@SassSSKE-Tuesday said in finding 20+ woman who can send me NuDeS:

well. who else played GTA vice city?

I installed and uninstalled this game 6 times. Now it is not stored anymore in my HDD.

if u played did u know that remote control mission?

Yes this was the only mission which I couldn't pass.

^ this one!
well, I can't complete this at once . n not with only 2 hands . so me n my brother did some teamwork with cheat code booooooring 6 time I guess..

I tried with this cheat code, though I didn't count many times I press it (probably only 1 time before entering the van)

n after few attempts we successfully completed that mission.
did u knew that mission if u played it?
how did u complete that mission?

I passed all the missions except this one. Even though i successfully found out all hidden packages of the game.

btw which one is ur favorite cheat code? πŸ˜‚