SPOILER ALERT!!!! Step back if you ddnt watch infinity war.

  • They're not going to kill them off anyway. Gamora idk about but Spider-Man, black panther, doctor strange, starlord, groot, dead. They've all got upcoming movies.

  • This is my speculation:

    I think all those heroes didn't die. They were taken away by Thanos to be his soldiers then in the Avengers 4 it would be the war between the initial Avangers vs Thanos+all these superheroes. I'm pretty sure the one Nick Fury called in the credits is Captain Marvel which will be with the Avengers side on the 4th movie.

    Ugh should we really wait for another year i hate this feeling😭😭

  • It's a twist from all series avengers war success.
    So it get trending on climax.
    Thanos has all six stones now(including time stone).
    So no future of died avengers :(

    But most of them guess going past and resist thanos from getting stones.

    This whole movie did that only and failed.

    So no Time travel
    Even #Doctor strange says "No way out"
    So next part should be interesting and mighty than this.

    Only with primary avengers (Captain America, Ironman, Hulk, Thor, Black widow)

    Wait and watch...

  • @boots22 Thanos have all 6 stone including time

  • @ragnar said in SPOILER ALERT!!!! Step back if you ddnt watch infinity war.:

    So i expected something more awesome, the movie it is awesome but man hell z wrong with stan lee? The ending is worst, like im heart broken right now, the purple fat bitch killed many heroes like wtf. How could we get black panther 2 now and new spiderman movie? Nick fury was supposed to show up in captain marvel, but he is not there amymore, wtf is happening??? 😭😭😭, i saw this movie 2 days back but still i get nightmares of how loki died. Oh that hurted so much 😭😓
    Tom holland was a teenager like wtf 😭😭

    This me after watchin the movie 😓
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    Btw i heard there is something between this shit, as in the movie we can see thanos without his gauntlet met again ganora as a kid, it is said that was soul world in soul stone. And if you watched it clearly only first avengers left. Tony stark, hulk banner, steve (captain america), black widow and all first avengers. I believe something is happening, as thanos fulfilled his wish to wipe out half of universe now lets wait for avengers 4, its believed all those heroes who died will be avenged!!!

    About heroes who died i believe they might come back, because example coolest super heroe of all time T'chala, made a movie which made billions of money, its said to be 3rd rated movie which was sold his tickets more than Titanic. They wont let that happen, there must be black panther 2 or else shuri will take T'challas place to serve wakanda, as how it shows on comic books

    so tell me in your view how do you see the ending of Infinity war?? And what new characters are you expecting?? Is it true that characters who died wont be there any more? Im curious

    This war failed because it's infinite war.
    Climax make conjunction to next part.
    Spider Man settled on his character for upcoming spidey
    Luki never come again.
    Can't reverse travel of time because Thanos has that stone and all.
    What next... :thinking_face:

  • @stevesag if you remember there was a time dr strange went on future and saw out of all wars they won 1, so he gave up the stone knowing they will win one amongst all wars. Its believed they are on soul stone world. I dunno how but they will be back. Dr.strange cant give up like that

  • @ragnar Yep, maybe this is the way to win that Dr. Stranger saw in his visions.

  • Movie Buff

    am I only one in here I ALMOST CRIED AT SPIDERMANS SCENE

  • @im-bored alt text

  • Music Lovers

    infinty war

  • Music Lovers

    me when spiderman died:

  • I ddnt expect t'challa to die thou

  • This post is deleted!

  • @ragnar Fury will be in Captain Marvel because her movie will take place in the early 90s so he'll definitely be there as for the rest I'm guessing that the reason fury fought to get that message out before he disinigraded was because they need Captain Marvel who probably is living I. Another Galaxy or something she is the only one e besides Thor strong enough to defeat thanks and if they are taking avengers 4 in the direction I think they are she is the only heroe strong enough to perhaps use the gauntlet to reverse what thanks has done.

  • What if that those who didnt turn into dust represent a infinity stone and a gauntlet 🤔

  • @rhys-beeden hmmm 🤔 you got a point thou

  • i saved the world,in the end i hit thanos with my hammer,he almost died,but that fucker used infinty stones power and disappeared,i miss my partners(avengers who disappeared) btw i dont know why the fuck vision had a stone, he did nothing in movie, well i dont wanna say anything abt star lord,stark told me that they almost fucked thanos but star lord used his stupid mind and their plan failed and just bcz of this dr, stranger gave his time stone to thanos and bcz of this thanos get vision's stone....
    well our next part will release in may 2019
    I WILL MISS MY BROTHER LOKI:disappointed_face: :disappointed_face:
    and i dont know why the fuck hulk shown in poster with avengers,he was not in movie,btw after watching infinity war i think captain is overrated....
    ironman,dr strange and spiderman were awesome in movie they atleast did something to save the world(we say world but save only america).....
    LOVE U MY FANS :winking_face: :winking_face: