• yeah u read right. not fpp or tpp.. I wrote spp(second person perspective).

    u may played video games I tpp (third person perspective) which is on left side n fpp (first person perspective) on right side.
    but have u ever wonder why there is no option of spp*(second person perspective)* ? neither me (if u don't wonder about it).
    suppose u r playing pubg u can play in tpp or fpp . but u can't see option for spp still there is a second person perspective in all multi player game . but ur enemy has that perspective. yeah right ur enemy has that. but only if ur enemy is looks at ur avatar

    and the person snipping will be your enemy
    source :

    so yeah pretty much like that
    and I made the post after watching this video


  • ash u should make second person for pubg

  • @Prince-Haris what nibba !?