• Aight so which suit should I go with guys? Its been narrowed down to a few. A few things about each suit tho. Civil War and IW have a shirt and a vest that goes over the shirt to give you more maneuverability. So if you raise your hands above your head the suit doesn't go up with it, it stays where it's supposed to. The Winter Soldier suit doesn't have that but it is extra long so you can tuck it into the pants. I'm just having a very hard time choosing. Also I can't grow the beard for the IW suit so.

    1. The Winter Soldier0_1531744484530_w_1_0060823_deluxe-captain-america-the-winter-soldier-steve-rogers-cosplay-costumes-mp001614.jpeg
    2. Captain America Civil War
    3. Avengers Infinity War

  • winter soldier!! first one

  • @odin thanks man!
