• @mindoverbeauty may be it is because the girls want guys attraction, what do you think?

  • Dominance hierarchy

  • @nestlΔ“ males don't seem to do the same thing

  • @mindoverbeauty females hurt eachother's reputations, males resolve their dominance disputes usually physically or with the genuine threat of serious physical harm, It's the same in several other species.

  • Slut-shaming is not just a matter of women. Men do it constantly. I don't think it's because of jealousy but because of our mentality. I'm tired of women being classified as whores or prudes, of being judged according to how they dress or how they manage their sex life. What is certain is that we women should stop calling ourselves sluts if we want men to also stop doing so.

  • @mindoverbeauty Yep its so true.
    Women just put each other down. Like I honestly believe, our society is too patriarchal. Women get judged all the time. Like men do too, but not for how showy stuff they wear. Or the person whom they hooked up with. But on the other hand, A girl hooks up with just one wrong person or lets say, Does a mistake, and boom! Guess what? She is gonna be associated with that mistake for the rest for her life. I guess, Girls just get associated with just one personality, no matter how much they have changed themselves and learnt from their mistakes. On the other hand, Guys mostly can show a particular personality of theirs ( as they want it to be).
    And then talking about slut shaming. I fucking dont get it. Rules are just so much different for men and women. And believe it or not, most men are just assholes. And the saddest part is that women brush aside the nice guys, but they rather get attracted to those assholic guys, even when they know that the end of this is gonna be bad.

    Oh well and yea, ofc #heforshe.

  • @mindoverbeauty

    Women and Respect

    I think you pretty much answered the questions...with your title.
    If a girl dresses showing too much skin...she is a slut
    If a girl covers up...she is a prude
    If we dont wear makeup....we are trashy and have no self confidence
    If we do wear makeup...we are fake and/or insecure
    Seeing the trend here?
    Every girl has a different style. A different way they like to express themselves.
    Thats what fashion has been able to grow from for so long. Because with every personality, every girl, there is a different style. And no matter what, you will show your true self and your own flare in one way or another.

    A lot of people don’t respect that everyone is unique. They dont respect the personalities and individuality of others.

    Its just the society we are living in. People are going to get jealous and put you down for it. They are going to be weirded out by the strange style. And they are going to jump to stereotypes and hasty generalizations. Sad but true.

  • feeling bore

  • @willow A Politician Lady has an excellent explanation and now she is influence us 😏
    Ah willow, you should be the next generation of Barrack Obama i guess.

  • It really is a shame to see women treat other women how men treat us. It's not our makeup, clothing, jewelery and attitude they don't respect it's us!!! A woman could be wearing the exact same outfit as another woman is wearing and still say the other woman looks like a tramp,whore or slut just because the other woman may have more curves or be prettier than her.

  • @willow this was the best answer ever.

  • @rendezvous I think maybe because women have a bad habit I call the nurse habit. They pick men that they think they can change or as most put it fix them.

  • @mindoverbeauty said in Women and respect:

    @rendezvous I think maybe because women have a bad habit I call the nurse habit. They pick men that they think they can change or as most put it fix them.

    Ahh not sure about that. I guess, Its more like girls simply feel attracted to badass guys and assholes, because they think that the guy might drive them to do something different. Things they would never do alone or with a good person. And same applies with the boys too.
    And talking about the nurse feeling, we all now how unsuccessful it is gonna be. No asshole is gonna change himself by influence of someone. Rather, what results is the fact that either the girl becomes herself an asshole, Or she is devastated after this whole charade ends. Though she might end up learning from her devastation, but even then little mistake might scar her.

  • Movie Buff

    way i see women in these days is competition.
    the way their dress showing their stomach, yoga pants, cut short jeans
    make herself an hot looking girl against the girls wear properly well dressed(less slut)
    we lived in society based on materialism we needed. to make us feel better. for example,
    i think the girl who got new iphone and the other girl has old iphone. i think the
    girl who has old one feels little bummed down. she wanted new iphone b/c she wants to impressed her friend. im pretty sure that happened everyday.

    fuck, i cant think other ones that i have a problem with women. oh yeah,
    toxic relationships, gold-diggers.

    you can disagree with me. i hope you understand what I've said. i took time
    to reply this. that's how i see women in today.

  • @im-bored said in Women and respect:

    way i see women in these days is competition.
    the way their dress showing their stomach, yoga pants, cut short jeans
    make herself an hot looking girl against the girls wear properly well dressed(less slut)
    we lived in society based on materialism we needed. to make us feel better. for example,
    i think the girl who got new iphone and the other girl has old iphone. i think the
    girl who has old one feels little bummed down. she wanted new iphone b/c she wants to impressed her friend. im pretty sure that happened everyday.

    fuck, i cant think other ones that i have a problem with women. oh yeah,
    toxic relationships, gold-diggers.

    you can disagree with me. i hope you understand what I've said. i took time
    to reply this. that's how i see women in today.

    Girls who are properly dressed are less slut? Wow.

  • @rendezvous I usually go for the quiet guy/girl

  • @mindoverbeauty Oh well, I was talking about the general thing you know.

  • @rendezvous yeah it can also be because women see bad boys as being more dominant while good guys are seen as sensitive. A sensitive man is stronger. A bad boy can't even see past his own fake personality

  • @mindoverbeauty said in Women and respect:

    @rendezvous yeah it can also be because women see bad boys as being more dominant while good guys are seen as sensitive. A sensitive man is stronger. A bad boy can't even see past his own fake personality

    Yep true. Agreed✌️
