• Was curious to all those who dabble or are curious into the art industry of who is your favourite artist? Be it their art style that catches you or their characters made just reply back with your favourite artist!

    My favourite artist is freezepop88 cause I absolutely love her art style of how it looks and hoping to commission her in the future!

  • @rabbitboy One artist that has really cute artwork is toypup, though I have many other artists I love..

  • @rabbitboy said in Favourite artist?:

    Was curious to all those who dabble or are curious into the art industry of who is your favourite artist? Be it their art style that catches you or their characters made just reply back with your favourite artist!

    My favourite artist is freezepop88 cause I absolutely love her art style of how it looks and hoping to commission her in the future!

    Mine is Bob Ross and Emmy Kalia

  • @rabbitboy
    Banksy, an anonymous England-based street artist
    1_1531883737557_FC73ABD5-744F-4794-AF67-A5576F614083.jpeg 0_1531883737556_631709D8-4777-47D5-B8BA-5FA6785AC28D.jpeg
    I really like him because each and everyone of his artworks is really cleverly thought out and even after all these years he’s managed to keep his identity hidden which is pretty impressive given how popular he is now

    Claude Monet
    1_1531883841338_73F4BFD2-983B-4FA6-A815-A05276AD1EEB.jpeg 0_1531883841328_D9C86DD0-8A19-45F2-AADB-A4A27D69AE19.jpeg
    I like him for his art style and the colour he uses but also because we’ve got a replica of his paintings at home that I’ve always really liked and admired

    Salvador Dali
    1_1531883896684_FD9005BF-3C13-4053-BFD0-0225CBDF546B.jpeg 0_1531883896671_CFF4E1AE-26BD-4D3B-BAC9-DA607E075DC6.jpeg
    I just like how fucked up some of his painting are and just how weird they come out. Like seriously, how did this guy even come up with some of this shit? My bet is that he was always high on shrooms or something πŸ˜‚

  • @rabbitboy

    I touched about this in a post before but i'll say it again

    Salvador Dali is my favorite artist, simply because of how fucked up his art was. I just love how he could twist and turn his own reality to fit his needs to create his masterpieces!

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  • @azriel said in Favourite artist?:

    @rabbitboy said in Favourite artist?:

    Was curious to all those who dabble or are curious into the art industry of who is your favourite artist? Be it their art style that catches you or their characters made just reply back with your favourite artist!

    My favourite artist is freezepop88 cause I absolutely love her art style of how it looks and hoping to commission her in the future!

    Mine is Bob Ross and Emmy Kalia

    Ah yes the squirrel whisperer and maker of happy little trees

  • @hobii just list the ones you like or the one you prefer the most it doesn’t have to be just one artist can be as many as you want

  • Bacon
    Sexy, horrific, passionate and relevant.
    Ironically I'm vegan.... :p

  • @rabbitboy Pascal campion

    Snek got me hooked

  • @rabbitboy myself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ because I'm narcissistic
