• This band will give you what you want. If you're angry, hyper, sad, depressed...you can find it all from them. I have respected them since 2014 and they certainly never let me down.
    Nothing But Thieves
    The singer is androgynous, and his voice is just as beautiful. Take a gander and you might enjoy them.

    If you like them, come back and ask what songs I recommend.

  • @kanuna

    I know some of it, what are your favorite songs?

  • @mr-h Most of them. Lol.
    But it depends on my mood. I will always love Trip Switch, Honey Whiskey, Last Orders, Sorry, and Amsterdam.

    What about you?

  • @kanuna

    Trip switch is how I met em but I also love their newest release "crazy" which is a cover they did from the song of Gnarls Barkley.

    Other songs I appreciate: "if I get high", "graveyard whistling", "Lover, please stay" and "I'm not made by design". It's safe to say I prefer their very 1St album!

  • @mr-h I like their album Broken Machine, but yes, their first album will not be beaten. Broken Machine came out when I needed it to, and it means a lot to me. Really touches on my life. I got a chance to see them in person, but I opted out because of college. They are really inspirational other than Muse and Gorillaz for me.

  • @kanuna

    I love Muse as well, they have a bigger array of music tho. On the other hand the 2 bands that really walked with me are Dead by April and Five Finger Death Punch. Their style is slightly heavier then NbT tho :p
