Hitler killed 6 million Jews & he was a Christian. Does that mean all Christians are Killers & Terrorists?

  • @dawn And it was definitely the religion. Since the vadican supported Germany in WW2 too

  • @alwaysstranger there! happy?

  • @alwaysstranger what i meant on that is terrorism/the killings :/

  • @dawn ww2 was caused/aided by catholicism and terrirism is caused by Islam. There, happy?

  • Bigotry is so appealing to majority of people with intellectual deficiency , it's almost so plain and noticeable but somehow people seems so deluded and paint everyone with same brush. In a nut shell, just as majority of the reasoning will say NO to Hitler atrocities to defend Christianity, the same "NO people" will actually portray ISLAM by the action of few misleading unrepresentative of the religion. so evident most people are purely disingenuous.

  • @sheapard bigotry is bad. Attacking bad ideas is good. Religions are a set of ideas (Ideology) so attacking religion is ok but attacking people (bigotry) is bad

  • @alwaysstranger "ALL" that's a huge statement, another aspect of bigotry bro

  • @sheapard that's not bigotry. Because it's attacking Religious ideologies not religious people. By definition it is not bigotry

  • @alwaysstranger , but all religion are attributed to people who practice and holds the ideology

  • @sheapard and those people are on average harmed by the ideologies because the ideologies are bad. So it's not their fault, they should only be attacked if they get too violent because of the ideologies but other wise they should be helped to think about their ideologies by letting them hear the attacks on the ideologies by other people

  • @sheapard the goal is to stop the bad ideologies like religion so that they stop hurting people, making them separate but instead by getting rid of the bad ideologies and making people more secular we make people united

  • @alwaysstranger let's be fair and rational on something.. let's say an ideology and it explicitly promotes violence, wars, rape, killing, robbery, drugs and much more one could add, and this is its core and essence for whole of humanity.. .. believe you me it's irrational to take that as a moral standard, and totally supportable to discourage such and i don't think any of such exit, but yeah we could find people with self centered agenda and the best way is to use little element of an ideology to go out full scale and all fingers is pointed to the ideology.. so lets kinda like set some things straight, we are rational thinkers at this very best modern age, and I kinda like hold not to take religion as the culprit.

  • @alwaysstranger yeah, i agree and in support to stop bad ideology, such as the Narcissism , fascism, racism and other anti-humanity "ism" movement .. they are terrible to the end , be it even in the disguise of a particular religious name, but taking "ALL" religion with the same umbrella of being "BAD IDEOLOGIES" is really not a fair deductive approach.

  • @sheapard "we are rational thinkers at this very best modern age, and I kinda like hold not to take religion as the culprit."

    Let's see if that's true


    93% of all astrophysicists don't believe in god and the rest are either agnostic abd there might be 1-3% that are actually religious
    80% of biology professors do not believe in god and the rest are either agnostic and there might be 3-6% that are actually religious


    Let's take a very modern country like American for example

    Because Christian Christianism teaches that the earth is less than 10000 years old (it's actually 4,5 billion years old according to science) and the adam and eve story (of course that's not true since all life evolved from other animals and we evolved from earlier apes and we technically are classified as neo(new) apesl

    60% of Americans don't believe in religion because of evolution

    45% believe that we lived with dinosaurs because if we didn't then the earth wouldn't be 6000 years old since as taught in Christianity

    And a lot of Christians don't believe in the big bang because if it is true then the world wouldn't have been created in 6 days.


  • @alwaysstranger .. i get that point, some context of the bible with regards to scientific evidence are really really unparalleled. I agree to that. some biblical claims are bogus and lacks true validity, I really don't want to dive into the proving of the biblical text, but I will relax it to say, human corruption affected the total validity of their scriptures. I love science , it's objective it's deductive but not all it's claims are true or credible to deductive reasoning, an example with "Human Evolution" ..

  • @sheapard you know that all of those things (except i don't think that the earth is less 10000 years old is also in the quran) are also in the quran right?

    By the way. Do you also not believe in human evolution, i doubt that you like science if you do that. Because in his book, (The Greatest Show On Earth by Richard Dawkins) biology professor at the university of Oxford says that not believing in evolution is as irrational as not believing in the holocaust since they have a very big amount of scientific evidence but evolution has a lot more

  • @alwaysstranger hahahha.. Richard Dawkins.. the exceptional great mind of these times.. a great guy, but common, evolution and holocaust is not in anyway same level of deductive approach when it comes to logically accessing the situation

  • @alwaysstranger Regarding the Quran claims, it's mind blowing , i could fill this page with Youtube links showing some scientific fact that was available in the Quran 1400 years ago and science is just founding it out now with not to far years ago... I don't want to come in to science to Quran interrelations, but for the discussion, Quran is so much of the zenith when it comes to science around us

  • @sheapard do you not believe in evolution?
