• Freedom Writers

    I know this girl,
    who gets stuck in her own world,
    lost in her thoughts,
    worrying about life a lot,
    not sure what'll happen tomorrow,
    and at times her heart is full of sorrow,
    who finds life can leave her unsatisfied,
    but that's because she listens to lies,
    that come from inside,
    not knowing what's bringing her down,
    not knowing why she wears a frown,
    listening to those thoughts that say life isn't worth it at times,
    thinking that there are things leaving her unfulfilled and full of grime.
    When I see her though I think she's just blind,
    to all of the wonderful things she can't find,
    in herself that I hope I can help her see,
    because she means so much to me.
    Whenever I see her she's always so kind,
    and our interests align,
    she's always on my mind,
    and she's so compassionate,
    always making sure that I get,
    help when I need it,
    or support when I'm ready to quit.
    With her it's always a blast,
    knowing exactly how to make me laugh,
    and sharing moments I hope will forever last,
    who gets my humor and just gets me,
    I can open up to her about anything,
    and a smile that can light up the room,
    who's beautiful enough to make anyone's heart zoom.
    I know a girl who lies to herself,
    but I want to tell her the truth for her own health.

  • @us-poet beautiful as always.

  • Beautiful ❀

  • @us-poet You are a word bank." & "Sweet US poet

  • Music Lovers


    Just wanted to appreciate your amazing hard work and amazing poems you have written which we can find all in this link :)

    https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/tags/unicorn poet

    big salute