• @willow yes, but full

  • Music Lovers

    @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    @willow yes, but full

    Not as a moderator,
    But as a user,
    I just want you to know how ridiculous and stupid I think you are

  • @Willow I think there are lot of members of your army is missing here. Have you not informed them? I already told this to anyone that what will happen. I am just laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @yoursbucky


    I know you need drama, to give some spice to your boring life, but leave me and my friends the fuck away from your shitty drama

  • @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    @Willow I think there are lot of members of your army is missing here

    Sounds to me like youre a touched butthurt at how many people β€˜like’ me. So sorry that you couldnt be nice enough to join my family. Then maybe we would support you too.

    . Have you not informed them? I already told this to anyone that what will happen. I am just laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    May I delete your topic and we can be mature adults about this and talk abt it in private messaging?

  • @yoursbucky also. I’m not done. You mention @Willow as the β€œego queen” last I checked Bucky. You the one posting shit about people not even worried about the consequences about what you do. Your also the one thinking your always in the right. Always correct. Last I checked if @Willow was the ego queen then your an ego god. You simply cannot accept that you are in the wrong. Did willow publicly attack you? No. Did willow say things about you until you posted a whole topic to her being β€œmentally unstable”? No. If I can remember correctly, your always complaining about how you get bullied and attacked here. I even remember you writing ANOTHER whole post about it. Hmmm... sounds so hypercritical. I wonder if everyone who is hypercritical is completely mentally stable? If not that just makes you even more of a hypercrit. Bruh what is the point of this even? It has no purpose? Throw a tantrum because you don’t have enough control to leave the site by yourself? Throw a tantrum because a MOD is doing what SHE is suppose to do? Throw a tantrum because all you do in willows pms is bug the hell out of her? Seems like a good life to live. How old are you even? What kind of life is it living just annoying people because you want something done NOW. Like a little kid. Like someone who doesn’t know the meaning of maturity. It’s amazing what these people here are like. I know you didn’t say anything to me directly. But you said something to willow who is like my sister. I know she’s been going through shit lately and I’ve asked her and she never mentioned it after her profile bio changed so I left it be. But Bucky. You never know what someone is going through. NEVER. Her fucking mom could have died and she thinks it was her fault and now your saying she has MENTAL ISSUES? DO YOU NOT SEE THE ISSUE HERE? or are you always correct?

  • I don't think that I have called anyone of you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Maybe @Willow has called you to defend her side.

    @Willow R u feeling bad?? Isn't this frustrating ? that you are using all your means and source to defeat one newcomer who is alone.

    I am sorry but I am not like everyone else that I follow you and take your favour because you are a moderator and old user. I will point out again and again whatever I will find wrong.

  • @yoursbucky Honestly, I don't know what has happened here and I won't take part for anyone, but accusing someone of mental instability is very serious. I know you are aware of how defamations can affect a person (https://chatrooms.talkwithstranger.com/topic/19277/yoursbucky-is-pedophile)
    If you have a problem with a user, in this case moderator, you can contact the administrators privately, there's no need to create this drama

  • @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    I don't think that I have called anyone of you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    You did by making this publicy.

  • @shutup I have contacted privately , you can ask @RAGNAR

  • @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    I don't think so that I have called anyone of you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Maybe @Willow has called you to defend her side.

    They can do as they want Bucky. I ddnt ask @Mr-H to come here and defend me, he came on his own.

    @Willow R u feeling bad?? Isn't this frustrating ? that you are using all your means and source to defeat one newcomer who is alone.

    Im actually very relaxed, thank you for asking. I have a gatorade in one hand and some slime in the other. Im not trying to β€˜defeat’ you I am just trying to show everyone who reads this topic that you are full of shit.

    I am sorry but I am not like everyone else that I follow you and take your favour because you are a moderator and old user.

    Again, I am not favoured because of that I like to believe.
    Im a good person and I dont harass and spam people just to get what I want. Thats why im supported, not because im some old user. Or because im a girl.

    will point out again and again whatever I will find wrong.

    Then start pointing out REAL problems
    Dont make up some bullshit drama just to get attention

  • @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    I don't think that I have called anyone of you . Maybe @Willow has called you to defend her side.

    And here you are again being, what was the word I used in the dms? Not smart? I think I should had used the more honest word, stupid.

    if you POST something, you make it public, for EVERYONE too see it.

  • @yoursbucky Then why are you making a post? Isn't Ragnar able to reply you on PM?

  • Everyone salute the Rising sun, the powerful. That's correct.

    But I don't care.

    Good Night, Its late . I also have classes tomorrow.

    I hope , I will not find my Id tomorrow. And everyone please take rest, drink water and then abuse me.

  • @yoursbucky said in Willow has lost her mental stability:

    Everyone salute the Rising sun, the powerful. That's correct.

    But I don't care.

    Good Night, Its late . I also have classes tomorrow.

    Love you Bucky, sleep well
    Try not to choke on your own spit and die in your sleep πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜—

  • @willow I wish your prayer will come true. I am also tired, Bye dear.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @abby-22 @YoursBucky you may wanna stop now before you get roasted anymore or totally destroyed. Just saying. You don't just pick or be mean and bully one person on here. There are families here like super close friends. You pick on one you get the whole family on your back. So Ima give you one warning. Stop or we will make your life a living hell. Btw @Abby-22 great posts baby! 😚❀

  • @yoursbucky alright let’s step back and look at this whole things step by step alright.

    1. You post a topic because your butt hurt about being unbanned early.(on the website you apparently want to leave btw)
    2. The person your attacking (Willow) comes and defends herself right. As any SANE person would do.
    3. Her friends notice she has been commenting on this post about her being β€œmentally unstable” so they come to check it out out of curiosity. Because willow is playfully so we assume it’s her being funny about a puppy or nugs or sum.
    4. We notice she is being attacked directly in public. And we do what all normal friends would do. Defend.
    5. Not only do you get upset about how everyone is defending this β€œmentally unstable, ego queen” girl, you get upset and through out guilt trips to make us feel in the wrong such as β€œone person” and β€œabusing”

    ιΡτ mΞ΅ jΟ…sΟ„ Ξ±sΞΊ Ξ³ΞΏΟ… Ο„hΞΉs
    How is us defending our friend abusing the person who is directing the hate at that said friend? And who the heck do you think you are to try and make ME feel guilty for defending someone who is obviously being publicly attacked infront of all of her peers. Seems logical right?
    A guy hates on a girl
    She gets protected
    All of a sudden everyone who is defending her is the bad guys.
    That’s why lawyers get paid so much right. They get paid to defend. But nvm they get paid that way because they are the bad guys. They β€œabuse” the people who they are not defending.
    Oh wait let’s look at it from a different perspective. Someone, say you, gets called a name. Let’s say pedophile. What happens then.
    OH WAIT.
    Well I’m sorry this is all because your previous banning time was so rudely took from you. But last I checked. If you wanted to be banned that means you do not have enough self control (obviously) to stay off of a site that you apparently get so abused on?
    Not only are you being ”treated horribly because they unbanned you early” but your also making it worse. Making you a public target as you post about someone else being β€œmentally unstable.”
    Seems logical like before.
    Someone who hates being bullied makes them self a target.
    Cause everyone who hates being bullied makes sure everyone has a way to say something about them to their face right? That’s just what happens. So anyways I’ll let you get your well needed rest. Sleep well knowing you get to come back and read this comment because you was so graciously unbanned by my sister @Willow

  • @yoursbucky banning people on their will isnt allowed. So she's right. If you want to leave you may leave. But dont ask moderators to ban you.

  • @willow holy shit... I go travelling for a few hours and miss some incredible dramatic shit. Anyways, I feel you handled yourself well in dealing with bucket. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. Take of yourself Willow, or I might have to come there and do it for you.
