• @mr-h said in Reasons why relationships fail::


    I have a very particular way of seeing love and friendship. I don't always fall in love. In fact it's very rare for me to do so. In my 27 years of existence I've fell in love twice and I was lucky enough to have them love me back.
    Sadly the relationship didn't last and we eventually broke up but we started as friends and evolved to a couple but when we broke up we remained friends and I still speak to both of them till this day.
    The love bound for me is really special and important, when I love someone will be for life cuz, like @Kana said, if friendship lasts forever so can love.
    It's kinda hard for me to explain it cuz there's no real good way to express it tho words, you would need to get to know me and manage to understand me.


    You see, @g.a. has some sort of fixation for me and other users like @WtfJudith And @willow so he likes to come up with made up stories or half truths. I believe he is a nice guy he just lacks some common sense.


    I will have to ask you to clean your mouth when you mention my name to your mindless dramas and insanity.
    Let's go back to the start, did you ever dm me before other then when you bombed my dms with a bunch of questions? PERSONAL QUESTIONS should I add? I would have replied to you if you wanted to talk but as far as I know u aren't police and I'm not being investigated. So let me do what @WtfJudith didnt do when you started to molest her like you are starting to molest me. Get the fuck off away from me if all you want from me is involve me in your mindless drama. If you wanna be friends and get to know me feel free to dm me like any other user can dm me.


    @Mr-H I think I may of said this before, but we seem to be on a similar (if not same) page about a great deal of things.
    I to wouldn't say that I fall in love as regular as other's. My reason for this is that I believe love is something that you grow into. The initial feelings of lust are a huge help towards the growth of love.
    My longest relationship didn't start from lust but it was founded on a deep friendship that had been the case for many years. I was the only person that my ex trusted due to how our friendship began.
    Sadly we don't speak these days because of the way that both of our lives grew apart. For the most part of that relationship I had no particular feels of love but our bond was always solid.
    You sir are lucky that you still communicate with your past loves.....something to always cherish.
    My belief is that love is more of a dependency on each other. Not to make you whole, but to be companions in every respect.... holding a mutual respect for each other and also being able to talk about anything without fear, even if that is something that may be a difficult subject for both parties.
    Looks help, but are nowhere near essential..... beauty comes from within.

  • @mr-peanut said in Reasons why relationships fail::

    My belief is that love is more of a dependency on each other. Not to make you whole, but to be companions in every respect.... holding a mutual respect for each other and also being able to talk about anything without fear, even if that is something that may be a difficult subject for both parties.

    Damn. That thing about addiction. I always use that with my gf's. I always have the need to act and treat them in a way that they get addicted cuz that's how I feel about the relationship.

  • @cjko
    We’re not prepared. We’re not prepared for the sacrifices, for the compromises, for the unconditional love. We’re not ready to invest all that it takes to make a relationship work. We want everything easy. We’re quitters. All it takes is a single hurdle to make us crumble to our feet. We don’t let our love grow, we let go before time.
    It’s not love we’re looking for, only excitement and thrill in life.

  • @g-a how dare to say tht @kana is a hooman

  • @mr-peanut Old is gold buddy ,,

  • @neeraj-singh you kinda lost me know, in whatever weird world your living in lol

  • @mr-peanut
    *u dont understand my opinios bcz u are not of my age group

  • @neeraj-singh said in Reasons why relationships fail::

    *u dont understand my opinios bcz u are not of my age group

    nope , I been there an done that ... guessing wha?? your like ..... :thinking_face: Ummmm....... 15 (think i'm giving you credit there tbh)

  • okk i giving 5 downvotes to @Mr-Peanut

  • @neeraj-singh said in Reasons why relationships fail::

    okk i giving 5 downvotes to @Mr-Peanut


    Oh hang on just one second :thinking_face:
    0_1536697812604_talk to the hand.gif

  • @mr-peanut now 10 downvotes to u

  • hahaha what happened to you hoooman ? Hahha :D
    I missed a lot. lol