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  • willow, is this a goodbye note?

  • -deleted-

  • @the-same-neon its up for however you interpret it

    A goodbye from the old Willow is how I see it

  • @willow if thats the old willow, I want to see the new one come into this world in the biggest way possible

  • @willow that's too big to read but hey, have an upvote

  • @jeff9998 youre an idiot

  • I see you are sad and depressed.

    I would like to recommend a heavy dosage of caprisuns over the next few days,

    0_1531803759332_Screenshot (289).png

    And here's the facepalm emoji you requested.


  • @willow I'm just trying to figure which one is me because there's about 3 different ones. And you know what I'm sorry if I never personally pmed you, I'm sorry if it seemed like all I wanted to do is to die, and I'm sorry if I seem like an attention getter to you but you know I've never actually had anyone who has ever cared about me. Ever. No one to say oh you look nice today or you look good today. No one to care enough to see if I was alright. I've never had anyone ever so I'm sorry if it feels like I used you or whatever but that's not the truth. And hell yeah everyone loves willow! And I swear point me in the direction of these fucking assholes that did this. Because no one lemme make this clear NO ONE messes with my family. Cause they mess with one person they get all of us. Trust me there's a lot more than just me. So please don't go let's just find a way to work this out. After its what we should all do. Everyone just needs to sit down and work their shit out. And I know this is to long and you will probably ignore it or whatever but I just want you to know I fucking cared enough to write this at 2 am so. That probably means nothing to you but y'all probably will never understand. So I'll shut up now and go crawl back in the hell hole I escaped from.

  • Music Lovers


  • @willow

    I'll just reply to the part directed at me.

    @willow said in A Letter From The Afterthought.:

    To the friend who’s heart I had and broke. Congratulations. You have silenced me to a point I must apologize. Im so sorry Hugo.

    Care to explain how I was the one silencing you? I am honestly confuzzled until this day on wtf happened between us tbh...
    You never lost my heart... As sad as it gets you could hurt me a milion times and i would still wanna hear from you, but that's exacly the situation... You NEED to actually want / talk with me, otherwise a friendship tho telepathy is not somehing i've ever done and don't think I can do as lack of communication is something I don't deal well with cuz I get confuzzled.
    So feel free to hmu whenever u want and i'll be there, like I always been since the 1st day I dmed you cuz of that silly topic u made "Youre a total ass!!!!" https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/topic/19129/youre-a-total-ass

    I don't know what else to say cuz I don't think anything I'll say will get tho you. I was used to be on the other side of the coin and tell you to fuck what others think and say about you but this time I'm part of those people, so yeah. Just know that you haven't lost what you thought you did, at least from me...

  • Global Veteran Banned


    Have a bunny

  • -deleted-

  • Music Lovers

    @mr-h I expected you of all people to understand. There seems to be a lot of things I was wrong about though. So I apologized.
    Im sorry that I made you feel not needed. Im sorry if you felt I was ignoring you.
    Im sorry if I ever made you said.

    But I cant say I would take this week back and change it. In regards to our situation anyways.

    Sometimes there is this burst of negative emotion and I dont know what to do. Easiest thing to do? Cover it up with a laugh. I can fake my way through a comment. I can fake happiness for a post.
    For some odd reason, i didnt have the urge to message you.
    I wouldnt be able to lie when you asked “how are you”.
    I wouldnt fake my way through a whole conversation just to see you smile
    Because the smile makes me want to cry more

    It isnt an explanation I can put into words
    And you just keep coming back with more comebacks. More messages.

    I cant do it anymore.
    i cant message you and pretend to be fine when Im definitely not fine. I cant be not fine with you if I cant even put my emotions into words

  • @willow

    When did I ever asked you to be fine, around me? When did I ever demanded you to be fine, around me? Did I ever asked for a fake smile, when u are around me?
    Ofc it's always better when it's all pink and flowers, but a friend is there for the good and the bad periods. Do you think I would mind being around you if you were depressed? Do you think I would force you to talk about shit that you didn't? Did I ever do that? Ofc not... I would ust keep u company and try to make u feel better by goofing around.

    And if you didn't wanna talk you could have said so and i would leave you alone... simple as that, but you kept ignoring, upvoting my posts and more stuff... I ain't a wizard.

    I keep my words from the last post. My dms are open, feel free to say something when/if you ever want to...

  • Music Lovers

    @captain_america said in A Letter From The Afterthought.:

    @willow I'm just trying to figure which one is me because there's about 3 different ones.

    Everyone i wanted to mention in the “oof okie meh chu” group chat is mentioned under the group chat section.

    I'm sorry if it seemed like all I wanted to do is to die, and I'm sorry if I seem like an attention getter to you but you know I've never actually had anyone who has ever cared about me. Ever. No one to say oh you look nice today or you look good today. No one to care enough to see if I was alright. I've never had anyone ever

    Take a good damn look at Abby. You are probably the luckiest motherfucker in the world. I doubt she let a day go by without telling you how lucky she is to have you.
    I bet she started your day with a good morning kiss and a how are you.
    I know how many posts she has made for you. How many messages she sends to me gushing about you.
    She even told me once that you are the only one above everyone else. Dont you fucking dare take her for granted. You cannot say that no one cares, because that is a load of bullshit.

    so I'm sorry if it feels like I used you or whatever but that's not the truth. And hell yeah everyone loves willow! And I swear point me in the direction of these fucking assholes that did this. Because no one lemme make this clear NO ONE messes with my family. Cause they mess with one person they get all of us. Trust me there's a lot more than just me.

    Thanks...Im actually sniffling a little may just be because I cried all night I decided to make this topic and settle things. Get rid of some people, work out issues. Put things to rest. Because this is a mess I need to clean up on my own to feel better.

    And I know this is to long and you will probably ignore it or whatever

    You should know me well enough, I read every word of every reply.

    but I just want you to know I fucking cared enough to write this at 2 am so. That probably means nothing to you but y'all probably will never understand.

    Thanks Bootsie

  • Global Veteran Banned


    but a friend is there for the good and the bad periods

    that cracked me up :joy: was this a little inside joke :smirk:
    The rest was truthfull :+1:

  • what happened willow?

  • @therisingsun said in A Letter From The Afterthought.:

    that cracked me up was this a little inside joke

    Not everything is a period joke :smirk:
    go back to your cave little troll :P