@sonali_ind9798 been more vocal and extroverted... that's way I would have more friends than now
Best posts made by Cln
RE: An honest answer
RE: Harry from canada looking for your...
@thara29 not really but up for chat if you like
Latest posts made by Cln
RE: 60% chance our convo will be lengendary
@Michelle-29 I think that would be me Michelle... your man 😉
RE: 60% chance our convo will be lengendary
@Michelle-29 up for legendary convo with you😉
RE: Looking for M 32 ( Australian)
@someone-you-knew would love to chat with you
RE: Andrew from Australia
@sanjana69 hi fellow aussie here
RE: Anyone to kill boredom?
@LeenaF36 pretty bored here as well... hmu and we can have some interesting convos
RE: Looking for 'M35 fit and hung'
@Lonelygirl-0 heya... hmu n let's talk?