• Gamers

    Now here's a topic you would not expect me to talk about , G a m i n g
    In this thread i will talk about worst shit to happen to gaming industry in general
    In 2015 we saw the rise of microtransactions in the rise of tomb raider and other triple A games , we saw the death of quality control on steam , we saw konami commit suicide with a string of ass-backwards decisions that led to Hideo Kojima's departure from the company and i haven't started talking about the games the WORST GAMES , and im not saying with 2015 came only bad games because thats not true but in 2015 the worst games were developed , such as Afro Samurai 2 : the revenge of kuma volume one which will have you begging that Afro killed Kuma so this disaster of a game never happened , but respect to the company that publicly announced that this game was a failure , and of course The Raven's Cry , calling this a game is an insult to video games , I don't want to talk too long naming all of the shitty games that were released , just take a glance at Digital Homicide which i consider the worst Company to ever make games , So this is the end . Share your opinions :3

  • it's time for you to not waste your time in gaming. :)