• My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. Some months ago, we met in a social dating event where we got along so much and date a lot. We communicate through calls in skype, even visit each other when we have enough time. But just recently, our daily video calls is not happening already. He said he’s too busy with his work. But the thought that he might be seeing another woman is creeping in my mind. How do I make sure he’s not cheating on me?

  • @doubtgf25 just tell him it's over!.....
    Then wait for his reaction... His face will reveal everything... When a guy loves someone he can't even dream of losing her...
    (If he is about to cry never question his loyalty again, believe me it hurts)

  • @doubtgf25 Just break up with him

  • @Shiv_12 Yeh your right

  • @doubtgf25

    Love is unconditional, and u need to love yourself unconditionally to love some one, around you.
    Understanding space and time not being possessive and jalous. If you would know this how to live unconditionally, you wouldn't have written this post here so let it be ..
    May be he is genuinely busy working hard , thinking to move forward and stay with you.surprise for you !!
    Assuming creeping out for yourself no make sense. If your intuition says he is cheating on you hire a private spy or detective in his town. before that go visit without he knowing. Surprise him.
