Always in my top ten, but for the past day or two it is definitely this...
Posts made by Matt_Aranha
RE: What's your "Favourite Song" right now TWSians?
RE: Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, which one is your biggest strength? :)
@cjko I can be assertive, and I do have initiative sure, but I'm not sure how much I have and definitely wouldn't call it one of my strengths. I tend to think about things too much before I act, though not always.
RE: Is there such a thing? Tell me?
@PetrAPark3r You've hit the nail on the head, good lady, better than I could. I've never before heard that one should smell one's partner (in that context!); I completely get it though as I have long said that true intimacy and connection comes from "breathing" one another - one inhales as the other exhales, life flowing between you.
When I say this to a partner and she looks at me like I'm mad, I know there is an incompatibility on a troubling level.
RE: Acknowledge or ignore
@gclover12-gclover12 It took me far too long to learn this lesson.
Don't be unnecessarily impulsive, but trust your gut every time. The mind plays tricks on you whereas instincts are quite literally an evolutionary mechanism developed over tens of thousands of years to keep you safe - they won't betray you. The hardest part is training yourself to listen to your gut without doubting it.
RE: Out of the positive emotions of compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, which one is your biggest strength? :)
Out of those I have more compassion than the others, but I consider my positivity a greater strength.
RE: What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?
That there is a really good chance it's going to be here without us by the time the next century rolls around. It's quite upsetting to think of the children we are creating to suffer.
RE: What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?
@Indrid-Cold Yeah... difficult to find the good bits. They're there, but.... ugh.
RE: Is there such a thing? Tell me?
@Alivia-Lemen Thank you, that's very kind... I'm in a little bit of a rush right now but have a feeling we should talk more about this.
RE: Is there such a thing? Tell me?
@Sooomeeeh Love, definitely. True love? Well that's trickier. I think it depends on your definition of true love.
The purest love is that which has no agenda and is given freely. It is given from a place of compassion, through eyes which see the best in the receiver of the beholder's affection. No part of it comes from fear, and if unrequited prompts no jealously or ill-will.
We are biochemically predisposed to making all manner of intimate connections and there is no reason those connections can't come from those we meet and only have contact with online. We don't need physical presence for the relevant pathways to form. I can hold my hand up and say there are people I've (only ever) met online whom I have loved and cared for very deeply.
We are in a very new age, in real terms. Meeting new people isn't confined to the methods it was even twenty years ago. When two people are right for each other, they can (and usually will) work to find a way to make things work whatever their circumstances.
I don't believe that we have "one soul mate" but do believe in a small handful of people who are perfect for us and us them. If we are lucky enough to find each other (these people some call soul mates, these relationships some call true love), the circumstances of meeting don't matter. You have the potential to recognise each other online, if you are sincere, true, and know enough about each other. I think that being able to voice message and Facetime makes that even easier.
So I've convinced myself that the answer is yes you can, but then I'm a hopelessly optimistic (if also realistic) romantic. All I would advise is, if you should find yourself in that situation, be sure of yourself and take care. Sometimes we can accidentally trick ourselves into seeing and feeling things which are not truly there, especially when they are missing from our lives or we are seeking them out. When the offline world catches up with us it can give quite a shock; self-awareness is crucial.
RE: True love or all the wealth in the world?
@riyajohn Not at all, the answer is clear and doesn't need more than a bare moment's thought. Just sucks a little putting your own needs second.
@cuddlebirds Who is not answering their child for this, regardless of which of the other three they'd be paired with? 😲
I mean unless there's already a quality of life issue or something?
RE: True love or all the wealth in the world?
@riyajohn Oh so cruel a question!!
The selfish part of me screams to choose true love.... but I wouldn't. I'd take the wealth at my own expense, because I know how much good I'd be able to do with it.
RE: Would you rather
@Sooomeeeh I wouldn't like either, though I'd reluctantly choose bright. I could still close my eyes and bury my head in the crooks of my arms to get some escape, but it's the thought of not being able to see what I'm doing whilst I'm making food/eating for a full week which seals it for me.
RE: Don't know what to say ahhahaa
@Sooomeeeh I'm heading to sleep now but if you still feel you need an ear tomorrow I will make time for you.
RE: What would you choooooose? (:
@robthehood I mean I'd just wish for the extreme persuasiveness skill, the second part is just what I'd use it for (first 😜). I can construct a good solid argument as it is but some folk just don't care so shut their ears off and for those folks you need Jedi mind trick levels of persuasion 😂
RE: What would you choooooose? (:
@robthehood Easy, I'd choose to be so persuasive that I could quickly attract the attention of all the right people in the world and get them to put the brakes on destroying the planet/letting people treat each other like shit.
RE: fml, just fuck it, im done.
@onyx_the_kitten There are few words which will actually help right now, it's a devastating thing you've just been through. Stay true to yourself and recognise that he was never worth you; don't let the experience turn you into someone you are not, and you will eventually come out stronger for it.