• Lol so ima try to write a story.
    Y'all know when y'all meet someone and Its just like damn, they are gonna mean a lot to me. Like whether it be a boy friend or girlfriend or best friend or just whatever. Well this is how much I love Abby, I mean y'all coulda guessed it but if y'all gonna hate on this topic then just leave ok, nobody asked for your shit and nobody wanted it so just let others be happy and y'all can keep your negative shit to yourself.

    So if any of you were to ask me what I see in @Abby-83 I'd probably say something like this...
    She's the kind of girl you cant get out of your head. The one who will make you wait on just about everything but when you do get something you've been dying for its even better than you could have ever imagined. See now I'm not just talking about some sex thing or nude stuff or some shit y'all like think I am. I'm talking about just about everything in general. And then theres her personality, thats something that still drives me insane. I cant figure her out. And I probably never will. She's strong, independent, loving, brave, courageous, smart, funny, caring, kind, and the list goes on. But you'll know if you mean something to her or not, if you are making a difference or not. She'll let you know that. Now I know she calls herself ugly all the time and how terrible her eyes or hair is but lemme be straight with you. She is the most beautiful damn girl on the planet. Her long brown hair is more vibrant than the sun, her eyes are a totally mystery yet clear as day at the same time. And Every thing else well I'd be here all week just trying to tell her how amazing she is. And if you were to ask me how much I love her well I'd say something like this...
    Her and I whenever we say goodbye its always she starts and say i love you and then I say I love you more and she say I love you most but I dont think she truly understands what that I love you more means. It means I love her more than I love myself. I love her more than the sun that gives us light and keeps us warm. I love her more than the moon and the stars that light up the night. I love her more than anything her and I might face together. I love her more than water, I love her more than good which is saying a lot. I love her more than the very air I breathe that keeps me alive. So that's what it means when I say I love her more and as usual I could keep going but there's more I'd like to say. If you were to ask how much I need her well that falls im the same cataogry as loving her. I need her more than all that stuff. So I guess what im trying to say here is I love her a lot. And theres also a point I'm trying to make here, all y'all people who are fighting on here or being complete dickheads on pub chat come on guys. We should be better than that. And I know I have no room to talk because I've been a complete dickhead myself lately but I had a seizure and in and out of the E.R. lately and shit but this isnt about me. Some of y'all are posting some shit on pub chat that quite frankly don't nobody wanna see that shit. I mean we could have fucking children in the pub chat and talk posting that, really? And I know y'all say shit about Abby and I when we are on the pub chat but has it happened again? No it hasnt. And yes sometimes i am an attention seeking but when i would post stuff about suicide that wasnt a joke. I tried it three times already. So come on people. We should be better than this. Now go and spread the love y'all! And I'll shut up now.

  • @boots22 way to go bro 😎proud of you buddy 😎keep it up

  • @green-eyes thanks man!

  • That’s cute <3

  • Awwwe thats so sweet man!! @Abby-83 and @BOOTS22 y'all lucky guys

  • @ragnar haha thanks man!

  • -deleted-

  • @ragnar I went so off topic tho. Like 20 times. Idek how to follow along with it. Lol

  • @boots22 ey you gettin there man, we all have our own ways to express our feelings lol.

  • @ragnar true. I wish I could write as good as you tho bro. I have like no talents at all man.

  • I mean, this isn't just cool and morally right or anything. This. is. what. I've. Been. Looking. For. I mean, this is amazing. No one just stands up like this anymore. You don't just see this...like really. So thank you.

  • @noonenightsky Yeah for sure! I've been working on it for a while actually do.

  • @evan-elderson I was grey Tbh but Abby gave me color again man. Not trying to be romantic I'm being honest.

  • @ragnar I always thought @Willoww and @RAGNAR were also lucky :p

  • -deleted-

  • @evan-elderson well cherish the fact that you are man and make the most of it

  • @girlnextdoor i thought "were" issa past tense. Smh

  • Very nice writing . :relaxed: :relaxed:
    I'm sure Abby appreciates this.
    Good job. :+1:

    alt text

  • @stranger_danger thanks! Lol sorry for making like 5 million topics in one. I'm to Damn confusing.

  • @boots22 said in I tried. (Fuck this longer title shit):

    I'm to Damn confusing.

    Let the downvotes roll in.
