• @practicaladam hasn’t hit a nerve I just don’t know what the fuck your on about haha

  • @alexis17 unfortunately, deep down, you do. Sorry to say. Search yourself for the logic in my answers to a question you asked.
    I am sorry to say this, but your comment makes you seem very young in your understanding of the natural cycle of life. You believe you will wake in the morning and continue that cycle of life having given nothing to continue it. Will you wake in the morning knowing your life could be at end without giving something to keep that cycle of life going? Both a man and woman keeps these cycles of life moving forward. Otherwise, humanity dies within a couple of generations. Where would the logic be then? In the elephants??

  • @practicaladam I get what you’re trying to say, how is this related to the topic though?

  • @alexis17 because you asked the question "Where am you from; bla bla bla?" My answer was" from Hingham Norfolk, bla bla bla."
    " If I was to move, where would I move to and why, bla bla bla? "
    So the answer is relevant to the question asked. If I was to move from" Hingham, Norfolk, UK" where would I move to? Somewhere, free thinking, free speaking, no cops, NO NWO (New world order) and free from violence, from unnatural conditioning, and free from fear. Where would you go?? I do not see anywhere on the natural planet that I could go that is free from all the world conditioning other than becoming some spoon wittler in a deep isolated jungle with an elephant!! Do you??

  • @alexis17 I am not sure the answer to your comment is being shown. But it is relevant to the original question asked. I want to live in a free world that supports the development of the human race rather than conditioned lust full, erotic, self endulgence, mindful endulgence thoughts and cravings of a conditioned human being. Just saying.

  • It is beddie byes time for me. The land of nod is calling for the practical mind of Adam to re-energise and become unconscience until fully regenerated. So my land of where I want to live will only be a dream until I wake. Nite nite. XX Peace and love to you all. ☺️ ☺️

  • @alexis17 I'm from Time Between Time

  • @practicaladam Why is it necessary that humanity continue?

  • @timebetweentime You will have to gain the answer to that's question from the creator himself when you meet him/her/it. Why is it necessary for anything to exist?? Being something is far better than being nothing.

  • I am from India.I want to move Boston to see my special someone.

  • India . I want to move Boston .

  • I live in the UK but Id love to move to Canada cause I have family there and I love the cold

  • Currently living in Finland. Would love to move somewhere else warmer sometimes.

  • @practicaladam said in Where are you from?:

    @shaun-durwin Is that free from Rozzers, from WiFi, from any format of the NWO??

    Peterborough ... Nope, deffo not hehe ....
    Where I would really like to be would be the Far East.... not to fussed about where, but I love most of the nations and their cultures. As you say in some of your posts on here, the UK is really not a good place to be... Nanny State would be an incredible understatement..... due to the supposed freedom that you have... which in essence is none... even when you try to chose your own way and make up your own mind there is something or someone trying to stop you.
    And peeps from around the world want to come here.... I just don't get it....

    • From the old saying 'the grass is always greener on the other side' in this case ... for us to move YES, for other's to move here NO.

  • @practicaladam said in Where are you from?:

    I live Hingham Norfolk, England. I have been placed here for a reason; for sure. To what reason, I do not know.

    I just seen, your only down the road from me. Where you born to Hingham? or randomly placed by some other worldly societal mean's?
    I was in Waymouth, but decided to move to the dregs of outer North London.... not to bad of a place, but end of the day it's still the UK :(

  • @shaun-durwin I was born Suffolk, grew up in Norfolk and experienced life in Essex. I believe in my purpose for being here, and will probably find there to be more massive challenges than I really want. But for my purpose to continue, I have to stay the course. To sacrifice myself for others, not for personal gain. Without using violence as a tool. So, a peaceful walk I shall take, and protect those I care deeply about. Even if they are not with me. Some may say I'm mad, but I say madness is something that another can not comprehend. So life really brought me here.
    I have family in the Dagenham area, much of my family came from there. And still live there.

  • @practicaladam Nobody can know whether a "creator" or creators exist. It can never be proved.