• @sky1234 Friendship has been said to be the foundation for any other type of relationship that may one day be built upon it.

  • it can be complicated!

  • @sky1234 I've had plenty of platonic friendships with girls/women so it's perfectly plausible and reasonable and normal to me. Then there have been the ones where the mutual attraction has been an itch that needed scratched before we could move past it to friendship. And the ones where it lingers unspoken, never acted upon. I think im trying to say it all depends lol

  • @sky1234

    My bff is a girl and I've known her for over 10 years and I've never had a romantic interest in her and we've been drunk, high and more around each other, it's really just a thirsty mindset :joy:

  • @Lurker @AllAboutGay people judge everyone by their own mindset..

  • @sky1234

    Nah, you are right, but that quote is just a general rule of thumb. People phisiologically tend to look for a mate... and if you think about it, it's rare to have a bff that's a girl if you are in a relationship as the person u are seeing generally doesn't like it :shrug:

  • hmmm... I like!

  • @AllAboutGay yeah that's also a thing. Can go both ways, I've had gay friends with no interest in me and ones who did, like i said before, it's subjective so it all depends man!

  • It also depends if you are both in a relationship, many partners get jealous of opposite sex friendships.

  • I'm not saying its not possible to be just friends with someone... I have not had the pleasure of having just a guy friend or just a girl friend.. They have all gotten that itch and made a hard pass. I have let them down nicely and that im I'm not interested... I know pretty quick when I'm attracted to someone and if I am attracted I'm pretty direct about it cause it's pretty rare I'm interested in someone sexually... and I let my friends scratch their own itch or suggest a look-alike for the night 😂