• I see you from across the room.
    Where has the time gone?
    We used to love each other,
    We used to care so much.
    Then came the fighting.
    I became clingy.
    I became worried.
    And you wanted someone else.
    So you moved on and I stayed behind.
    But what was really happening?
    I was caring, I care too much. I care a lot. I want to make sure you are treated the way you should be treated. I wanted you to know what it's like to be loved. I wanted to show you another side of the world.
    You just couldn't see that.
    So you moved on to one of the girls that let you do whatever you want.
    Either I was blind..or you didn't want a girl that actually cared.

  • @hales17
    thats lovely :) , sad but lovely ...

  • @hales17 that's so what i need to read. Thanks it's awesome

  • @zoob Thanks so much I really needed to hear that
