• @anonymissvictor ............... named myself a banana and i proudlly declare my spirit animal as a cow you see just put a corn on them poof fat and weird but unique unicorns

  • @yup-im-female Yup, your definitely unique! I never thought of cows that way, tho. Always used cats instead. They dont move to much so it's easy to strap on the wand.

  • @anonymissvictor caaattttttttttts are demmonjs ahhhhhhhhhhhhahdhfgagykudiotgehgigkh

  • @yup-im-female true. Cats are demons in adorable fuzzy disguises. The scar on my shoulder blade is proof. 😑😒

  • @anonymissvictor ya sure you're 12? 🤔

  • @zazzles Ya. Lol, I think I'd know my own age. Why?

  • Gamers

    @zazzles lol, i know what you mean :D

  • @anonymissvictor my sneez
    es are the proof

  • @yup-im-female I feel bad for people whon are allergic to cats. I'm sorry. pats back

  • wait im talking to yash1234

  • @I-Queen where are u now @queen?