)
    Road Vehicle : Cars, vans , trucks, suv's, rat rods, station wagons, transports and all sorts of other examples or 'oddities' that use roads and are all registered as separate entities. Just like we have different deli meats for our heavily interrogated concept of what a sandwich should aspire to be in final form. Super saiyan sandwich would be pretty bad ass.

    Summary to closing via example :
    If i wanted a Cold cut trio with my beloved garlic aioli sauce (to die for) should i expect just the meat in the wax paper its originally in with sauce on top? I say not fellow citizen. I would be outraged. I would want my two sides of bread, one complimenting the other with all of its destined properties joined as one.

    A hotdog SANDWICH is made the same way

    Respectively + Thank you for your time.

    Don Wright
    Hotdog Sandwich Advocate

    (Broken brains here folks)

  • @donwright-music said in IS HOT DOG A SANDWICH?:


    Love the format Hahaha.

    Im here to (Verb) 'Unikron' this place up. For everyone else that may not cause i believe Shaun knows; Thats the Chaos Bringer \ Planet Eater. Transformers.

    A road vehicle is anything harnessing more then a top speed of 20 mph or 32 kmh (NA Rules mind you) below that would be a gas or electric bicycle ( Which you dont need a license for oddly enough) Therefore any vessel or structure containing said internal combustion engine would be what i would like to call grey areas. Trust me, I know what they are. There are grey areas in my beard.

    To summarize though (cause i think i could talk about this all night)
    Road Vehicle : Cars, vans , trucks, suv's, rat rods, station wagons, transports and all sorts of other examples or 'oddities' that use roads and are all registered as separate entities. Just like we have different deli meats for our heavily interrogated concept of what a sandwich should aspire to be in final form. Super saiyan sandwich would be pretty bad ass.

    Summary to closing via example :
    If i wanted a Cold cut trio with my beloved garlic aioli sauce (to die for) should i expect just the meat in the wax paper its originally in with sauce on top? I say not fellow citizen. I would be outraged. I would want my two sides of bread, one complimenting the other with all of its destined properties joined as one.

    A hotdog SANDWICH is made the same way

    Respectively + Thank you for your time.

    Don Wright
    Hotdog Sandwich Advocate

    (Broken brains here folks)

    LMFAO .... nice one , you just made my night lol :D
    The thing is here with you and @Firefly bringing the motor-vehicle into the equation , I must point out on similar lines that over here in the UK , the not so lesser spotted Motorcycle is classified as a Bicycle, hence reducing its charges to the user for their cost of road privileges.
    So, as much as the food question of Is A Hot Dog A Sandwich goes..... what about the Motor Bike that by British law at least is the equivalent to the humble hooman powered Peddlecycle??? ;)

  • @firefly said in IS HOT DOG A SANDWICH?:

    It sounds like a simple question, but it’s a way more divisive issue than I could have predicted with both sides refusing to concede any ground. Help me out.

    A hot dog is defined as a dog who normally goes to gym while a sandwich is a human species with higher intelligence about sand sorcery and witchcraft.


  • @shaun-durwin Oh ho ho! I was replying to your advancement into the motor vehicle branch XD I strictly introduced a new concept of cold cut trio without bread - Basically complete madness. Similar to hotdogs not being sandwiches for example. snickers

    Id have to probably get in trouble over there like i did here to know the complete experience\answer to that one. Usually have to learn things the hard way hahaha. I hear trespassing isnt a big deal over there too? Been itching to assassin's creed up some buildings, just fixing up my 'hook blade' now.

    Glad to make someones night though, its been quite a night myself!
    Just to be clear though for my paperwork and on record, you are stating that hot dogs are sandwiches?

  • @donwright-music

    NOPE they are not in my humble opinion Sir. lol

  • Banned

    @firefly Its between two pieces of bread so yes its a sandwich lol
