• @baileysellers this is very sad. How young are you? :)
    hmmm if you're still young like below 20s or 30s..you should move on! There's a lot of fishes in the sea. You shouldn't focus to just one odd fish. Well, for me it was not love, you are not in love with him. You were just infatuated with him. He's a jerk! Maybe he's just after your body, remember when he invited you to go to his house? he planned something for you both.. maybe you're too open with him. Don't chase boys or even show them you like them or you're eager to grab them.. have some decency and reservation. If he likes you that much, he will not do that to you. And he's a player not a keeper. His gf should be mad at him, for what he did. You know what? you should go hang out with other people, find some interesting stuff to engage with . Crying everyday for just one guy or over spilled milk won't help. He even don't care of what you did. Get up! move forward, accept you did a mistake for thinking he's the one.. and try to look ahead of what awaits you.. Hello? there are trillions of people all over the world.. MOVE ON! if you want to talk further about it, just PM me. I've been through a lot of hell too. ;)

  • @baileysellers

    That's such a heartbreaking story :( It really does suck... Sometimes ppl take too long to make the leap and someother times they are too fast to take the leap, there is a timming for everything even for love and I like to think that everything happens for a reason.
    I believe that struggle is happening cuz u are still stuck in the past and in the "what ifs". I know it's hard but you need to try and focus on your present and live with what you have. You let you chance pass but that doesn't mean it is lost forever. If it's meant to be, life will give you a signal or a hint by making you bump into him.
    Don't give up on love nor living, live your life since you can only have one, enjoy it to the fullest and let yourself move on, you aren't giving up you are just moving towards the right direction, you never know if your paths will cross again!

  • @cjko thank you so much for the feedback I really do appreciate it. I am 17 by the way, found love young I guess. I would like to move on but it is very hard. I feel like he was my only chance. no other guy has given me as much as a second glance. and it's hard to find other people when I can only think of him. He's definitely a good guy, I just think our timing was wrong. he definitely doesn't want me for my body lol i'm not exactly conventionally attractive, and that's not how he is anyways. he is very touchy and loving. not in a sexual way idk he just likes being friendly. however the rest of your advice is very motivating and kind and I really appreciate it. I never want something like that again, I hate being lead on. I've been getting better about the crying though, definitely not as much as I used to.

  • @mr-h I love 'everything happens for a reason'. it is my mantra nowadays and what keeps me going. you are right, the timing just wasn't right and if it was meant to be it would've happened but it didn't so I think that's the world's way of telling me it wasn't meant to be. I don't know, maybe we'll reconnect further down the line in a couple years. or maybe i'll be married to someone else? only time will tell.

  • @baileysellers

    That's why you gotta keep on going strong and never giving up, on life and on love. You never know what's around the corner!

  • @mr-h thank you so much, you have been lovely. I shall try to keep my chin up

  • @baileysellers

    No need to thank me, if u need anything feel free to dm me, i'll always get back to you.

  • @mr-h will do <3

  • @baileysellers thats a really sad story . I have been in the same position in the past, where i have been so close to a friend that I fell hook line and sinker for them. I thought that she felt the same , but alas no , no she didn't
    I have such empathy for you due to the past that i have had and the best friend that i lost .
    that's also crazy is that my son is called Charles... he's recently turned 16.
    anyways , I hope you manage to move on, and as @cjko says if you are young enough, although you may struggle to regain your friendship ... there is a world of others out there and ya never know you just might find someone better and closer to you .
    I hope everything works out for you in the end .

  • @mr_peanut well I hope you raise him right and teach him not to lead girls on or play games because it really fucks with people. so sorry to hear about your past though, at least you found someone eventually. honestly I don't know if he feels the same about me.... I never asked. I only expressed my feelings for him. idk but either way it wasn't meant to be because it didn't work out. I will try my best to move on, I have a feeling it will take a long time though considering it's been 2 years and it still hurts as much as it did in the moments it happened. thank you so much for your kind words.

  • @baileysellers i feel your pain , and to be honest ... mine went on for a long time to ... chin up you :)

  • @baileysellers that's great! Cheers to a happy life :)